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Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Nov 15, 2011.

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  1. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah I think that's fairly obvious. Especially when you look at things that have since been changed, such as the strip from the mound to the batters box. Pretty good resemblance to a cricket pitch.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    there was a cricket player that came to spring training around 03 i think. he wrote a book on his experience and the similarities. great read i'll post it if i can recall.
  3. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    The New Zealand cricket team went to (I think) a Red Sox training camp on the way to the play the West Indies in Jamaica. A lot of people were actually impressed with how good they were with no real prior experience. Some of the big hitters were easily putting BP pitching into the stands. All hand eye coordination.

    Anyway, top cricketers earn about 2 mil a year tops. New Zealand/Australia/India/England/South Africa players really should consider a different career path, despite the game been a part of growing up. Only problem is you can be small in cricket and it doesn't matter, it really doesn't. David Ecstein type players are just as good as people twice their size. Cricket is as much about using the speed and pitch of the ball as it is power. I mean look at the Indians those fuckers are tiny, but still the second best in the world. I could name a lot of big hitters standing 6'6 especially from N.Z, Aus and South Africa (not really the Sub-Continent) who if they played baseball from the age they started cricket instead they could be in the majors. A lot of talent and excellent hand-eye coordination.
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    About a hundred years ago, my uncle took me to a cricket match in England. I was a mere tyke, and not used to the polite sporadic applause and reserved behavior of the crowd. Anyway, I was asking him all kinds of questions about the game, and yelling for whatever team he supported.
    he was told by an official that he would have to keep me quiet; " it's distracting, or he would have to leave". Much too boistrous and loud.
    The Ugly American I guess.
    Are they still a bit anal at the matches, or have they loosened up a wee bit?
    And IDK, actually there is a game they play in British schools (mostly by girls, I think) called "rounders", which is even more like BB in some ways. I know my mother played it in east London. This may have been part of Abner's whole concept.
  5. chris

    chris Guest

    My best friend flipped his shit last night, yelled and screamed to get out of my car because he wanted to go home. I was taking him to my house because he lives in the opposite direction and it was 2:45 in the morning. He started hysterically yelling and crying saying no one loved him and he just wanted to get home to his sister and take care of her (she's pregnant). I knew he had a temper and I've seen him get angry but that's then first time he ever flipped on me. After about 20 minutes i got out of the car and had my girlfriend drive and I walked the streets of Arcadia. The whole time he was just telling me how his father never loved him and he's alone where he goes to school because he has no best friend, just acquaintances. Really heartbroken and shit and I finally made him give me a hug and I convinced him to get into my car and take him home. The whole car ride he was sobbing. Don't know what to do
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    hate to say it chris
    but your friend might need some professional help
    sounds like he has some demons, whether real or imagined
    LAFord and blueplatespecial like this.
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So true... so true...
  8. chris

    chris Guest

    Yeah that's what I was thinking. Just don't know how to go about telling him. I'm not gonna talk to him until he reaches out
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Be there. Be a friend, like you were. As best you can. And know that each of us has to corral our own demons.

    Some seek help from pros... some from a bottle or bush... others from isolation in nature...

    As Diablo stated above "our paths are defined by what we focus on"... nothing else.
    bestlakersfan and LAdiablo like this.
  10. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Should have hmu mayn!!

    das some awkward shit doe
  11. VRP

    VRP DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    My grandpa passed away last night. We were very close, but it's been coming for a long time, since Thanksgiving, and it's mostly just a relief to everyone as he was suffering for a past few weeks now. I'm not sure it's really hit me yet, I cried a few times visiting him at the hospital but he passed away at around 10 last night and I've been more in disbelief than upset. I've been sad all day, but not overcome with it like my mom or sister. I'm mostly just happy that he's not in pain anymore. Not to pile on in here as it's been pretty somber in this thread lately, but yeah, thought it might help if I spoke (wrote) out loud about it, I'm at school and don't really have anyone here to talk about it with.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    what capn said. you did the right thing by being there for him. we're all cracked actors faking our way along. sometimes the facade slips and sounds like you didn't judge him and just listened. a lot of times thats all thats needed. sure he doesn't have a drug issue you might not know about?
    grizz likes this.
  13. chris

    chris Guest

    he was drunk earlier in the night and it was wearing off I thought. i fed him pizza but he was determined to flip out i guess
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    live long enough and you get to see everyone lose it at least once. sometimes all the shit just runs into one place and bottlenecks. drinking on top of it is the perfect storm.
  15. chris

    chris Guest

    really sorry for your loss man. i feel you about the pain thing though. its awful and my grandma is going through it right now. just focus on the fact that hes not in pain anymore and in a better place
    VRP likes this.
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I'll drink to that...
  17. chris

    chris Guest

    seems like thats happened to him. everything piled up and he lashed out on me. i can handle that but just dont want to see him sad. ugh
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    do not despair, there is a huge % of people who cannot perform the duties of "Vent" operator. It takes a special kind of warmth and caring and no small amount of callouses and disregard for personal safety to perform the Vent operation. You did it.

    It didn't scar you. Being a resilient friend for your buddy only took the time to care.

    A little tiny slice of humanity is a little tiny bit better now...

    ... and now that your Karma score has been boosted feel free to rain havoc elsewhere on not so innocent lives haunting the likes of lonely DSP threads...

    jk... you're nicer than that
    grizz and chris like this.
  19. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    sorry to hear vin
    my mom passed a couple years back and it was somewhat similar
    doctor gave her three months to live and from then it felt like i died a little with each passing day
    and when she passed there was a lot of relief that she was in a better place and no longer in pain
    i miss her every day
    and as i told a friend i'll never get over it, nor do i want to
    someone once said... "the wound heals but a scar remains"
    that in my mind sums it up perfectly
    so my condolences to you and your family
    and be as strong as you can for your mom and sis
    VRP likes this.
  20. doyerfan

    doyerfan MODERATOR Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 2011
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    Man, I'm really sorry to hear this. I'm glad you came here to express, and you know you have a lot of guys here to talk about it as much as you want, myself included. It's gonna be tough of course and seems like you have a good perspective on the situation, and I truly hope things get better for you and your family.
    VRP and Irish like this.
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