World Capitalism

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by rube, Mar 12, 2022.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Look its me talking to you about money who woulda thunk it!
    It must be the end of world lol.
    Nah im not talking about money im talking about cashing out the cash-chino.
    It is no longer about your local economy as thats all walmart and amazon.
    Or the national economy as its fixed or else it would be broken and its not designed to go broke.
    You are.
    Thanks to global corporate socialism.
    Fuck you, and your welcome!

    Crypto no, FTP no, Bitcoin yes.
    Gold and Silver are solid but you know what the government is gonna do there.
    Paper money has been great but currency is now electric.
    But here it might become illegal due to digital dollar and other crypto schemes.
    In El Salvador you can buy land with it and start businesses with it and develop with it.
    And becoming a citizen is easy. El Salvador wants developers and people with fresh ideas.
    Buy El Salvador bonds and you are in.
    Specially you old boys on a fixed income and low vitamin D.

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2022
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  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Follow Max Keiser if you want to know more about this stuff in a no nonsense way.
    I have been watching him on RT for a decade and he has been on top of this making the most money from its inception.
    When the bombs started to drop in Ukraine he quit his job at RT and moved to El Salvador.
    He had the hollywood stock exchange as a precursor to this kind of simulated currency.
    Financing a film studio and music label with this kind of thing.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2022
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    its all changing too fast
    i'm ready for ssn
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Fuck this lasted hours only.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You must have the vaccine if you want to be in the military.
    If you do not have the vaccine you cannot be forced to take it.
    You can be drafted into the military by force.
    But you cannot be vaccinated by force.
    That is the legal loophole.

    Nobody will be able to dodge the next draft easily like past drafts.
    And the next war will need a draft because it will be a close quarters combat war.
    The regulars are filled with soldiers that in the past would not be fit to fight due to the lessening of requirements and standards.
    This is a normal thing over time.
    And we are over time.
    During overtime the game can be won by whomever draws first blood.
    Like in sudden death.

    The classic way is to have Israeli citizenship so you can dip away at the right time.
    But you need to have juice to get one of them passports.
    El Salvador is giving them away if you buy bitcoin bonds.
    And they trading you the bitcoin at double the going rate.
    Like how China used to make big cities for their future western immigrant/investors before anyone actually lived there El Salvador has made little bit coin villages to entice tourism. In these towns the local shops give you 50% discount on their items if you pay with bitcoin instead of the dollar because the government subsidizes the difference and they get a bonus for pushing bitcoin.

    I would stay its some straight communist shit except bitcoin is not owned by the state and it is decentralized.
    Of course it could be used as a way to get the masses used to a digital currency only to later outlaw it and replace it with a national closed source one.
    So maybe it is.
    But for now you don't have to have any juice just a few nickles to rub together and invest in the land of El Salvador.
    Where their second biggest district/polis is called LA LIBERTAD.
    It is an extension of the capital district and was the ancient capital of the PIPIL indians of Cuscatlan.

    Not everyone wants to go die for what passes for our morals and ideals.
    But when order 66 comes the younglings will all be sent to die.
    I dont blame those who want to hide out of cowardice or those who dont want to go out of moral reasons.
    The outcome is the same. Folks that dont want to go to the war.
    These kids gonna have a rude awakaning.
    They will be forced to go to war.
    The younglings are seen as too soft to make it and that it is why they are believed to go down fast.


    But I dont know about that.
    These soft younglings might decide that since they can't compete with the big bad eastern euro slavic roider that instead they will gear up with the best tech and most fabulous uniforms and be all about making war cool and hip.
    Afterall if they gotta be in it they gonna make it something fresh. Not boring like those old loser wars.
    Like modern Nazis who voted in Hitler because Hitler really did represent the values and ideas that the people of Germany and europe held in their hearts.
    Nazi were the cool progressive kids with the correctly styled facial hair.
    This would be Woke War 1 and the ideology that has reigned supreme the past few years will be cemented as the new AMERICAN WAY from now on.
    The new USA religion to replace the previous one of John Wayne, George Washington, and Jesus Christ.
    So of course they will be fanatic in their zeal to defend all of the liberal democrat progressive ideals that this current definition of AMERICAN FREEDOM represents.
    And it is all anti classic AMERICANA.


    But in El Salvador they are forever in love with the USA of the 80's.
    Ronald Reagan is their daddy.
    I have nephews named after him.
    My grandparents had JFK on their wall in the 60's in their canton in the mountains.
    They love classic AMERICANA over there.
    It is old white man heaven.

    Im 45 and and half breaking down but this isnt the type of war where they need a whole bunch of elite specimens.
    They gonna take what they can get as long as you can carry a rifle.
    I dont want to go kill people, specially for a war i dont believe in.
    But then again maybe its not about believing in the war or believing in the morals behind it.
    Its always bullshit reasons anyway. Almost every war.
    So why get all high and mighty when it comes to your turn to turn and say "this is not my war, these are not my people, i dont agree that the enemy is 100% in the wrong, etc...".
    All things in quotes are bullshit.
    Untruths we say to feel better about our choices.
    Americans always fight and the world knows that our job is to be their slave soldiers and die for them like cheap mercs.
    We are the mongrels in this equation that are the civilized peoples army.
    They call us their dog to do their bidding for them so that their hands and children can remain clean and making money.


    Because Americans are supposed to get manipulated into wars that they know are bullshit and therefore must go and in and die for people who want the freedom to do shit we hate and that will undoubtedly retard our future more than it has with its 'progress' simply because they know we are simps who will jump at the chance to virtue signal the white knight on the white horse so we can shine brightly so that the glare covers up the government swamps darkness.
    Just like how many racists went to Vietnam and fought for a country that had just given blacks more rights than the racists thought was decent. They were hating their country and hating their squadmates until they couldnt afford or were no longer allowed to do so.
    Because WAR.
    War fixes everything.
    Just like the 'pandemic' and other manufactured fears are gone and now replaced by a new kind of fear.
    The pressure of war.
    War is life or death.
    It is real theater.
    Nothing more real than that.


    Oh yeah the point of this post is to take your next vacation in El Salvador.
    In case you dont want to live in either the viking world order or the mongol world order.
    See it for yourself.
    To give yourself options.
    Just in case they name Zelensky the new Caesar of the United Viking Golden Horde of Nations.

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