The D'Bags/Poolgate Thread

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    dude, we're not that team :giants:
  2. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I'm going to go abuse Tony Jackson. I re-read and this cunt is a cunt.
    mugs and Irish like this.
  3. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I'm rethinking my pick. AGon had/has huge issues with Arizona as a state. Remember when he said he was going to boycott playing there when he was a Padre because of their crack down on illegal immigrants?
    AGon pissed in the pool.
  4. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    glad someone finally called out these hypocritical whiny cunts... :clap:

    Los Angeles Dodgers 'PoolGate' Continues to Reveal Baseball’s War on Celebration
    The Dodgers and Diamondbacks Continue Their Season of Tension and Arguments
    By Greg Zakwin | Yahoo Contributor Network – 1 hour 58 minutes ago

    COMMENTARY | When the Los Angeles Dodgers clinched the National League West on the road over the Arizona Diamondbacks, they culminated their night of celebration by taking a dip in the swimming pool located beyond the right field fence at Chase Field.

    What followed was the vast majority of the Diamondbacks organization, D-Backs fans, old-school baseball people, and even a former presidential candidate losing their collective minds over an innocuous celebration.

    Hypocrisy of the Diamondbacks

    The Diamondbacks celebrated in exactly the same fashion back in 2011 when they won the NL West. More so than that obvious hypocrisy is the fact that an organization and its players that have been accused numerous times in the past of being disrespectful and breaking baseball's code would call out another organization for those character traits.

    The team employs Miguel Montero and previously employed Ian Kennedy. Kennedy precipitated a massive brawl between the clubs that I covered earlier this year, in which he hit Yasiel Puig in the face and then threw high at Zack Greinke after the baseball code -- which an old-school team like the D-Backs and manager Kirk Gibson constantly preach about -- had been upheld.

    Montero has consistently chastised other players in the media about not being classy and respectful, and many would say that by doing so he's displaying those same traits by complaining about non-issues and nonsensical things.

    A Simple Solution to #PoolGate

    If you don't want another team to use the pool your stadium has in its celebration, the simple and easy solution is obvious: Don't lose the division and the clinching game. Beyond that, if the pool is such a point of contention, put security around it to prevent anyone you deem unworthy from using it; don't demand the opposing team not celebrate on the field itself; and don't do things like headhunt the opposing pitcher.

    Whether the Dodgers jumped in the pool simply out of celebratory joy or with an added touch of getting back at the D-Backs is something I can't say with any certainty, but I certainly believe the D-Backs' actions in 2013 didn't make the decision any more difficult for the Dodgers who used the pool.

    Thoughts on Celebrating and PoolGate

    I've always been a fan of celebrating when you win or do something important and, in this case, I see nothing wrong with the Dodgers or any other team acting as they did.

    I'm not a fan of taunting, but the D-Backs are simply suffering from hurt feelings and are expressing it poorly outside of Brandon McCarthy, who tweeted the only sensible thing to come out of Arizona in the wake of PoolGate (I'm looking at you, John McCain).

    This war on celebration in baseball and sports in general needs to be reevaluated and come to an end. There were few if any fans left in the ballpark, and the Diamondbacks were not on the field to top it off.

    Somehow baseball people and fans have a problem with the Dodgers celebrating in a swimming pool but are just fine with pitchers throwing baseballs at other people to settle differences and scores. Physical injuries, apparently, are more acceptable than hurt feelings and hurt egos.

    New Allegations Against the Dodgers

    There are new reports that a Dodger urinated in the pool. I would prefer guys to not do so in pools in general and would not support it if it did happen, but, if it did, send the bill to the Dodgers. I'm pretty sure they can afford it and would more than happily send the D-Backs a check.

    Would it really be shocking if a player -- who is celebrating -- relieved himself in the pool? I wouldn't think it to be, and I hope the reports are wrong. Even if they are accurate, the level of anger over this Blue Crew celebration is far too excessive.

