Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    come to think of it kevin parkers lyrics are pretty close to one of your posts
    rube and irish like this.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    you can fly LA to Chi for $45 nonstop
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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  4. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I just heard all MGM properties are closing down. Looks like the Strip will shut down.

    If you do go, maybe you can just AirBnB cheap, visit Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, and Red Rock.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    lets just shut down the planet
    everyone hide
    irish likes this.
  6. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    ....and the Spearmint Rhino. Seafood platter is to die for.
  7. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 4, 2013
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    According to https://www.rgj.com/story/news/2020...perties-three-state-not-las-vegas/5050639002/, MGM is closing some properties but has no plans to shut down any of their Vegas properties, despite "several employees testing positive for COVID-19."

    What am I missing here?
  8. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    fucken lemmings
    slaves to whatever the media et al spoon feeds them
    aren't the emperor's clothes beautiful?
    stop living your lives and, while you're at, give all your material possessions to me
    yeah that's the ticket

    LAdiablo likes this.
  9. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    i heard the casinos were shutting down too
    maybe there was a later article...
    or, then again, maybe just misinformantion lol
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    i'm reading all sorts of stuff w charts and predictions but no one can take the time to include the average age of those that are dying
    the 19 in Washington were all at the same old folks home and from what little i can find had preexisting issues
    no question its going to make the rounds but just how different will it be for the majority to continue?
    "Note that the age distribution in each country will also have an impact: Since mortality is much higher for older people, countries with an aging population like Japan will be harder hit on average than younger countries like Nigeria. There are also weather factors, especially humidity and temperature, but it’s still unclear how this will impact transmission and fatality rates."
    thats about all i could find and it was part of an extensive report w a ton of graphs and predictions
    just no facts about whats actually going on in respect to the dead
    Finski and irish like this.
  11. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    If true, about a week too late for me.
  12. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Prophetic lyrics or just good music?

    All the stories have been told
    Of kings and days of old,
    But there's no england now.
    All the wars that were won and lost
    Somehow don't seem to matter very much anymore.
    All the lies we were told,
    All the lies of the people running round,
    They're castles have burned.
    Now i see change,
    But inside we're the same as we ever were.
    Living on a thin line,
    Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
    Living on a thin line,
    Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
    Living on a thin line,
    Living this way, each day is a dream.
    What am i, what are we supposed to do?
    Living on a thin line,
    Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
    Now another century nearly gone,
    What are we gonna leave for the young?
    What we couldn't do, what we wouldn't do,
    It's a crime, but does it matter?
    Does it matter much, does it matter much to you?
    Does it ever really matter?
    Yes, it really, really matters.
    Living on a thin line,
    Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
    Living on a thin line,
    Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
    Now another leader says
    Break their hearts and break some heads.
    Is there nothing we can say or do?
    Blame the future on the past,
    Always lost in blood and guts.
    And when they're gone, it's me and you.
    Living on a thin line,
    Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
    Living on a thin line,
    Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
    Living on a thin line.

    Dave Fucking Davies
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
    Finski likes this.
  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    what a fucken scumbag
    has to be a special place in hades for beings like this
    glad ebay, amazon, et al shut you down
    they clearly have the conscience that you lack

    “I’m not looking to be that guy who hoarded 20,000 bottles of sanitizer that I’m selling for 20 times what they cost me.”

    you might not be "looking to be that guy" but that's exactly who you are
    would be one thing if it were just supply and demand
    but when hospitals can't get shit they need...
    what a piece of shit

    17K bottles of Hand Sanitizer and nowhere to sell them
    by Jack Nicas | The New York Times — 14 March 2020
    On March 1, the day after the first coronavirus death in the United States, brothers Matt and Noah Colvin set out in a silver SUV to pick up some hand sanitizer. Driving around Chattanooga, Tennessee, they hit a Dollar Tree, then a Walmart, a Staples and a Home Depot. At each store, they cleaned out the shelves.

    Over the next three days, Noah Colvin took a 1,300-mile road trip across Tennessee and into Kentucky, filling a U-Haul truck with thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer and thousands of packs of antibacterial wipes, mostly from “little hole-in-the-wall dollar stores in the backwoods,” his brother said. “The major metro areas were cleaned out.”

