I'd vote for her for governor of CA at least she still knows she's a biological man and shouldn't compete against women in fact other than the weird body and kartrashian shit she's pretty straight forward
i would vote for TAFNAC as he could probably give us the best explanation about the plasma orbs and how they move in the thermosphere being that he is a space scientist craig works with satellites right or am i remembering wrong?
https://x.com/MatthewUSAF/status/1869527568128549224 there are men in different services of the military starting to spill the beans
you know jesus back in 2008 stars are light being sent through a liquid veil aka messengers/angels of light space is is a space sea underwater stars
this is sirious guys but its music save the ants the moon is an x-ray image of earth with the 7 known continents + undisclosed territories orbs go boom boom
Rt. 80, which starts in NJ and goes across the country ( to SF I think), has been shut down on the stretch where I live indefinitely...a huge sinkhole has occured and goes from the shoulder to the middle lane. This is eastbound...so anybody from PA or in NJ west of exit 34 going eastbound beyond Ex. 34 is fucked ! Time wise anyway...should be fun around here. Guess all roads lead too SF.
I've driven that route. You're talking about the washout from Helene right? This picture was viral back in October...
A third fire near north Hollywood has caught. Are you safe from the fires or do you have to be vigilant in case you need to evacuate?
I'm closer to the sun valley one if fire gets up on that ridge they will guide it along the northern edge and let it drop in front of Simi and blow through Calabasas and into the backside of Malibu its the natural fire break so I've seen it happen at least 8 times in my life and there's not much they can do I have to be vigilant but doubt I'll need to evacuate unless these winds force it down into the Northridge/Chatsworth area screaming hurricane level winds for that last 12 hours hasn't allowed for much sleep I'm a flatlander waiting for the sun and a tumbler
For all incense and porpoises the land is as flat as it needs to be wherever you go. But landlubbering and sun shipping is not proscribed if you have screaming trees and barking dogs. Thing about noisy pets and loud plants is that they both have legs and can run with me.
of course the homeless can't be left out and start a fire at the Sepulveda dam this morning Bass flying back from somewhere tweeting where to stay away from and new scum talking about needing to follow the rules lot of voices and light being shone on the ineptitude of the CA "leadership" as it is can only hope the policies that are endangering all of our lives are brought to task in this new world watching city and county officials informing a comatose zombie doh biden live w greaseball new scum lets talk Santa Monica conservancy and the refusal to allow for the clearance of dead brush all over those hills how did the water run out for the firemen and women last night? bozo decisions from a bunch of loser fucking clowns time for the adults in the room to stand up and shout these fools down
I know all politicians do this as often as they possibly can for as long as I can remember but is it right on the publics dime? maybe if she was actually taking care of business at home it would be more palatable for me she was elected as leader of this city and knew this event was coming as well as all the rest of us so she sits in another country tweeting which areas to stay away from like anyone needs that information from her just so tired of do nothing "leaders" laying on the platitudes while living high off the hog and I'm sure when all is said and done she'll take credit for a job well done along w newscum my 2 LAFD battalion chief nephews say that over 90% of these fires start from that homeless problem she's solved its an insult but its been going on seemingly forever