the pictures don't do it justice mate and when i say he built it i mean he literally built it maybe a sub here and there but that guy is a 6'5" monster of a human of a kind you rarely meet
speaking of houses @BigDaddyKaine still a little pricey...but damn
very nice but not my style would love to have a converted van but they are very expensive if I was able to do the whole thing myself it would probably come out to be the $75-80k (cost of van included) for something I'd truly want but if bought prebuilt those things run for $150k & up this is more my style
what a mouth on grandma!
I just looked at CBS Soorts QB rankings in the NFL .. I do not know 20 of these guys at all. It's safe to say I'm no longer qualified to assess the pro game. Who are these guys?
Any idea how they got to 1.1MM on this thing? Pretty sweet vehicles love that they are on 4x4 beefy trucks, could take those things anywhere
people willing to spend high six and seven figures for these aren't buying value, its all about ego they are nice but should probably be 175k or so I just made a sweet deal on a 74 Taylor/dunn electric sled to cruise the property at $1300 all in and we're going to reclaim a 3 wheel T/D I've had for a while hoping to bring $500 back from that for $800 in for a 10mph work beast wonder if the cops are going to hassle me when I cruise Trader Joes in it?
this is the one I want to get running but six batteries @ 150 a pop! and this is the one I just bought w no roof the guy I'm buying it from owns Burbank property he rents for movies and shows near Forest Lawn but biz has been slow so he's started refurbing these carts and turning them solar w lithium batteries which is very cool smart guy that's bored and all the little shops around him are build shops w generous lucid dudes hoping to get some ideas and have some fun next week
I hope y'all have a lovely Thanksgiving... I'm certainly grateful. From mid October until Halloween night, I was flat on my back with a spinal issue. Agony like I'd never felt before. Literally couldn't stand or walk or even SIT without blinding pain. Anyway, two weeks after the doctors MRI'ed me & gave me two epidurals, I can walk now. Imagine Festus in Gunsmoke. I drag my left leg. I'm a mess but I'm upright... Anyway, I'm grateful to walk with my kids for half a block or just sit in a chair. Simplest things I missed but I'll never take for granted again. Happy Thanksgiving, ya whores.