Off-Topic Thread

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Nov 15, 2011.

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  1. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Which "bitch" are you making reference too? I don't see anything wrong.
  2. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Oh shit, my bad... all this time I thought it was pecker spray. Never mind.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    thats pretty much it. everyone is now told how special they are from day one now. then when it doesn't pan out its someone elses fault. and who can blame them when big government agrees and dishes out donuts?
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think these 'idiots' listened to their country, teachers, counselors, parents, presidents, politicians, neighbors, grandparents, and the old lady on the bus who told them that they could be anything they wanted to be because this was America.
    This wasnt a socialist country where your professional choices in life could only come from a list of career education paths predetermined by your IQ, family background, and the current needs of the state.
    Thats how it worked in soviet russia, but not here.
    So its not the kids fault for going to college and studying philosophy.
    I wish more people studied such things.

    These kids followed the rules
    They paid attention in class.
    They stayed out of trouble.
    They did their homework.
    They got good valuable degrees earned with hard work and years of study.
    They did as any good smart american is supposed to do in order to keep our system moving forward.


    My education isnt worth dick either, at least to society.
    You arent worth dick either man unless you retrain.
    Because you are only worth what you can produce according to these rules.
    And since the rules change dramatically overnight your hard earned degrees arent worth the paper their printed on.
    If not yet, soon enough.

    What happened to the days when being intelligent and skilled got you hired?
    A degree in history or philosophy was a good thing back then.
    It showed that you cared about the past and you value critical thinking.
    Good things employers should want to see.
    Not anymore.
    I should pull out my old nurses assistant and real estate agent certificates from way back when... im sure those two are worth more than a philosophy or history degree right about now.

    If society says that he skills and knowledge you and I have studied and worked hard learning all of our lives is bullshit then what should our response be?
    To go retrain another bunch of years in something we dont really like in order to try and mold ourselves to the wants of the beast that is society?
    Are we to continue bending at its will like this?

    All of you spend the first quarter of your life trying to figure out how to fit in into society, how to do everything you can to strip your natural spirit away and conform to society.
    Most teenagers struggle with this, many times well into adulthood.
    I think teenagers have had it right all along.

    Now we are like children once more.
    All that society has told us we need to learn to fit in is no longer applicable.
    Everything we did to conform to society has been swept from under our feet.
    The goal posts were moved and now they are saying we need to go back and study all over again so we can relearn how to conform to the will of their broken society?
    Fuck that.

    I dont need the government to tell me that i need to learn new skills when they decided my old skills were no longer relevant.
    Ive learned new skills on my own, and for damn sure they wont be wasted on trying to match whatever types of skills society now says i need to have.

    People get depressed because they feel they are stuck in an unfair system.
    You arent stuck.
    People need to realize they dont have to be stuck.
    You are stuck only if you want to.
    The system people want to rage against is not going to change.
    At best it will include you if you conform to it.
    Then you get to be part of the system that future people will rage against.
    Great cycle of life huh?

    The moment people realize that they arent stuck, that they dont have to be dependent on the government or the church and every other arm of control laid out in front of us... thats the moment people will find their liberty again. Find their freedom again.
    Thats when people will really take back America.
    You can never take something back from within.
    There is never any surviving 'remnant' that saves the whole.
    That never works, except maybe in movies.

    For you to really save something you must first remove yourself from the situation.
    You must operate from the outside.
    Eventually if enough people operate from the outside the center will no longer hold.
    And the rest of the people will see it for what it really is.
  5. chris

    chris Guest

    She referred to pepper spray as "basically a food product" meaning you could eat it and it wouldn't harm you. I'd like to see her try.
  6. SC_Ed

    SC_Ed DSP Legend Damned

    Nov 2011
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    I see nothing wrong with what those cops did on UC Davis. The students are idiots for allowing themselves to be exploited by forces much beyond their control. If it was illegal to be where they were why didn't they disperse? Where is the honor in breaking just laws? Fuck those hippie bitches they deserve the dog the bounty hunters bear mace. There is no honorable way to break the law.

    First off this entire occupy "movement" is bullshit it's being paid for by powerful leftist organizations. It's already been leaked that ACORN is paying people to camp out in tents. Unions are backing this BIG time also. Why?

    While I understand their obvious frustration with life what really do they expect to accomplish?

    Can someone tell me how camping out in a park and sounding like a moron to news outlets is somehow bringing down the "1 percent" a phrase coined by Al Gore during his 2000 campaign. Coincidence? riiight.