    Matt Colvin stayed home near Chattanooga, preparing for pallets of even more wipes and sanitizer he had ordered, and starting to list them on Amazon. Colvin said he had posted 300 bottles of hand sanitizer and immediately sold them all for between $8 and $70 each, multiples higher than what he had bought them for. To him, “it was crazy money.” To many others, it was profiteering from a pandemic.

    The next day, Amazon pulled his items and thousands of other listings for sanitizer, wipes and face masks. The company suspended some of the sellers behind the listings and warned many others that if they kept running up prices, they’d lose their accounts. EBay soon followed with even stricter measures, prohibiting any U.S. sales of masks or sanitizer.

    Now, while millions of people search in vain for hand sanitizer to protect themselves from the spread of the coronavirus, Colvin is sitting on 17,700 bottles of the stuff with little idea where to sell them.

    “It’s been a huge amount of whiplash,” he said. “From being in a situation where what I’ve got coming and going could potentially put my family in a really good place financially to ‘What the heck am I going to do with all of this?’”
    Colvin is one of probably thousands of sellers who have amassed stockpiles of hand sanitizer and crucial respirator masks that many hospitals are now rationing, according to interviews with eight Amazon sellers and posts in private Facebook and Telegram groups from dozens more. Amazon said it had recently removed hundreds of thousands of listings and suspended thousands of sellers’ accounts for price gouging related to the coronavirus.

    Amazon, eBay, Walmart and other online-commerce platforms are trying to stop their sellers from making excessive profits from a public health crisis. While the companies aimed to discourage people from hoarding such products and jacking up their prices, many sellers had already cleared out their local stores and started selling the goods online.

    Now both the physical and digital shelves are nearly empty.

    Mikeala Kozlowski, a nurse in Dudley, Massachusetts, has been searching for hand sanitizer since before she gave birth to her first child, Nora, on March 5. When she searched stores, which were sold out, she skipped getting gas to avoid handling the pump. And when she checked Amazon, she couldn’t find it for less than $50.

    “You’re being selfish, hoarding resources for your own personal gain,” she said of the sellers.

    Sites like Amazon and eBay have given rise to a growing industry of independent sellers who snatch up discounted or hard-to-find items in stores to post online and sell around the world.

    These sellers call it retail arbitrage, a 21st-century career that has adults buying up everything from limited-run cereals to Fingerling Monkeys, a once hot toy. The bargain hunters look for anything they can sell at a sharp markup. In recent weeks, they found perhaps their biggest opportunity: a pandemic.

    As they watched the list of Amazon’s most popular searches crowd with terms like “Purell,” “N95 mask” and “Clorox wipes,” sellers said, they did what they had learned to do: Suck up supply and sell it for what the market would bear.

    Initially, the strategy worked. For several weeks, prices soared for some of the top results to searches for sanitizer, masks and wipes on Amazon, according to a New York Times analysis of historical prices from Jungle Scout, which tracks data for Amazon sellers. The data shows that both Amazon and third-party sellers like Colvin increased their prices, which then mostly dropped when Amazon took action against price gouging this month.

    At the high prices, people still bought the products en masse, and Amazon took a cut of roughly 15% and eBay roughly 10%, depending on the price and the seller.

    Then the companies, pressured by growing criticism from regulators and customers, cracked down. After the measures last week, Amazon went further Wednesday, restricting sales of any coronavirus-related products from certain sellers.

    “Price gouging is a clear violation of our policies, unethical, and in some areas, illegal,” Amazon said in a statement. “In addition to terminating these third party accounts, we welcome the opportunity to work directly with states attorneys general to prosecute bad actors.”

    Colvin, 36, a former Air Force technical sergeant, said he started selling on Amazon in 2015, developing it into a six-figure career by selling Nike shoes and pet toys, and by following trends.

    In early February, as headlines announced the coronavirus’ spread in China, Colvin spotted a chance to capitalize. A nearby liquidation firm was selling 2,000 “pandemic packs,” leftovers from a defunct company. Each came with 50 face masks, four small bottles of hand sanitizer and a thermometer. The price was $5 a pack. Colvin haggled it to $3.50 and bought them all.

    He quickly sold all 2,000 of the 50-packs of masks on eBay, pricing them from $40 to $50 each, and sometimes higher. He declined to disclose his profit on the record but said it was substantial.

