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Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Nov 15, 2011.

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  1. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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  2. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    I just wanted to say LA > CA. Better college football (and recently NFL), college baseball, and better hurricanes than everyone.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah well we have sun, land above sea level, real food and hot bitches so scoreboard. :D
    then again taxes, idiot liberals, implants, fake people, earthquakes, traffic, i'd still live here.
  4. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    You forgot the one thing that beats all, devil: the Dodgers :D
  5. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    You win...Dodgers

    But, for the record, Hugh Hefner has been quoted as saying the prettiest women are from.....Louisiana.
  6. chris

    chris Guest

    Then they move to California lol
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    ive decided to professionally give up
    im in that process right now
    ive been living in my cabin for over a decade now
    snug and secure with a great lease
    then out of the blue i get a notice that i gotta go in 30 days
    place is sold
    i worked it out to stay for a few more months and possible for a few years if the new agreement works out
    but it made me really think about why i live where i live
    i love living in the woods
    im still real close to suburbs and stuff
    but im very much inside the forest
    thing is... its not mine
    and as an adult grown man ive never had that feeling of someone taking my home away from me with just some little standard letter

    since ive regained a lot of my health ive been wondering what to do with myself now
    i can actually do manual labor again without feeling like im going to pass out after 20 minutes
    and i love being in the woods more than anything else
    my uncle and i like to grow simple foods in the garden areas around the house
    we have a lot of trees all over the lands behind me so we always have avocados, lemons, pomegranates, different kinds of oranges and some sapote looking sweet white fruits, the nopales and the sweet tuna pears that grow on them, etc..
    those just grow wild all over the mountains
    and there is a nice grove of like 40 or so avocado trees of all kinds
    but my favorite are these little black ones that have thick skins that you just squeeze off with your fingers and drop the most butter like creamy avocado you have ever tasted right down into your awaiting gullet
    i like to go outside and just walk around and eat
    and with the internet im out there identifying all sorts of edible wild lettuces and other weird veggies
    i bring em in and eat em and they taste great
    some giant jicama looking turnip grows here too
    i havent figured out what it is yet but it smells tangy and i like tangy

    the rich people that live down the bottom of the hills in their giant mansions like to come up here in the horses that they rent or park at the stables way on other side
    and they sometimes gallop buy as im out there and they ask me who lives here
    assuming that im like a hired laborer or something

    but in a way i am

    this is not my land
    i can now work the land
    but this land can be taken away from me at any moment
    so i need land

    im gonna tell you guys something ive not really talked about with anyone
    but ive decided to go full on 'hermit' as some people like to say
    gonna get some rural land thats cheap and near a source of good well water
    with no zoning laws and as little government as possible
    ive helped work on structures made out of earth, bamboo, and all sorts of materials
    i would not mind living in house thats half way buried in the earth with a roof made of dirt
    why the hell not?
    my friend and previous long time business partner is going to repay some good deeds with some seed money
    im going to grow my own fruits and vegetables, raise my own chickens, ducks, and sheep, fill a lake with freshwater shrimp and some healthy fish in a system that combines hydroponics with aeroponics in self contained system where each animals feed is created by one of the other animals and each animals remains serve as soil and water nutrient enrichment
    and the animals also serve to till the soil and do other work that is normally done with machines that eventually turns the ground fallow over time
    when the animals do it they not only feed themselves what they naturally are supposed to eat and they re-enrich the top soil with their excrement and their scratching and stomping around is great for mixing everything in there and making sure that when you come and plant there in a couple of weeks that you have some great soil to work with in order to make fantastic food come out the ground