    Van Jones is out there, Bill Ayers, two openly vocal socialists that have worked with Obama.

    The reason this thing has fallen flat on its ass is their attacks are completely misguided. Lets take the "wells fargo is kicking me out of my house signs" No they're not, you took a mortgage you knew you couldn't afford. Your inability to think things through rationally is kicking you out from your house.

    Secondly why single out Wells Fargo? cause they were forced to take TARP money they didn't want? They have paid it back BTW. Anyway, they should be camping out in front of the white house, the capital, sec of the treasury's office, and especially the offices of FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC. I wonder if those geniuses who could actually be persuaded to camp out in a public park for months for absolutely nothing can grasp that fannie and freddie own the majority of mortgages in this country. Did I mention they are absolutely flushing money down the toilet? They cost BILLIONS every quarter.

    Why don't they protest the bailout of GM? It was the unions that put GM into bankruptcy in the first place and now since Obama illegally seized them the UAW owns part of the company?

    I feel bad for anyone that has wasted their time in those parks and the subsequent protests associated with them.

    You want to see the greatest collection of the 1 percent look on capitol hill. Every single one of them are millionaires.
    Irish likes this.
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    LAFord likes this.
  8. doyerfan

    doyerfan MODERATOR Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 2011
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    I'm a college student, and the fucking funniest thing to do now at these college campuses is to ask 5 different people what they are protest. You won't get two similar answers. There's a reason I chose UCLA or UCBerkeley, and these movements for the sake of movements and Berkeley calling UCLA out for "not rising to the cause" has made me realize it was a damn good choice
    VRP likes this.
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    there is hope for you yet doyer. there is a lot of pressure to be down for the cause. takes a strong individual to see through the facade. its just another form of the politics we all hate.
  10. SC_Ed

    SC_Ed DSP Legend Damned

    Nov 2011
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    I can tell you any 18-21 year old with a "cause" is wrong.
    BlueMouse and LAFord like this.
  11. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    if anything, NOT occupying anything makes a bigger difference, like Dodger Stadium. Take a not from Dodger fans.
    LAdiablo and LAFord like this.
  12. chris

    chris Guest

    jesus christ, should have never even posted that video. lol me thinking these kids would get some sympathy.

    btw, that guy in that video you posted diablo comes off as a fucking douchebag. so if I join these protests I'm not allowed to have a phone or post on my facebook? cmon now
  13. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    This is why I don't join the political side of the off topic forum. I'd rather see cat videos than get into long arguments about politics and other things I don't care much for.
  14. chris

    chris Guest

    It's hard for me because 3 of my best friends in the real world are conservative and they talk shit all day and then I come here and read more conservative opinions. I CAN'T ESCAPE
  15. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    This is because you hang with smart friends and you then come here and read what smart Dodger fans post...see the patern? Just join us smart people...we'll let you. ;)
    DodgerLove likes this.
  16. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    Old joke but so very true...

    If you are 20 and are not a liberal, you have no soul.
    If you are 30 and are not conservative, you have no mind.
    VRP likes this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    pepper spray is just a food product
    water torture is just a refreshing splash
    police batons are just olive branches
    tazers are just big boy party favors
    ricin is just a natural supplement
    hand grenades are just 4th of july celebrations
    automatic machine guns are just food acquiring utensils
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    ^^^^This...welcome home, brother.
    When the President of the United States exits Marine One, salutes the service man on duty on the tarmac, and the book in his hand that he was reading on the flight is written by Saul Alinsky, something is really, really wrong with that... IMO, anyway.
    He's surrounded himself with Jones and Ayers and that type because he is their brethren in spirit and soul.
    Ayers is more than just an open socialist. He is a criminal. And is allowed to teach our children.
    And if Obama is elected again. we will see programs and legislation get rammed down our throats that will make the Obamacare law look like child's play...without the worry of re-election, the veil will be lifted ( the real meaning of the word "apocalypse",BTW), and it will be full speed ahead. "Damn the torpedoes" of history...and we are damned to repeat it, then.
    And I firmly believe the American people are dull-witted enough to allow it. No doubt in my mind...
  19. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    Happy Thanksgiving my Dodger brothers! [​IMG]
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    can't have it both ways chris. its called a hypocrite. sorry if thats douchy to you.
    and happy thanksgiving all.
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