    The success stoked his appetite. When he saw the panicked public starting to pounce on sanitizer and wipes, he and his brother set out to stock up.

    Elsewhere, other Amazon sellers were doing the same.

    Chris Anderson, an Amazon seller in central Pennsylvania, said he and a friend had driven around Ohio, buying about 10,000 masks from stores. He used coupons to buy packs of 10 for around $15 each and resold them for $40 to $50. After Amazon’s cut and other costs, he estimates, he made a $25,000 profit.

    Anderson is now holding 500 packs of antibacterial wipes after Amazon blocked him from selling them for $19 each, up from $16 weeks earlier. He bought the packs for $3 each.

    Eric, a truck driver from Ohio who spoke on condition that his surname not be published because he feared Amazon would retaliate, said he had also collected about 10,000 masks at stores. He bought each 10-pack for about $20 and sold most for roughly $80 each, although some he priced at $125.

    “Even at $125 a box, they were selling almost instantly,” he said. “It was mind-blowing as far as what you could charge.”

    He estimates he made $35,000 to $40,000 in profit.

    Now he has 1,000 more masks on order, but he’s not sure what to do with them. He said Amazon had been vague about what constituted price gouging, scaring away sellers who don’t want to risk losing their ability to sell on its site.

    To regulators and many others, the sellers are sitting on a stockpile of medical supplies during a pandemic. The attorney general’s offices in California, Washington and New York are all investigating price gouging related to the coronavirus. California’s price-gouging law bars sellers from increasing prices by more than 10 percent after officials declare an emergency. New York’s law prohibits sellers from charging an “unconscionably excessive price” during emergencies.

    An official at the Washington attorney general’s office said the agency believed it could apply the state’s consumer-protection law to sue platforms or sellers, even if they aren’t in Washington, as long as they were trying to sell to Washington residents.

    Colvin does not believe he was price gouging. While he charged $20 on Amazon for two bottles of Purell that retail for $1 each, he said people forget that his price includes his labor, Amazon’s fees and about $10 in shipping. (Alcohol-based sanitizer is pricey to ship because officials consider it a hazardous material.)

    Current price-gouging laws “are not built for today’s day and age,” Colvin said. “They’re built for Billy Bob’s gas station doubling the amount he charges for gas during a hurricane.”

    He added, “Just because it cost me $2 in the store doesn’t mean it’s not going to cost me $16 to get it to your door.”

    But what about the morality of hoarding products that can prevent the spread of the virus, just to turn a profit?

    Colvin said he was simply fixing “inefficiencies in the marketplace.” Some areas of the country need these products more than others, and he’s helping send the supply toward the demand.

    “There’s a crushing overwhelming demand in certain cities right now,” he said. “The Dollar General in the middle of nowhere outside of Lexington, Kentucky, doesn’t have that.”

    He thought about it more.

    “I honestly feel like it’s a public service,” he added. “I’m being paid for my public service.”

    As for his stockpile, Colvin said he would now probably try to sell it locally.

    “If I can make a slight profit, that’s fine,” he said. “But I’m not looking to be in a situation where I make the front page of the news for being that guy who hoarded 20,000 bottles of sanitizer that I’m selling for 20 times what they cost me.”
    BlueMouse likes this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    This is America.
    When u need a band aid and go to the hospital and they put one on you it has a cost of 5 dollars.
    Same medicines that are cheap in Mexico are unaffordable for sick people in the US.
    A doctor has no business charging so much to help you when you in need.
    But when ur sick u are the demand and they are the supply.
    Go run for president and you will see it matters less how much you the best but if you can raise more money than all of the rest.
    Even good ideas are hoarded and sold to the highest bidder.
    This is what we teach.
    Yeah this guy is a shithead... But he learned it from the environment.