    why stick around?
    i feel like going to the wall street protester people and telling them that there is another option
    the people who they are protesting against arent going to stop what they are doing just because they are protesting
    eventually its going to have to stop
    it will force... force
    and maybe thats what some want
    and maybe its what we need
    i dont have that answer
    but i do know that a lot of people who are out there protesting against the rich would also love to be rich too
    if the protesters think the system is rigged... why still play the game?
    whatever the protest is going to accomplish is not going to end the game
    the system will still be rigged
    your protest was either placated or put down by force
    either way its soon forgotten
    because whats the protest?
    that too few people control too much money and therefore have too much power?
    do people actually believe that any of that is going to change because of a protest?
    short of electing ron paul and slashing about 60% of the federal government im not sure how thats going to happen
    because the system itself is set up for things to be the way they are
    the system is not broken
    this is the system
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    but thats a lot of mumbo jumbo if you want
    so boil it down protestors
    you want the change obama failed to deliver
    so what if you got it, what then?
    you have a few percentage points more cash than before
    ok and
    and thats it
    your life has improved by that much margin of percent
    not much
    and most likely probably not
    as most people would only waste any extra little percentage of cash they got in their paycheck on bullshit like we always do
    i almost bought that new little 250 dollar barnes and noble tab that just came out
    it was that or the kindle
    i need a good reader that can do more than just read me books
    but i need tires on my truck, wtf?
    i dont NEED another device/gadget thing
    i need things i NEED

    so why do i need to be in that america when i can make my own america somewhere thats not as connected to all the bureaucracy and the material obsession people live with on a day to day basis
    there are still plenty of places in this country that you can still be a fully free american
    and if im going to be completely honest here... to also still benefit from the fact that this still is america and luckily some of the spirit is still there and unless things get really bad its still the safest place to be on a personal level

    the thing i think most about the protesters is that if they had jobs they would not be protesting
    and if they had jobs then they would not be part of the 99% but somewhere more in the middle percent area
    because a lot of these people are college educated and highly employable but are we are overstaffed at the moment and those people are redundant it seems

    so i dont really get the moral issue being raised
    taking it to its logical conclusion i mean

    look at all that is claimed against oligarchs and robber baron ceo's, etc... what you normally hear at the protests
    but then what if they were all given good jobs with nice salaries and nice homes with nice cars
    would they care about the oligarchs and robber baron ceo's then?
    or would they be happy that those who they say rule the country have figured out another way to take your money you havent figured out yet or they have found a new group of people to make money from
    either way you dont care because you think you are set now so things are good and its smooth sailing
    i was set too
    my business was booming
    but just like that after 8 years of hard work it all went poof like nothing

    so their stand is basically just about wanting MORE
    sure i get the argument and on a whole they are correct
    they are getting screwed and the government is just as responsible as the banks and the corporations
    its all one big giant incestuous greek orgy in there between business and government with religion alone in the other room babysitting our children and the guards at the gate killing anyone who doesnt like it
    and thats what these protesters want to be a part of in the future?

    these people need to realize that you cant force someone to change
    you need to make the change happen
    for me thats making my own change

    and these kids are right now at primed for a supreme moment
    if they truly want to make change in this country they can
    but they cant change something that doesnt want to be changed
    the only way to change it is to opt out

    the dodgers fans are right
    the not going to games helped
    if not financially but symbolically
    you guys opted out of the team
    the team was being run to the ground
    you have no control over that
    the only thing you can control is your participation
    without you they are nothing
    so why do you need them?
    you showed them you dont
    you proved your point and now hopefully change will come with a new owner

    but in the country?
    whats the difference between mitt romney and barack obama?
    other than color?
    both have weird religious beliefs that not a lot of people understand or agree with or even accept as christianity
    both are big spenders
    both are for big government
    both are for big medical entitlements
    both have built their political careers out of looking and sounding good in front of a camera
    and they both just chew around the corners of the center politically
    while giving lip service to the left or the right respectively
    but look at each of their track records and you will see that neither of them is on the left or on the right
    pretty much middle of the road bureaucrats with the intelligence and guile to rise to the top so he can be our symbolic king for the next x mount of years

    these protesters should take advantage of all these new friendships and relationships with other smart and dedicated people and go make a life for yourself that doesnt depend on the very entity you say you despise?
    if big government and big corp are your enemies why are you protesting to them?
    they are your enemies, you think they care what you have to say?

