Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Nov 19, 2014.

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  1. KOUFAX0000

    KOUFAX0000 DSP Legend Damned

    Jul 2, 2013
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    It's fact.

    No one wants the truth. Only what serves their agenda.

    The first amendment says I can say anything I want.

    It is all about how one perceives it.

    And on the www, people will take most things out of context.

    It's all good.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  2. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Anyway, I wonder how they'll try to compare this to Ray Rice's situation. Rice...this guy. He spits in his girl's face on camera what?...3 times before she swings on him...

    Rice's situation almost makes me bad for this young guy. Kid just wanted a drink. Probably threw his life away because he was drunk and some chick decided to go Ronda Rousey on him. He struck back, though..like Street Fighter. She was Chun Li and he was Evil Ryu. A bunch of nonsense.
  3. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    smh You literally have to have your life threatened for people buy violence as the only recourse.

    Your ability to dodge bullets is damn near what it comes down to in that situation.
  4. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Wow....that was bad. You know, you can throw as many hypotheticals about coming at you with a knife, or if things would have been different if it was a white QB and black woman....whatever....sometimes those hypotheticals dont matter.

    She was a woman, and this guy punched her. It makes it worse because he's a Div I QB at Florida State, substantially stronger than that woman could have possibly been.

    I grew up in a family with many sisters, a grandmother, and of course mom, under the same roof. I was taught at a very early age, YOU NEVER LAY A HAND ON A WOMAN, and if your pride has to suffer a bit, that is the price you pay for being a "GENTLEman"...gentle is even in the word.

    My rule of thumb, would you want your mom or daughter to have been punched like that, harassed at work, or sexually assaulted? Then why would that be acceptable with any other woman.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  5. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I had a similar upbringing, but as I've grown older and started having my own experiences, I had to cut the cord because of reality. All females aren't like the ones who raise us..that's a lesson a lot of guys with similar backgrounds learn.

    1 more hypo for you, though..a female has you at gunpoint..you cool with dying a gentle soul or are you gonna KO the chick tryin to gun you down? Never say never. It sounds nice and it's the right thing to say, but you better be willing to do what you have to to survive.
  6. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Another hypothetical that was not in that video. Just the point I am trying to make. You dont say "Well if it was a dinosaur instead of a puppy, would you not kick it to protect yourself?"

    That hypothetical was neither here nor there, and doesnt justify that guy's actions.
  7. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Yes...understand that I'm beyond the video and this guy because all the fairytale talk of " never lay your hand on a woman " bothers me. There are times when you'd better protect yourself. Darryl Hamilton was example I used..recently gunned down by a chick.
  8. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    By Vincent Bonsignore, Los Angeles Daily News
    POSTED: 07/06/15, 4:23 PM PDT | UPDATED: 1 MIN AGO

    Are the pitchforks back in the shed yet?

    Is Mitch Kupchak allowed back in public?

    Does Jim Buss still have his job?

    Are the Lakers still in the NBA, or have they been relegated to the second-division D-League?

    Sheesh, calm down people.

    Seriously, you would have thought Lakers Nation has never been through a rebuilding phase the way everyone freaked out over the first 48 hours of free agency.

    And even after Kupchak and Buss rebounded with a strong Plan B that undoubtedly leaves them a better team now than the one that finished last season, the number of heads exploding around town is astonishing even for an overreacting public with short- and long-term memory issues.

    In a decisive 24-hour period, the Lakers brought in the rim-protecting center they desperately needed in Roy Hibbert, who fits perfectly aside second-year power forward Julius Randle and behind young guards Jordan Clarkson and D’Angelo Russell, and added reserve power in swingman Lou Williams and power forward Brandon Bass.

    They did it without sacrificing development time for Randle, Clarkson and Russell or sabotaging their future salary cap flexibility.

    And in doing so, they’ve either acquired veteran pieces that can be a part of the turnaround or assets that will assist it.

    It was strong work. Especially after the locals were screaming bloody murder over the the swings and misses the Lakers front office took to begin free agency.

    News flash: This isn’t the first time the Lakers haven’t been the apple of the eyes of top free agents. And if history repeats itself as it normally does, it won’t be long before they become the destination they usually are for the best players in the game.

    It’s a time-consuming process. Always has been, always will be.

    Or did you just conveniently forget the nine years between the Magic Johnson era and the Shaquille O’Neal/Kobe Bryant run that tested the patience and resolve of Jerry West and Jerry Buss and an entire fan base?

    It took West years to assemble a young foundation strong enough to lure O’Neal from Orlando to Hollywood.

    And how about the four seasons separating the first Kobe run and the second? You remember those years, right? Everyone was questioning Kupchak then, too. And the rocky ownership transition from Jerry Buss to Jim Buss was a constant topic of conversation.

