Colorado Rockies at Los Angeles Dodgers Game Thread (July 11 - 14)

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by MZA, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. BleedBlue

    BleedBlue DSP Regular

    Jun 2013
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    Eh, I can deal with the cards winning in the season, only if Wainwright and Miller get rocked in all of their starts.

    They really are the luckiest team in the league. I mean, where the fuck did a guy like Allen Craig, at the age of 28, come from? Matt Carpenter, too. Fucking BS.

    Brandon Phillips should have fucked up Molina when he had the chance.
    bestlakersfan likes this.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Thanks...I guess I'll try it...but whenever I do try something out of the ordinary, it always turns out to be a nightmare.
  3. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I hate any game we lose, of course. But I particularly hated this last game , and pretty much the 2 runs in 27 innings deal with the team.
    How the hell can you go from feared, the hottest team in MLB, to the bunch of wimps that we eneded up, playing the garbage offensive BB that kept us entrenched in last place for so long?
    I really don't think we have the muster to do this, not because I'm the pessimist, but the team is just made of such fragile players, and we can offer no consistency down the all. We all knew that Puig and Hanley weren't going to maintain a .400 BA average, but where are the others now that Yasiel has become mostly a singles hitter, and Manram cooling a bit? The Dodgers seem to be an all or nothing team...everybody rakes all at once, then when the main dudes go a little silent, all the others go faggot . The replacement players we have are simply not up to snuff, or the manager is not capable of getting what he needs to out of them, which is actually playing over their heads.
    It sure didn't take long for the walking wounded to return, and the banjo hitting corps to be front and center again. Incredible how we do a 180 in no time. Five days off is fine, but is Crawford (?), Kemp, Puig and Ellis gonna be fixed for the remainder of the season? Or DL bound all year?
    If we can't score more than 1 run per game. we've had it...unless of course, it was the magnificent CO pitching. Maybe that was it....
    CapnTreee and THINKBLUE like this.
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So true... a very streaky and fragile team... I fully agree

    At least Gonzo has been solid..

    chuckle... "all the others go faggot"... chuckle :giggle: that's funny enough to remember...

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