    opt out
    i am
    grow my own food and live a happy natural free life where hopefully i will never have to worry about the government or politics for the rest of my natural life

    its the american way
    if you want the country to change, this is the only way
    the more people get together and decide to change the way they live
    the greater chance for this country to learn from its mistakes and change for the better
    so it can prosper in the future and not be overlapped by regimes from the east and elsewhere
    or evils here at home

    forget the protest symbol
    you want a real protest?
    start an organic farm so you dont have to depend on mcdonalds and burger king to feed your family
    work for yourself on your own land and educate yourself so you can teach your child what your values are so they have a solid base and can understand the value systems that offer only materialism and falsehood

    thats a real protest
    thats hurting the corporations where they really feel pain
    you are outside of their loop of control
    that includes the government too
    sure im not saying bug out completely off the grid
    unless you want to
    but the symbolic message of more and more americans leaving the cities and turning back to rural life and making a natural stress free life for themselves might actually serve a purpose
    if all those protesters decided to instead pool their monies and buy cheap rural land and work it and life off of it in harmony with nature they would be much happier
    and they could take their ipads with them if they want
    people can always figure out the right balance for their own lives once they are removed from the lives they have kind of been slotted into living by the general rules of society
    there is no true freedom there

    land is cheap right now, so i guess its now or never
    i dont know how this post became what its become
    that was not my intent at all
    im not even sure if it will fit now

    there is this place up north, newburry springs
    fresh water, cheap rural land, nice peaceful old fashioned little secluded town about 30-45 minutes from the rural tracts for sale

    im thinking there or somewhere near lake arrowhead area
    anyone ever been near those places, im planning a trip to lake arrowhead next week to check it out
    places close enough to still get some creature comforts
    ill have to probably rely on wireless internet, but its improved... not so bad as in the past
    and with how cheap solar panels and led lighting has become i hope to not need the generator much after a few years so that saves on fuel a lot

    technology has advanced enough were people can check out and live a rural life without the hardships of the past
    its still hard work
    but its less work than in the past
    and it means more time for the things you love to do
    for your self and for your family
    and a healthier diet and a healthier life
    we can do these things and still have electricity for what we need
    water, gas, heating, cooling, entertainment, etc...
    you can have almost all of the creature comforts you need with very minimal investment of money
    and you no longer have to depend on anyone or anything
    not even the government if you so choose

    i remember this being the american dream
    not being saddled with a mortgage you cant afford, bad job you dont like, people that see you as competition not an american, near feeling of total disenfranchisement when the politics dont mean anything, taxed for every little thing even when its not called a tax, and having to be insured for every little thing i do
    the fact that my dog needs a license to live and exist in the forest makes me want to teach my dog the 'sick balls' command and point him at the nearest bureaucrat
    and i have 8 dogs
    and they all coming with me
  9. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    Ruv's the next unibomber.
  10. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Honestly California should secede from the United States and become its own country. Then team up with Las Vegas. Fuck every other state...That's how i feel.
  11. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    weren't there rumors going on that cali might become two states, southern and northern? or was I just really drunk that day?
  12. chris

    chris Guest

    I remember I saw some national geographic video that said eventually San Francisco and Los Angeles will be neighbors. That's gonna suck in 3 million years.
  13. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    BUT... rival games won't take me 6 hours to get to.
  14. chris

    chris Guest

    yes, but there would be 3 times as much orange in the city. there already is way too much orange
  15. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    very true. one thing i miss about high school, people knew their fucking allegiance. Dodgers. College: so many gnat fans.
  16. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    The Walking Dead was losing my until last sunday's episode. It was badass and totally sucked me in again. I love that show.

