Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Remember in the original, there was Medieval World and Roman World..lots of opportunities for a proper orgy.
    Slave revolts, crusades, torture, racism, Tomaso Torquemada, crucifixions, genocide in a huge scale...all those things we hold near and dear to our heart.
    Only 18 months to wait...the countdown begins NOW!
    And they better not forget to play "Gladiator" by Common.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Originally, yes...but WW is the most expensive HBO series per episode yet...more than GoT!!! Kinda hard to fathom why...but there you go. Ten million per! About twice that of GoT !
    Consequently, they have moved it back to no sooner than '18...
  3. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    Harris and Hopkins can't come cheap. Plus all the tech stuff they do. In the words of John Hammond, they spared no expense.

    Many of the actors on GoT were not well known, or bit actors. Peter Dinklage is honestly the only guy I could name from them until I actually started watching.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    im astounded that BZ drops a Common reference
    because i have no idea what song that is
    and couldnt name you one song by Common
    other than i know what he looks like and ive seen him sing
    i dont actually remember what any of his songs are
    the Gizza and the Rizza on the other hand...
  5. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    was going to say the same thing
    harris, hopkins, jeffrey wright, thandie
  6. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Disappointed Maeve didn't stay on the train. So close yet so far, back for another loop, or ten thousand. No free will, just someone uploaded an escape story. Would have loved if she proved Bernard wrong.

    I was holding out hope William was also in a loop of helping Delores, trying to get her back to his first time visit where she may have been close to consciousness. I was thinking that all this time he was planting clues, left the photo, trying to get her come back. Turns out he really did pull her into the barn for a good old fashion raping instead of planting guns for her next loop and her trying to remember. Felt for the guy when he returned to town, and realized his dream girls was just like Logan had told him.

    Great series. Very ambiguous ending. The fact that there's probably all these other worlds dilutes it a little for me. Be interesting how they follow this up. They pretty much gave us ten episodes, and told a story that ultimately gave the illusion of free will, but right until the bitter end no actual proof.

    Enjoyed every hour of it though.
    Bluezoo, LAdiablo and irish like this.
  7. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    I gotta watch again to see if I notice anything new.

    Curious how next year will turn out.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    fake plastic trees was in there as well as no surprises and i believe exit music from a movie
    homesick alien still makes my eyes roll back in my head everytime
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    what was impressive to me was the mirror that was being held directly in front of me
    nothing has been close to this since six feet under for me
    brilliant writing and even though it is a sequel to the movie it was totally original
    high hopes for the next seasons
    N.Z likes this.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Look for a small mole on Thandie's left breast...
  11. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Really?...probably because I'm a movie freak ( or just plain freak) , but a lot of the GoT actors were pretty well established already. A few were bit actors, but not many, for sure.
    Except Jersey boy Peter Dinklage, Lena Headley (Shame! Shame!) is a respected British player, although brunette mostly.
    Natalie Dormer is a BBC stalwart, and played Anne Boleyn in the Tudors.
    Iain Glen ( Jorah) is a period piece actor often.
    Jonathan Pryce ( High Sparrow) is a famous Brit actor, who was in Glengarry Glen Ross, amongst others.
    Diana Rigg was Mrs. Peel in the Avengers.
    Max von Sydow has had a long distinguished career. Shit man. Ming the Merciless!
    Charles Dance ( Tywin Lannister) is in everything, man.., one of my favorite actors. Elegant bad guy a lot.
    Sean Bean ( Ned Stark) has a resume as long as your arm...
    Lots of the other ones are sort of HBO stock players, who pop up in more than one series that they can spot them all the time. And remember, they may not seem familiar because GoT is filmed overseas, and some are only common in the UK or on the continent.
    I've also read that HBO are notoriously poor payers, but I don't know if that is accurate. Actors do them, as popular HBO series become part of the culture, and many want simply to be part of it.
    The Sopranos, was eventually brought to a halt when salary demands, especially by Gandolfini and Falco got so outrageous per episode, they shut it down. There were lots of cover stories about why it ended, but money was the real deal, it's said.
    Really, what careers did Sylvio, Furio, Christopher, Adrianna, Paulie, Meadow, AJ, etc., etc.,p have after it ended? Barely nothing. Falco and Buscemi have the best by far.
    It was cheap to produce actually...modern day NJ is, uh...available around here.
    Don' t need CGI dragons or hosts.
    They are everywhere...
    rube likes this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    That's because you are unCommon...
    rube and irish like this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    Of all these weird creatures
    Who lock up their spirits
    Drill holes in themselves
    And live for their secrets
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I just wasn't around when he was popular.
    Or maybe I just don't remember :passthejoint:
    irish likes this.
  15. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Lest we forget...
    75 year anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor today...amazing to contemplate it was that long ago.
    There is a 104 year old guy who was supposed to be at the ceremony...who was there on Dec. 7 th.
    A day that changed all of our lives forever.
    irish, LAdiablo and fsudog21 like this.
  16. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    something [​IMG] about this
    and i can't help thinking this may have been an inside job gone awry
    don't believe the wife was in on it -- with what she had to endure
    but maybe the hubby a la scott peterson
    hope i'm wrong
    but something doesn't feel right...

