Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    I say go John Candy in Uncle Buck on his ass.

    Seriously, you have two choices.
    1. Let it go and assume that it will eventually die out.
    2. (I have done this a guy who mentally fucked up a female friend of mine) You get him alone. You pull him in for a side hug like you are cool. You then whisper in his ear so that only he can hear. You tighten your grip so he cannot get away. You simply whisper that if your sister is hurt again, you are afraid that you will be forced to take it to the next level. You explain that you cannot promise what the next level will be and only hope that he is a completely changed man. If not, you suggest that he breaks up with your sister as gently as possible and walks away. As you part, you remind him that repeating the conversation would upset your sister to the point that you may need to take it to the next level.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    this guy needs a dick punch badly
    environmental preservation demolition expert?

  3. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    For the haircut alone.
    BigDaddyKaine likes this.
  4. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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  5. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    seriously man..This is the goods..Black pepper and Paprika mix it up..your golden pony boy..If your feelin frisky sprinkle a little garlic powder on it and you will proceed to jizz in your pants..

    irish likes this.
  6. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Considering all that shit that didn't happen last season (the Dodgers seem to just deal in negative space these days; like the past quarter century), I think Big Mac with his hands around the throat of Gibson , and who ever else he had in his other hand) and the ensuing look on Gibson's face was the best thing that happened maybe all year. It was a fine moment for me, and one long overdue , IMO.
    Of course, I would love to chose a great performance by a player, like an insane Puig day, or a CK gem, but really, if CK doesn;t sign, I think I'll really be disgusted and call him bad names. And a guy who drives his vehicle like a missile with a man in it is head shakingly dumb. So Mac is my man.
    And just my tuppence here, I realize, but the "have to trade one of the FOUR OFs" that seems to prevail all the words that are written and spoken in any LAD analysis, could be solved at least temporarily by sending Puig down a while to AAA and actually work on throwing to cut-off men, not swinging at pitches because he's pissed off, rules of the game, a driver education course and things like that.....couldn't he?
    Y'know-learn the game a bit. It's good to know the rules...
    It's not like The trio of CC, Matt and Ethier are going to stay healthy all year, we all know that.
    Doesn't seem like it's that impossible to me, but I guess maybe I'm oversimplifying.
    irish likes this.
  7. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Yeah, that's what I said, blanket party.
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Trader Joe's 20 years ago made their rep from getting great prices on odd lots of healthy stuff.

    Good stuff but sometimes pretty random. Nice as an auxiliary store. I got into Havarti cheese over steamed veggies and also peanut butter pretzels for awhile because of their in store promos.

    While they have cheap beer too they are also the original source of 'two buck Chuck' wines which are tolerable so long as you don't know its what you're drinking.

    And they are sooooo full of flabby trendy middle age healthy wannabe types it makes me cry... LOL if you can't pick yourself out of the crowd... teehee
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    There is some good advice sprinkled in there...

    I like the 'pull him aside' part and then in the Capn's gravelly whisper say "she cries... you bleed" and leave it at that... let him make his own decision.

    I've been delighted that my studious 18 yo daughter has not required much intervention to date, mostly because she hangs with the school nerds... if you can't keep up in Bio, Chem and Calc then she has no interest ... and ... The Modest One will be sure to keep her away from anything that even loosely resembles the likes of a modern day Diablo!!
    LAdiablo likes this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    since i don't have an nfl team i wait to watch games in the playoffs.
    obviously all these lawsuits have affected how the games will be called.
    its totally absurd and random how they are making these personal foul calls.
    it takes a big part of the game away and i don't like it.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Totally agree.

    And its soooooo obvious that its now become hilarious listening to the announcers trying to speculate on which rule could get called to support either position since so many of them are becoming pure judgement calls.

    Hardnose old fashioned Lombardi football has long ago ceased to exist.

    That said I see good things too.
    And most of those are when they say "the ruling on the field stands" which always brings a smile.

