Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    A boy was murdered in Sri Lanka who had a fine mind and was on a bullet train to become a neuroscientist.
    Great looking kid with a joyous future ahead of him...how many of us all and our brethren might have benefited from his research and imagination?
    To hear his father talk about him and how it will never be was just heart breaking and thought provoking.
    Now, at this stage of life, I think how many Einsteins or Teslas or some other giant whose shoulders we stand on would never be if aborted in the womb.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Aye, so true. And you hear from when a young boy on, " never argue religion or politics "..
    But they are the same thing, given enough time too morph into the shapeless, undulating blob they both eventually become.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    not saying any of this isn't true
    i have a different set of values when it comes to bringing an unwanted child into the world
    i didn't realize there was a heartbeat that quick and that's my own ignorance on the subject
    but 5 weeks just isn't enough time to reasonably say the government should dictate the outcome
    i'm guessing first trimester would be more of my comfort zone
    sorry if that's not as stringent as you guys feel the rules should be
    even at that the left will NEVER relinquish even that much as they have pushed it to the third trimester
    there has to be a compromise because i'm pretty sure most people are in the middle on the subject
    rube and CapnTreee like this.
  4. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Please expand on how you also advocate for universal vaccines, free maternity care, and banning tobacco. Considering you’re all about supporting fetal life, right?
    Nope. Fetal cardiac activity is detected after 6 weeks of gestation. And it’s not a heart beat. It’s a 4mm thickening next to a yolk sac. The media and the right tries to portray it as if there’s a full on baby with a heart beat. Not true.

    third trimester abortion is not a thing. Late term abortion is not a thing. Do you know how many abortions occur after 24 weeks? And why they occur?
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That is the plan.
    Everytime someone moves the world forward the establishment will be threatened.
    The only way to keep your establishment established is to not let anything weaken your foundation.
    The establishment at the top of the pyramid is far from the foundation.
    The middle of the pyramid can see the foundation but are still a level removed.
    The foundation is the bottom of the pyramid.
    What is the foundation?
    Poor children. The lower you go into the foundation the poorer and the darker the children get.
    They are what forms the foundation.
    They are the roots in the foundation.
    The roots that come up so strong that they break through the concrete and shoot up the pyramid box creating a new paradigm that upends the establishment.
    This happens every so often when enough of these wild shoots come up en masse and breaks on through to the other side.
    So the establishment puts down weed killer.
    Drops pesticides to kill what they view as pests.
    Poor dirty children.

    When liberals promote mass abortion they know that what they are promoting is genocide.
    They are promoting it worldwide in their fight against poor people.
    You know the fight against poverty.
    Just like the fight against homelessness is about killing homeless and the war on drugs is about killing drug addicts.
    It is all the same fight against undesirables.
    But first we have to get rid of brown babies.
    Because the vast majority of abortions in the US are by poor urban black and hispanic mothers.
    They are destroying women as well because while the establishment pretends to be about women it is actually all old crusty dudes making sure that the women and their children don't rise up and kill father time.

    This is the epitome of doing it Greco Roman style. The style all men in power cop to.
    When you are an old man you can have only two choices of who your god is.
    The eye of Saturn, Moloch, Chronos, Father Time are all the same idea.
    The worship of Destiny is the death cult of Thanos.
    Youth is about the present.
    Not about destiny.
    The old man does not worship life but his own mortality.
    Which turns him into his own god of death.
    That is why have to try and find your youth again before its too late and all you have to look forward to is death.
    This religion is science.
    Man in the past would only get to old age one of two ways.
    Either he was a coward or he was wise.
    Men died young surviving life or lived to tell the tale of how they got their scars of wisdom.
    Old men without scars spouting wisdom.... those were fags.
    Regardless of the age or their age.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The government shall make no law....

    You are falling into the status trap. We all do due to the conditioning of our condition.
    The government should not be dictating either way.
    This is where true freedom comes in.
    You don't legislate for it or against it.
    It is a value judgment. A moral one.
    Between the woman and her god.
    The government acts as mom and dad.
    Parents together is akin to a god when you view yourself as their subject.
    You are a child of dominion.
    That is the tyranny that children face when faced with tyrannical parents.
    Except the parents are allowed to be tyrannical.
    That is their job. Its not the governments job.
    A child is too weak of knowledge to keep itself alive.
    Adults treated in such a way will always devolve into children.
    Which is what tyrants want.
    Children they can dominate.
    Except the dominance is not one that is born out of love and protection for the child.
    But of power, control, and the efficient concentration of such in order to maximize profits which then feed the cycle of power and control.
    So lets fight!
    No, you can't win.
    You don't know how to even start.
    Where is your training?
    Where is your resolve?
    Where is your god now?
    And that is when the enemy takes over in a blink of an eye over night without even a whimper.
    Luckily you have a last line of defense.
    The working poor.
    Semper Fi.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  8. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Using images like this to create false visuals of abortion, claiming abortion to be a form of infanticide, and spreading misinformation about abortion is all propaganda. You are either ignorant or a forced birther.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    It ain't MY society. It's OUR society and you use me as your straw dog.
    No one is a robber. Those are just your fears, nothing more.
    You talking out both sides again? Stake your claim or don't.
    I said that I met people who I became friends with. You call me a robber? You making up BS stories to support your fears again? Who care?
    It's the issue of anyone defending Trump... which includes you as I recall
    For you. For me it can be. It's MY choice. Why belittle it? Who thinks otherwise is just wrong.
    When others can read those words then they are very much on the outside.
    Says the man who only provides philosophical replies. Talking out both sides again? Do as I say, not as I do...
    Do as I say and not as I do.. again?
    This much is clear... very GOP of you
    Who isn't? I don't change my story mid thread. Appealing to the ethics that my party used to show is pretty damn practical.
    Unless you're someone trying to duck those ethics
    Using some lame mixture of voodoo and religious piety.
  10. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yeah thanks for sharing your own irrational tribal fears again.. no one is getting killed
    Fuck your self appointed points anyways, and fuck your schtick too. I try to reply in a manner that communicates. If I failed then so be it. You claim to know so much I'm sure you knew that too but chose to differ why? What common ground did your reply define? When did you care?
    More wood on the fire, more salt in the wounds arrrrrgghhh full spew ahead. Whatever.