    Until Kupchak and Jim Buss orchestrated the Pau Gasol trade, then supplemented the roster with role players such as Trevor Ariza and Shannon Brown and then Ron Artest to create three straight Finals appearances and a back-to-back championship run.
    CapnTreee, rube and bestlakersfan like this.
  9. Chiefdodgerslkrs24

    Chiefdodgerslkrs24 Among the Pantheon

    Apr 1, 2014
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    oh and, Clarkson fucking ain't going anywhere.
  10. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Russell and Clarkson called Randle a beast/monster with the ball in his hands after practice today. He's been drawing raves all summer. He's stronger than Odom and quicker than Randolph..sounds crazy, but maybe he has a little LeBron in him as far as just being hard to stop when he puts the ball on the floor going to the basket. Of course he doesn't have LeBron's speed, vision, and bounce, but it sounds like he's gonna really be something. Here's hoping he stays healthy. He's got better footwork than LeBron right now..which is not really all that hard because LeBron's footwork is average at best and most times dismal. Phil trolled the hell out of LeBron about his footwork not too long ago. Lol
  11. LASports96

    LASports96 DSP Legend

    Jun 16, 2013
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    I feel like Randle is kinda underrated by a lot of people, especially after we have got a new young toy with Russell, but I think Randle is going to be an absolute monster.
  12. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    The most pro ready guy from last year's draft physically. Wiggins struggled a bit in college and so most felt like Randle would get acclimated to the league before Wiggins. Wiggins turned all that around, though. Still, Randle was a major steal at #7...look at Embiid. He's about to miss another season.
  13. TheKnockdown

    TheKnockdown DSP Legend

    Jul 2, 2013
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    It's kind of how the league forgot about Blake Griffin because of his injury... I think this kid is going to smash.
    sleepy floyd likes this.
  14. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I hear he and Kobe studied a ton of tape together while both were out last year. I hope Randle studied all of the Draymond Green tape he could find. Not that I think Green is Randle's ceiling, but because playmaking off the dribble ( out of the pick/roll) and a more consistent jumpshot is probably all Randle's missing offensively. Green is GREAT at making the right decision after receiving the ball out of the screen/roll/pop and Randle has just as much ability when it comes to putting the ball on the floor and putting pressure on the defense in 4 on 3 situations. If Russell's jumpshot is truly wet, at his height, with his passing ability, a lot of teams are gonna try to jump him with 2 guys in the pick and roll and that 4 on 3 scenario would be there a lot for Randle. This is where I think Russell will help him. The kid is a pick/roll savant.

    As for Randle's jumpshot...it didn't look all that bad in the pre-season last year, so we'll see how far it's come with more work under his belt in the SL.
  15. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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  16. TheKnockdown

    TheKnockdown DSP Legend

    Jul 2, 2013
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    I always thought Randle was kind of a throwback, a big who could shoot and run the open court. I actually think he and Russell are going to team up on some exciting breaks this year.
  17. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Cal locked him up at UK " for the good of the team ". Randle definitely has skills. He was actually a pretty good shooter in high school, which may be what you're talking about, but then his shooting fell off at UK and it became the knock on him before the draft or whatever. His ability to be crazy productive while not being totally comfortable was impressive. He's a winner.
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    It's too bad about Daryl Hamilton .. or anyone else who dies
    It's too bad about Hope Solo .. or anyone else who kills and gets away.. except fucktard OJ who deserves at least as much pain as he gets in jail

    It's too bad that morons will invent hypothetical reasons to justify physical violence. Life really isn't living out a series of perceived threats and slanted "justifications"

    No one on this board knows the exact circumstances of either of the Hamilton or Solo death examples above so only a fool would use either case to defend their own biased stance.

    I have traveled to many countries and been in a great many dicey situations in my life and I have yet to find ANY instance where punching a woman was ever justified, nor have I ever found ANY situation where my wits, and decent manners, couldn't get me out of the way of physical violence whether presented by a raging bkitch or by some low life snakes.

    Hitting another human, especially a woman, is the province of losers incompetent at dealing with life without hitting.

    So I was going to go all rant mode and then I kept reading and agreed with your salient point of "everybody just needs to keep their hands to themselves" however that sentiment is not supported by your other arguments. So I'll let them rest.

    And so as to return to our regularly scheduled sports rants I'll leave it with "If you don't want to be in a situation where you might imagine striking someone is appropriate then stay away from raging bkitches and low life snakes." :capn:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2015
    TAFNAC likes this.
  19. Chiefdodgerslkrs24

    Chiefdodgerslkrs24 Among the Pantheon

    Apr 1, 2014
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    It's too bad about Daryl Hamilton .. or anyone else who dies
    It's too bad about Hope Solo .. or anyone else who kills and gets away.. except fucktard OJ who deserves at least as much pain as he gets in jail

    It's too bad that morons will invent hypothetical reasons to justify physical violence. Life really isn't living out a series of perceived threats and slanted "justifications"

    No one on this board knows the exact circumstances of either of the Hamilton or Solo death examples above so only a fool would use either case to defend their own biased stance.

    I have traveled to many countries and been in a great many dicey situations in my life and I have yet to find ANY instance where punching a woman was ever justified, nor have I ever found ANY situation where my wits, and decent manners, couldn't get me out of the way of physical violence whether presented by a raging bkitch or by some low life snakes.

    Hitting another human, especially a woman, is the province of losers incompetent at dealing with life without hitting.

    So I was going to go all rant mode and then I kept reading and agreed with your salient point of "everybody just needs to keep their hands to themselves" however that sentiment is not supported by your other arguments. So I'll let them rest.

    And so as to return to our regularly scheduled sports rants I'll leave it with "If you don't want to be in a situation where you might imagine striking someone is appropriate then stay away from raging bkitches and low life snakes." :capn:[/QUOTE]
    What exactly are you talking about?
  20. sleepy floyd

    sleepy floyd DSP Regular Damned

    Jul 6, 2015
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    It's too bad that you couldn't see that I was looking at the bigger picture here and past this instance for the most part because I did say just that in my post.

    The quote above is as far as I got in your post. That " moron " word you used...very disrespectful. Don't agree? Fine. Moron? Disrespectful. Calm down.
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