    I was in rite aid when the news was breaking about corona being a threat here.
    In line to get meds. Alcohol and Vicks were on sale. And as I was reading my phone the clerk started ripping all the prices on the Vicks and the alcohol and jacking them up.
    I asked the guy if it was due to the anticipated demand from corona hype in the news and he responded yeah.
    People really are deplorable animals.
    When their society is a dog eat dog chase.
    Humanity is a learned concept.
    Because not all societies are a community.
    Most are just a cult. The devil in disguise.
    irish likes this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    i'm all about the hustle but those hand sanitizer fucks are vile
    saw that story 3 days ago and it sounds like they are under investigation now
    why on earth they would go public w such a scumbag story is a profile in stupidity and "look at me" culture
    wtf did they expect, accolades and poor lad comments?
    he could have sat on any street corner in america and sold them for $5 and it would have been over
  16. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I hope his family starves because he has no money for food and I hope someone shoots him in the leg and he gets an infection at the hospital because they have no hand sanitizer. Piece of shits.
    fsudog21, irish, Finski and 1 other person like this.
  17. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 15, 2011
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    A friend in Vegas who is a bartender at NY NY just got laid off as part of a mass layoff. I guess they aren’t shutting down completely ATM, but they are at 4% capacity and working with skeleton crews. Zumanity, the show my friend worked at, has been suspended for now.

    At least that is what I’ve heard.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    He did not think he was doing anything wrong.
    Other than being a douche.
    Its not really a safety thing to me.
    It's a commodity thing.
    Hand sanitizer... Really?
    Most soaps are anti bacterial now.
    We all have access to scalding water from a tap.
    It's not hard to boil water.
    We don't need to lug firewood to sanitize your hands like in the old days.
    If it's in the store then it's for sale.
    All sales are final.

    Nobody needs hand sanitizer but maybe visitors in an ICU or other such situations.
    Older folks that are too poor to have hot water or too Ill to wash properly need it.
    It's not a necessity for everyday Americans.
    The middle class keeps fucking shit up because we all run on automatic when we should be automatic for the people.
    But we like to run on the wrong frequency like Stipe said.
    Ritual de lo habitual as ol Perry would say.
    Everyone's a sheep but we all got that fancy wool in our face making us see sheep everywhere but within.
    We all drink the same koolaid.
    All of us are slaves to the fountainhead where we get our water of life.
    Its not about not being a sheep.
    Its about being a good sheep.
    Drinking from the good water.
    So when it's time to act you dont get left in the dust trying to protect your riches from outta the dirt.
    You gotta be a sheep.
    So you know your role in the plan.
    How to shut the gate to keep the fold safe.
    A sheep with horns is like a dog with sharp teeth.
    And they are pets.
    To work and protect the sheep.
    And get a cut of the shear.
    Wolves too weak for the pack because they refuse to kill the weak or small steaggling sheep evolve into dogs. Then they get rewarded with fresh steak for being good boyos.
    But if that's not you then you the wolf or a sheep.
    Wolves are like the SS.
    Better to die in a fire like a scared sheep than be a Nazi.

    Purell is pure convenience.
    Wash your hands.
    Then hug everyone you meet.
    Take a shower when u get home.
    Get a little corona here and a little corona there and before u know you will have immunity.
    Purell merely gives people a false sense of hygiene.
    WATER is the best medicine.
    Specially holy water that's been in a silver chalice. Colloidal silver leeches into the water and it kills shit on contact.
    Btw you can also make a ton of heavy silver water with a tiny bit of silver and a few cheaper chemicals.
    Drink that and splash it on like cologne and it's better than purell.
    I just found a small batch i had in my trunk.
    Plus it won't mutate the genes of the coronavirus like antibacterial soap and sanitizers.
    They only make disease stronger for the rest of the people.
    They don't kill all the bacteria.
    What survives becomes a stronger novel strain that is harder and harder to kill with antibiotics.
    That's like nuking Japan and not expecting them to turn into crazed recluses that want to get fucked by alien octopi or office drones. Same diff.
    Antibiotics should be the last resort.
    Silver kills all the evil beings. Kills them good.
    That's why I temper my sword in it.
    Chemistry is fun too.
    I haven't made a volcano blow in a long long time.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    But will you give him money or food to help feed his family once he realizes how he fucked up?
    Or will you hoard it up for yourself because of its increased existential value?
    You would give the guy help.
    Because your a Christian.
    Regardless of your religion.
    You are a real american.

    I've got a new rule.
    Never buy more than 2 of anything if you wish for there to be plenty for others.
    If you buy 2 buy 2 so you may give one away to someone that has none.
    Or to your family member or neighbor or friend.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  20. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 6, 2013
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    That dude needs to be arrested and his stash confiscated.
    irish and BlueMouse like this.

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