    Pay no attention to anytime I try to find middle ground.. because you have no interest in anything but turmoil.
    You make a fine leader of a broken machine
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Mock me. Scorn any nice words I say towards you.
    And then spew some pious religious mumbles
    Clearly DSP does. You do. Hypocrites do.
    Again with the lies that it's "MY society" as if you do not exist. As if those who think and vote contrary to me don't exist.
    Yeah there we go some more religious hatred bubbling out of you.
    No babies were eaten Rube.. No faggots ate babies either... except in the religious painting you posted.
    OK so maybe religious zealots eat babies.. fucking losers do that shit. Which 'holy' book defends that wretched act? Loser cowards revel in it as if it makes you more holy?
    Get a grip Rube. Your fears and hatred have nothing to do with anything I've said. I don't give a rats ass that you blame me with those lies but
    It's just your fears and hatred spewing forth
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Most of you white men know so much and grasp so little.
    Ask yourself what the average menstrual cycle runs in weeks? 4 weeks is the middle of the bell curve. Which ignores that a huge number of women run faster or slower than that. So?
    So many women, under your nutty rules would never have the chance to abort (your goal) because all doctors tell a woman, even a regular woman, to wait a couple weeks just in case menses comes late. Statistically that happens more often than many men know. But you don't care do you? Any argument you can find to tell a woman what they can do with their body ehh?
    Hypocrites one and all.
    If I cared to inquire about abortion rights I'd only listen to women.
    So all of you old males and yes youngster TB too can put a cork in it because you aren't having a baby anyways.
    WTF makes it your vote?
    And all these corrupt DC fools voting to tell a woman what she can do with her body .. are also lying fools.

    A heartbeat is NOT a human.
    Not by a long shot. A human exists AFTER birth. Not before.
    Now I'm also not a fan of third trimester abortions as too many things can go wrong for both mother and baby
    But it's not some bunch of cloaked hypocrites and religious child molesters right to say
    Now get your wives to argue with me otherwise admit that you're hypocrites trying to control issues that aren't yours in the first place
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    The only human with rights is the mother.
    The baby gains rights at birth and in no case should the unborn baby have rights greater than the mother.
    WTF is with thinking differently, unless you're just an overbearing religious nutjob hypocrite.
    You're a male, you had YOUR opinion too.

    Now when you grow a vagina your opinion will matter. Until then you're just another overbearing hypocrite
    Put your wife on the line or settle down ya bunch of pious nimrods


    Nov 2011
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    Now you're getting it!
    rube likes this.
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    And if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle. So?
    Think if Rube had an education what he'd be like? So?
    Lots of poor people manage to obtain one, some do not. Yes it's harder but so what?

    A better example is imagine how much better our world would be if the Catholic church, and ALL Christianity didn't keep their thumbs on Michelangelo or DeVinci? Think that there's a reason DeVinci taught himself to write backwards? To keep the religious nut job from killing him for "heresy" or whatever lame excuse they came up with next.

    Imagine? Imagine if no baby died ever? Imagine that the good old US of A wasn't the third leading country on the planet in infant mortality? Imagine.
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Was that your vagina talking?
    Or you just admitting to being a white male hypocrite?
  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    There's plenty of sources that cite 5 weeks. Are you going to say they're all "the right"?

    But it doesn't really matter: not only are you wrong, you're moving the goalposts and quibbling.
    You're all about rights: when does the unborn have rights? It's a simple question. But I understand why you don't want to answer...it's uncomfortable.


    Nov 2011
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    Actually, I believe in free speech and that the opinions of individuals should not given more or less weight/validity based on their gender or race.
    BigDaddyKaine and LAdiablo like this.


    Nov 2011
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    hctikb pu kcuf eht tuhs
    CapnTreee and Bluezoo like this.
  20. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Please tell me when a fetal pole is typically visible.

    I’m moving the goalposts? I clearly said a fetus was not a baby. Aka it is not a human. A seed is not a sapling. An egg is not a chicken. A fetus has zero rights. Don’t sit here and try to say a 4 mm fetus deserves more rights than a pregnant woman.
    CapnTreee likes this.

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