    American Horror Story has also got me hooked.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i made it half way and came to the same conclusion. not as much anger although its pretty obvious they must be some wild shrooms growing out there too.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i will give ruven a couple of points.
    the american dream is dead.
    and dogs rule.
    but living in the wild? nah. enjoy shitting in the woods with the dogs.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    btw what happens to dsp? we all become homeless again? sell us the site or something.
    Irish likes this.
  20. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    I think the issue is that we have created a society that is no longer able to maintain itself. We have citizens who are so reliant on others that they are incapable of logical decisions. We have handicapped ourselves. On the political scale, I fall somewhere near center right. I think that taxes should be paid by all. I also believe that tough times call for help from the populace. I do not give shit who marries whom. I do, however, do not like the fact that my tax dollars are misspent but am forced to tell the government where I spent my money the year before.

    I think the joke is that those that want to start over are those who know they can make it on their own. I think most on here have been raised to do whatever is necessary to improve their station in life. But, there are those who do not want to work hard and make their own decisions. We have become a country of poles. On the far right are people who are unwilling to see past their own little world except when they are forced to. On the far left, we have people who believe that feelings, rather than common sense, are what drives a society.

    I look at the inability of that supposed super committee to find tax cuts and I have to laugh. No one wants to be the bad guy. No one wants to tell someone "no". They realize that when people are forced to be uncomfortable, they tend to fire whomever made them that way. And, because our politicians now consider that a job, they will do and say whatever it takes to get reelected--even it means punishing future generations. There was time when public office was considered service and people were asked to serve. Some even had to be begged. Now, it is seen as a way of avoiding work in favor of a lavish lifestyle.

    One cannot parent the way that we govern. Child Protective Services would be at the doorstep every day. Sometimes, I must tell me child "no". Sometimes, I must punish my child when he chooses to do bad things. Sometimes, I have to let him fall on his face and not pick him up. What is truly amazing is how very young our country is. Yet, we are having the same issues as countries that have been around far longer. At one time, we were the last great hope. Now, we are merely another seat at the table.

    Ruven, I do not think the American Dream is dead. I think it has been in a coma for some time now. We no longer inspire our youth to pursue greatness but instead promote mediocrity. We no longer tell them to strive for the best. Instead, we teach them that if they and all their friends work together, they can force said institution to change to rules. That, in and of itself, is the problem. In America, we no longer place value in hard work, fair play, only taking what you earned., and teaching your children to do the same. These are foreign concepts. We now promote promiscuity in all things. Threaten your boss. Use all your vacation days and then file a grievance when you must work. Do just enough not to get noticed. Everyone gets a trophy. Blame everyone else for your station. When in doubt, find a government agency to save you. We have created this monstrosity. We own it. Therefore, it is up to us to destroy it.

    You mention the occupy protest gatherings. I have no doubt that one or two of them have the right idea. Yet, by and large, these are simply morons from the 60s who did not get enough free stuff back then. This is what we have come to. Why are they not outside Chris Dodd and Barney Franks house? Why is Clinton getting off scot free? Why is Charlie Rangel still in congress? Why is John Corsine not in prison? How can the White House ignore subpoenas? Why is Eric Holder not on trial? Why do we have sanctuary cities that knowingly break federal law but sue a state that enforces the one on the books? How can we mandate that a country by a product? The Constitution is one of the best written documents of all time. Our founding fathers were bright. They understood that when the federal government becomes a leviathan, the country will surely fall. Well, where are we? There is a reason that all rights not specifically stated for the fed are assumed by the states. This was purposeful. Yet, we think we can actually run a "global economy" when we cannot even balance our own books? Perhaps we are too busy calling 911 from McDonalds. Perhaps we are too busy bitching about our neighbor who found a lucrative career. Perhaps we are too busy trying to play God in the lives of our community. Perhaps we are too busy trying to get reelected. Perhaps we are too busy kissing the ass of companies and groups that have only their interest at heart.

    Yes, perhaps, this whole fucking thing is our own damn fault.
    Ruven and LAFord like this.
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