    Greg Zakwin is the founder of Plaschke, Thy Sweater Is Argyle, a Dodgers' and sports card blog. He writes with an analytical tilt about The Blue Crew at You can find and follow him on Twitter @ArgyledPlaschke. A graduate of UCLA in 2011 with a Bachelor's in History, he's been a follower of the Dodgers since birth and still mourns the loss of both Mike Piazza and Carlos Santana.

  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    ^... and the 'pool gate' affair simply will not die...
  6. doyerfan

    doyerfan MODERATOR Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 2011
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    hahaha, an update from Tony Jackson:

    As you may have guessed, yesterday was a tough day at the office for me — and deservedly so.
    There are times in this business when we write things we regret writing. It goes with the territory. It wasn’t the first time it happened to me, and it probably won’t be the last. But honestly, I probably have never regretted writing something as much as I regret writing the story I posted here yesterday morning about “pool-gate” or “pee-gate” or whatever it is that we’re calling it now. I never anticipated that it was going to become a national story, but you know what, I SHOULD have anticipated that. I should have KNOWN that. And I should have been ready for it. But what I really should have done was never post that story.
    To clarify, this is not an admission that I erred in the actual reporting of the story. I had all my sources lined up just like I always do before I report something like that. The decision I wish I could take back was in actually writing it. Sometimes, we have stories that are rock-solid, but nevertheless are better left unsaid and unreported. Stories that are better saved for private conversations around the bar with colleagues. Stories that the general public doesn’t really need to know and, in many cases, doesn’t want to know.
    Stories that aren’t important enough to justify the fallout you have to deal with after you report them.
    Among the fallout that came my way yesterday:
    – It is clear that I am now a pariah in the clubhouse, which I fully expected, and I’ll wear that for as long as I have to. I’m sure some guys will be more quick to forgive than others, and some may never forgive. That’s fine. I’m not the most forgiving person in the world either. I was down there for an hour yesterday, trying to be as visible as I could be in case anyone wanted to confront me, but only one player said anything. It was kind of a drive-by comment, mentioning the “this guy’s really bad blog post about us” as he walked by and “Yeah, I’m calling you out” as he walked away. Honestly, I don’t fault him for this at all. This is a tactic I myself have used with people at times when I was upset with someone about something, telling them what I think and then walking away before they have a chance to rebut what I said or defend themselves. And this player was completely justified in saying what he said.
    – I received a strongly worded email from a Dodgers PR representative threatening to revoke my credential and saying the story read “like an US Weekly piece.” A fair criticism. One of the things I want from this blog, as I stated when I initially launched it several weeks ago, is for each post to be written in a casual, conversational, informal style. One by-product of this is that I don’t want to clog each post with the traditional CITING of sources — i.e., Source A, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said blahblahblah, Source B declined to comment, Source C couldn’t be reached for comment, Source D didn’t return a phone call, etc. Rest assured, however, that the actual behind-the-scenes GATHERING of the news will be done the same way it always has been, and a hard-news story like this one will NEVER be presented without multiple sources, separate from and independent of each other, confirming the same information. This story was no exception. Do I regret writing it? Yes. But did I suddenly go unethical overnight after more than 20 years in the business? No, absolutely not.
    – And finally, I received a number of comments and complaints from you, my readers, both on this blog and on Twitter. A few of you supported me, which was nice. But I appreciate those of you who let me have it with both barrels. Your opinions, no matter how strongly worded, are what make this blog what it is. I want you to keep me honest. And as a businessman, I want to hear from you about what you want. I learned very quickly and very loudly yesterday what you DON’T want. Believe me, I will keep this in mind as we go forward.
    Finally, I would like to specifically address some of the comments I received yesterday:
    Of all the comments, this one, posted to the blog this morning by MFGRREP, probably nailed it better than any other:
    First and foremost, I would like to say to Tony I thoroughly enjoy your site and will gladly pay in the future. I assume that like most responsible reporters your information on what was HEARD was confirmed by more then one source. And I respect the fact that you kept the player and your source(s) anonymous. But I would also agree that this might have been a story better left untold. If for no other reason than to protect your image within the clubhouse. To the point of the actual offense taking place, who really knows for sure what took place. Given the feud that is growing between these two teams on and off the field one has to think it’s possible a Dodger player might have done the deed, but I would be more inclined to believe that it’s more hot air than actually taking place. I believe it could have just been a passing comment intended to get back at the D-Backs for past issues. What I’m most concerned about though is the level of uncontrolled behavior it shows to the public. We’ve all seen the rioting that takes place after a Championship and this type of behavior is only fueling those who don’t have good intentions. What I really wish had taken place was for both teams to shake hands after the game. A bit naive on my part but it would have been pure class !!
    Some others:
    There was this, from Twitter: “I can’t respect or like a person who changes their story to get more attention.” Honestly, getting more attention wasn’t what motivated that story — although I can’t lie to you, it DID cross my mind, and predictably, this blog DID have its biggest day ever yesterday in terms of hits and unique visitors. But that wasn’t the goal. My goal was just to make a point, and I made it awkwardly and not very articulately. This wasn’t really even about somebody peeing in a pool. It was about winning gracefully and respecting your opponent.
    There was this, from the blog comments: “This is a horrible piece. This hit piece is based on rumors and innuendo.” Upon further consideration, that is definitely the way it read, and that’s my fault. Again, the reporting done for this story was done the usual way, and I beleive I had my ducks in a row. But the story wasn’t written that way, and it’s easy to see why a reader would come to the conclusion that it’s based on rumors and innuendo. My fault, and I apologize.
    There was this, from the Dodgerscribe Facebook page: “Dude, you suck. This is why the media are all assholes.” Generally speaking, I don’t suck. I’m actually a really good guy. My friends like me. My family likes me. If I had a dog, it would probably like me. And to the point that it’s healthy to do so, I even like myself, most of the time. But there are days when I get really angry with myself, and yesterday was one of those days. And yes, for that one day, you were correct, because I sucked. But you AREN’T correct that the media are all assholes. Most of us are nice guys.
    So while I harbor no illusions that this post will wipe the slate clean like yesterday’s thing never happened, I hope it will at least convey the message that your voices have been heard and your opinions have been registered. And in the future, I will remember those voices and opinions when making decisions about the content of this blog.
    Thanks for your time.