    And I watched a guy score a touchdown that was ruled short when he was in and another where a different player was ruled in but touched down out of bounds 2 yards short. Both were corrected after review. Good.

    Clearly review of video, as we fans have been permitted for years, is a overall good thing for the game. Accuracy matters more than timeliness.

    So long as you're not stroking short hairs mind fucking yourself into or out of any given call on every damn play.
  12. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    You talk like mind fucking is a bad thing...
    CapnTreee likes this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i am once again getting the academy award nominated films to watch.
    i loved american hustle and i am about to punch in nebraska.
    watched lone survivor the other night and i really wanted to enjoy it. as a vet and an american that supports the military i entered into it with big expectations. but i just didn't find it to be a very good movie. and the fact that the last man standing gets to tell the whole story...idk it just didn't seem like it could have gone down like that. i'm not going to spoil the movie by discussing details but i just don't buy that story.
    and i agree with the people saying the first part resembled a recruitment spot. was really disappointed. not to mention the end of the story was pretty much entirely a hollywood fabrication. wasn't in the book. no development of characters etc. meh
  14. chris

    chris Guest

    I saw "Her" and it was creepy and very good. Recommend it.

    P.S I went to watch it with that cute coworker ;)
  15. grizz

    grizz DSP Regular

    Dec 2011
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    EBT gets exempt on all food taxes, even things like CRV IIRC. I guess bag tax goes under that.

    Working in grocery, I do know in Long Beach 7 of the 10 cents on the paper bag tax goes directly to the city since LBC started their bagless law two years ago. Having to charge bags and ask if people they do or do not want to pay for bags today makes it hell on checkout times. Time is wasted via those who are deciding to pay for a bag today (in DTLB there were a shit ton who couldn't even afford/want to pay for them) or spent explaining the ordinance to those who aren't from the area.

    I do see the upside though, because you don't the streets trashed with plastic bags all over the place... But when you have the EBT card (I call them gold-backs) shoved in your face and told "It's free, I got EBT" whenever you ask if you'd like to purchase bags today brings back the anger again.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  16. harkeyed

    harkeyed DSP Legend

    Sep 2012
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    What a fucking joke. The whole idea of helping those in need has turned into a "fuck you" to those of us that work hard daily. CRV, plastic bags, free cell phones... When will it end??
  17. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Saw "The Wolf of Wallstreet" and it's a damn good, drug addled, pussy bandit, over 500 "fucks" said movie. There is a part when Quaaludes kick in that is classic hilarity, and I gotta say DiCaprio is great and skillfull in this, as is Scorcese. Gaze upon Aussie Margot Robbe, and behold...
    And, I used to avoid Matthew Mc Conaughey lke the plague and never gave the guy a second thought. But he has turned himself into a good actor, damn good, and the new HBO series "True Detective" looks very interesting so far. Spooky character and well written in the premier episode.
    Check it out. Woody Harrelson, too.
  18. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    I've been bringing my own bags to the store for about 5 years now, I forget now and then, but it's fairly habitual at this point.

    Hopefully this becomes a bigger trend, as the amount of bags grocery stores go through is borderline insane. As far as charging EBT for bags, it's inherently hard to charge people with no money for anything. But logic would suggest that if you did charge EBT, they would likely be one of the groups leading the way by remembering to bring reusable bags... Perhaps an opportunity missed? Maybe offer EBT (or anyone) a credit for bringing reusable bags? Pay for it with the tax on non reusable bags. Ralph's gives me "green points" whatever that is.
    mugs likes this.
  19. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    fuck this shit
    if they want to award someone for bringing their own bags, great
    but they have no right to penalize/surcharge those who don't
    fucken monopoly capitalist ckunts
  20. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    I take it you are against taxing anything? I'm fairly supportive of of initiatives to reduce unnecessary waste, and grocery bags fits under that. Do you still have the SeaWorld Pole to Pole bag I gave you? It has plenty of room for a bottle of Jameson and breakfast fixings - everything you need for a successful date. Use it, bkitch.
    CapnTreee likes this.

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