Off-Topic Thread

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Nov 15, 2011.

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  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah, that was one of the main reasons...too expensive to maintain the Old West Deadwood set...although I would think, once you've got it, it's there in the expense is a done deal already.There was a big push for a movie or two, based on it's popularity, but Swearingen went back to England and got tired of waiting.
    They say the cheapest show was the Sopranos...present day and all, locations, cars, etc. all easily available. But the actors salaries were off the charts eventually.
    Another series I really loved was "Rome"...IMO, awesome...but way too costly to do. They really did their homework on that was like a Scorcese project; the most minute details were all there, all the time. One of the strong points of Boardwalk Empire.
  2. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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  3. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Everybody (who was alive anyway) remembers what they were doing on Nov.22, 1963...probably not many on here. Like 9/11 for the young crowd.
    I didn't know until well after it happened, as a friend and I played hookey and went to NYC to see "dirty movies" on 42nd St.
    Which was definitly not like Disneyland in those days..uh-uh.
    We wondered what the hell was wrong with everybody on the bus going back to NJ with tears in their eyes and all...then we found out why when we got to the pool room we hung out in.
  4. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I was 3, but I remember bits and pieces -- people crying on TV, in the supermarket. IMO, political affiliations notwithstanding, Kennedy was the last "great" president.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  6. bestlakersfan

    bestlakersfan DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Can we bring the fucking "like" back already?

    Seriously, it can't be that hard....COME ON, WTF?
    LAdiablo likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    its not 'our' fault
    we are victims man
    everyone who has to depend on something else is a born victim
    but we dont have to be is my point
    children depend on their parents but then they mature and they fly
    we dont
    we stay dependent to various systems created by others that only serve to control our lives
    sure you might not feel it, but its there
    our instincts are replaced at inception
    little by little we become addicted to the very poisons they feed us and the controls placed upon us
    most of us dont even like the truth anymore because weve been lied to for so long that those lies are touchstones of our culture

    but no shit, its always been like that and its always gonna be like that
    the people who run shit are never going to be like you and I
    they are a different race
    and it has nothing to do with color

    the dream being in a coma is the same as being dead
    because i also think it can come back... but its not coming back because protesters are going to 'shame' the powers that be into changing things
    if it comes back its because americans TAKE IT back
    yes like the tea party says 'we gotta take back america'... but not from the black guy at the white house
    thats more of the same bullshit that keeps the american peoples heads buried in the sand

    i dont like whiners
    so im not going to whine myself
    i try not to because ive yet to see whining bear positive fruits
    when people tell me how much they dislike the situation they are in i can only answer in one way...
    if you dont like it why are you still there?
    GTFO man, if not then STFU and deal
    you are there for a reason, something must be better there than somewhere else or else you would move
    you have the power to move people, at least for now before they start putting high tolls for each highway and requiring the show of proper up to date papers to go to the next county

    look, obviously america is still a great country, but some things do look pretty grim for the future
    i spend way too much time reading about whats going on all over the world
    not just politically but scientifically as well

    you want to have a source of clean well water near
    you want to be able to feed yourself no matter what
    you need to be able to create your own shelter
    you need to learn these skills
    you might not need them hopefully
    but you might
    and if you dont have them
    you might not survive
    your other alternative might end up being indentured servitude
    because that might be the deal the middle class ends up with in the future
    no SS, forced to pay for various insurances for everything, work 60 hours a week, half your wages taken by the government, and the government still will never have enough money to take care of all the things it says its responsible for and takes your money for
    they end up farming everything to big corporations that get no bid contracts because those corporations put up all the money for those fancy TV ads and that big luxury bus custom painted with your face on it
    those companies half the time arent even specialized in those projects they are tasked with completing
    its stupid and its why our country is falling behind

    the complete corruption of capitalism has turned our economy and society into exactly what the socialists and the Islamist and all our other past enemies have predicted
    we have become douchebag bullies who are really pussies at heart when it comes to our international affairs
    because while we swing our dick around everywhere we go, here at home we show the truth
    every enemy that we have defeated has actually beaten a little bit of america out of us in the process
    because we become pussies at the mere mention of our enemy even in abstract form

    oh no, we front, dont get me wrong... we front hard
    but look at what we do
    our leaders take every enemy and use them against their own people to terrorize them into having them give up their own freedoms willingly
    it would make me mad if i was surprised
    but im not
    read a history book people
    its what they always do
    but america has made it into an artform

    you are right, we are burning through a thousand years of history in the span of a couple of centuries

    thats why im going back in time by simply moving a little bit away from everything
    close enough for an emergency if i need it
    far enough that if shit starts going down im gonna be safe initially
    and from then i can be better prepared if i need to then move to a safer place
    but having a place already in an area that is outside of a city might make all of the difference in the world

    and if nothing happens well shit, you have a great vacation home built up for cheap when land was up for grabs at bargain prices :)
    plus youve learned a bunch of new skills and most likely become healthier and probably even a better more self reliant person in the process
    besides, im taking as many modern conveniences as are realistically feasible

    dont worry about DSP, wherever i go im for sure taking some kind of internet connection with me
    satellite is not as bad as before and 4G is getting really solid now
    but if i was ever open to selling DSP to one of you guys to continue running it as a place where people can talk about stuff without worrying about being moderated all the time... now would probably be it since im building up my seed money for the farm
  8. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    ^ come on, be honest... is Selig forcing you to sell?
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    it could be run as a group. throw a price out there. i have no idea what it would be worth. it is important to some of us here.
  10. bestlakersfan

    bestlakersfan DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Damn, if I knew it would be as easy as writting an angry post, I would've done it a while ago!!!

    Thanks DSP team :D
  11. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    the likes are back :eek:
    LAdiablo likes this.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    ruven is finally coming down off of his psychedelics. o_O
    MZA likes this.
  13. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    lets party and get "like" crazy.
    Bluezoo, LAFord and LAdiablo like this.
  14. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Bluezoo likes this.
  15. chris

    chris Guest

    seriously though I still can't like posts and it's making me fucking sad
  16. chris

    chris Guest

    lets see this bitch eat some pepper spray
  17. dodgers

    dodgers DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    That pepper spray thing turned out to be a complete hoax btw. Apparently the woman is a pathological liar.
  18. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    She is right. Perfectly legal.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    should just paint people orange
  20. southerndodgerfan

    southerndodgerfan Dodgers Enthusiast

    Nov 2011
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    The pisser is that there are jobs to be had but some people consider themselves too good for such jobs and are awaiting some person finding them. Let me be honest here. I have a BA in English. I have and MA of Teaching. In May, I will have an MEDl. What can I do with these? Stay in education or wait tables. I am aware of my limitations. For some reason, most of these idiots did not listen when they asked what they could do with a degree in Philosophy, Business Administration, Marketing, Psychology, and Public Relations.
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