    Nov 2011
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    I wish Vasseh would write a letter apologizing for being a retarded POS
  8. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    He was with Boston, and not only did he play, but he hit a home run. I know because I was there. :)
    LAFord likes this.
  9. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    C'mon man, not all people that work in the baseball industry can be an all star.
    THINKBLUE likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    Yeah we need guys like Vasseh and Jorge to keep the booth loose.
  11. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    They're the Mark Ellis' and Michael Youngs of the booth. Doing things that don't necessarily show up on the show (giving Kevin bj's).
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  12. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    A guy named Mickey Hatcher that fits that description helped us win our last World Series. Ever heard of him? He was just as valuable in that World Series as Kirk Gibson.
    Irish likes this.
  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    and if not for orel, probably would have been the ws mvp
  14. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I know...and if we had that team these days and DSP...these posters would more than likely fucking despise Hatcher with all the hate that gets thrown at Hairston, Skip, Young, etc.
  15. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    Name sounds familiar. Same guy that worked on either our coaching staff or Anaheim's correct?
  16. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    Hairston, Skip, Young, etc haven't helped us win a WS. :)
  17. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Yes...he was a statistically shitty player with lots of grit and could play multiple positions. you know, like every Dodger you and TB call bad names.
  18. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    Well until they help us win a WS like Hatcher did...
  19. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    nor has anyone else on the roster...

    ...yet :pray:

    LAFord likes this.
  20. IBleedBlue15

    IBleedBlue15 DSP Stud

    Nov 2011
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    Hey I'm not afraid to tell someone to go fuck themself in a GT no matter how good they are.

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