    Family and friends grapple with Sherri Papini’s mysterious abduction
    People Magazine — 10 hours ago


    As authorities hunt for two women who allegedly kidnapped Sherri Papini, friends and family of the 34-year-old California mother-of-two are struggling to make sense of her mysterious, sudden abduction.

    “Why did they beat her and break her nose and brand her and burn her?” Papini’s friend and former co-worker Joyce Travis tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue, on newsstands Friday.

    “Every one wants to know why. Everyone wants the answer,” Travis says. “I am sure Sherri doesn’t know either. I am sure she is just as confused today.”

    Papini was found Thanksgiving morning on a roadside about 150 miles from her home in Redding, California — 22 days after she says she was abducted during a morning jog. Her weeks in captivity were a nightmare, according to those closest to her. Her husband, Keith Papini, said in a statement to PEOPLE that Sherri was repeatedly beaten, the bridge of her nose broken and she was branded.

    Sherri reportedly weighed 87 pounds when she was found and, according to the woman who called 911, looked “panicked and frightened.” Of the branding, Travis says it was “almost like they didn’t want her to be beautiful anymore.”

    Keith has tearfully described how Sherri withstood her abduction: in part by imagining she was with her children, 4-year-old Tyler and Violet, 2.

    Sherri’s disappearance was catapulted to national prominence by her friends and family, who quickly went public with their fears that she had been abducted.

    The truth — and what remains unknown — has unsettled them all.

    “When walks in the room everyone turns around and looks, and she is the girl you can’t hate because she is so nice,” says Travis, who met Sherri when the two worked together at AT&T. “Everyone who knew her were all distraught she was gone and hoping and praying she was safe and sound. As time went on, it was getting despairing.”

    Travis believes that Sherri was likely abducted by sex traffickers: “I believe it was an abduction from the beginning because of her size. She is so tiny, and I can just imagine her running at the side of the road and someone thinking she is a teenager and take her for sex trafficking. She looks like a kid.”

    Redding Mayor Missy McArthur — who texted the words “Hallelujah” to the Papinis the morning Sherri was found — opines that she may have just been at the wrong place at the wrong time. “I still think it is random crazy, because they apparently cut her restraints and threw her out of the car,” she says. “For sex trafficking, they probably wouldn’t have released her.”

    Friends have also rallied around Sherri against those who claim the case is some kind of twisted hoax (speculation investigators also dispute).

    “It makes no sense you would do any of that to yourself,” Keith’s co-worker Nick Hurley tells PEOPLE. “For me knowing her and how she was with her kids I knew right away that someone forcefully took her. There was no way she would leave her kiddos.”

    Investigators continue their search for the two women Sherri says abducted her (reportedly the only two women she says she saw during her captivity), but they have said no one is ruled out as a suspect. A motive has not been disclosed.

    Sherri’s sister, Sheila Koester, is thrilled about her sister’s safe return and hopes that authorities don’t give up before they find the alleged abductors.

    “I am just hoping that the sheriff’s department can continue their investigation and we can find out everything we can for her,” Koester tells PEOPLE. “I hope whoever did this to her is brought to justice. We all have hope that we will have some closure.”

    Investigators continue their search for the two women Sherri says abducted her (reportedly the only two women she says she saw during her captivity), but they have said no one is ruled out as a suspect. A motive has not been disclosed.

    Sherri’s sister, Sheila Koester, is thrilled about her sister’s safe return and hopes that authorities don’t give up before they find the alleged abductors.

    “I am just hoping that the sheriff’s department can continue their investigation and we can find out everything we can for her,” Koester tells PEOPLE. “I hope whoever did this to her is brought to justice. We all have hope that we will have some closure.”
  17. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    RIP John Glenn, the 1st American in Orbit. THANK YOU MR. GLENN.
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    happy 100th birthday kirk douglas!!!
    LAdiablo and Doughty8 like this.
  19. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    He was Doc Holiday.

    irish likes this.
  20. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I think she reached full consciousness once she saw the mother and daughter on the train. She was programmed to escape. So her actions, regardless of her true desires, paralleled fords narrative for her.

    However if you look at the tablet (there's screenshots of this) the last step of her narrative includes mainland infiltration. Ford wants(ed) her to escape and go the real world

    She still might but her actions to go back for her daughter are most likely off script. It shows that she's defying the narrative and acting in her own self interest. So sure she could have escaped, but I think the notion that she's going back and going to end up in her previous loop again is unlikely
    Bluezoo likes this.
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