Your top 5 stranded island artists

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by LAdiablo, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i agree
    i've worn dresses for halloween and makeup for cure concerts big fucking deal
    im a solid pussy hound so if anyone wants to call me a fag oh well
    i had one buddy in my early 20s that was such a good friend we did everything together all the time
    it was a dangerous relationship tbh and we did things and encouraged each to do things that people just shouldn't do
    laughed together to tears and punched each other and drew blood
    it was like a marriage of sorts and it was just a given we were together
    people used to whisper about us being gay all the time
    we laughed about that too
    little more y and a little less x and its all different anyway
    CapnTreee, TAFNAC and irish like this.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Everyone has always known about Led Zep getting their music from black blues players.
    Jimmy Page always talked about that shit, how they would go and just steal as much as they could.
    Vikings coming to the western shores to rape and pillage our native lands music. Kinda apropos.
    I really dont get what the fuss is all about. I knew this shit as a little kid, how are people getting surprised now?

    CCR just has so much stuff that is better than decent. And you know all them old ladies love that shit. I grew up with old ladies that loved that shit. I listened to more CCR and Monkees than anything that wasnt Beatles and Elvis or Gospel.
    Not gospel, i should take that back, I wish it was gospel. My mom was into that shitty christian contemporary music they had out in the 80's.
    Ladies in pastel colored flowery power suits, wtf? There was so much Sandi Patty at my house that It turned me onto Megadeth, Black Sabbath, NWA, and 2LiveCrew.

    I put Petty into country rock because to me country is not just about the twang.
    Southern rock the same, its all country rock to me. Country to me just means music for the whole family. The country/land/folk/people.
    Basically what should be American Popular Music, stuff that everyone/anyone can relate to. Country music has obviously become just another shitty media driven genre.
    Southern, Western, Midwestern, Folk, Protest, proto-rock like the Byrds, Johnny Cash, Woodie Guthrie, John Denver, Black Crowes, CCR, Tom Petty, Allman bros, Skynyrd... All American Country to me.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You know the story of Jonathan and David right?
    People can't believe two dudes could be friends, like actually friends not the pretend friendships most dudes have with other dudes without them being gay.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    no fuss i just always thought zep was more original than it turns out
    never knew about it until the lawsuits but idk it just doesn't play the same in my ears...
    funny you mention the church ladies
    i take my mom to church and some days i even go inside and sit down
    i'll stand out of respect but im not kneeling
    and the old church ladies hate that
    the ones that sing on stage glare over their granny glasses especially hard at me
    no im not worried about hell lady geezus
  5. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Halle Berry
    Scarlett Johannsen
    Jessica Biel
    Helen Mirren
    jpldodgers and irish like this.
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i love helen mirren
    always have

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    BZs island seems like a good time.
    jpldodgers and Bluezoo like this.
  8. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    'Tis...I figure after the Sade ravaging, she can sing while I fornicate with that variety of female types.
    Good sex music from Sade...y'know, like Barry White or someone like that.
    Or they can just hum or whistle.
    irish and rube like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    but you should kneel
    not for the reasons they think but for the right reasons
    which is that these old ladies got nothing in their life but this
    which is what the church is about, taking care of those that cant keep up in society for whatever reason
    namely the elderly, the uneducated, children, single moms, addicts, people depressed, widows, divorcees, etc...

    you kneel for one reason really
    that you feel bad for these old bats and the last thing any grown man should want to do is make an old lady upset.
    once I got that around my head my POV changed.
    It was no longer about me not 'having' to kneel but about me not wanting these old ladies to 'sin' by getting pissed off at me for not kneeling.
    they are 'weak brothers' who fall into all kinds of errors and feel all sorts of bad feelings because they are weak and want the free to have to be weak too.
    let me put it in this way... dont quote me as this is a very loose analogy but the church is like welfare
    welfare is important, it is there to catch those who cant keep up with bull rush that is society... the buffalo train is going forward and if you are a weak straggler at the end you will be taken by the predator and your soul devoured.
    But then there are welfare abusers and they end up being the wheel the squeaks the loudest and gets the most attention.
    Eventually these welfare queens take the leadership of The Church and lord it over the church members. The church is the people. The Church is the state.
    Weak Brothers are what we now call Snowflakes in greater society.
    When the weak brothers take control we all get snowed in and the Church becomes cold.
    Like Siberia.
    Because what happens in church is the same thing that happens in every country that allows the socialist justice holy warriors waging their own version of jihad so they can continue the Spanish Inquisition.
    And that thing that happens is called Communism.
    Where you must believe what the weak believe and you must live like the weak live and you must be a satan which is an enemy/accuser/rat to your own friends/family/people and report them to the leader/pastor/priest for re-education, transcendental torture and punishment.
    ok, you can quote me, the analogy did not come out too bad

    One way to see if your church is failed is if the weak brothers are in charge or have so much influence over the leadership and congregation that they force others to do things the way they want. And usually, that is some sort of hardline letter of the law fails to understand the meaning and to get the gist/joke/point of what the biblical advice really says.

    That is wrong, the weak have to be shown the right way but without having them lose face.
    because at that age losing face is soul-crushing and leads to all kinds of suicide... even the slow kind.
    they will get offended and get offended easily and for no good valid reason, but you must protect them from themselves
    protect them from getting offended.
    You cant fight these people conventionally. In other words you cant treat them like they kinda deserve to be treated.
    Not if you want to help the situation, not just help them but help all of us.
    Like a snowflake or a socialist. You cant argue with them you cant 'put them in their place'... they are WEAK of spirit and will never understand until you melt them with your spirit. You have to spit hot fire at them. Which is not anger but focused caring attention that gives you sympathy that hopefully turns to empathy for that individual.
    Then and only then can your focused caring melt away that snowflake or defrost that ice queen or if needed shatter the Siberian barbarian Mongol worldview of that communist horde that is trying to trap everyone in order to later come and 'rescue' them with their broken welfare system which is simply their easiest way to get victims corralled into one circle for easy pickings. Like the circular barrel, the poor weak Christians are the fish getting shot.

    And Devil in case you forgot (it is easy with all of the propaganda by the enemy) this is a Christian nation.
    So that weak brother IS the soldier next to you in the trenches. No matter if he is free or trapped full of enemy bullets and cant move anymore. Do you leave him in the trench?
    You know what another word for trench is?
    A rut.
    Just because our rut does not look or sound like the same kind of rut the church lady is in does not mean we are not also in some kind of rut. Problem is that it is very very hard to realize you are in a rut when you are inside it. It is a perfect trap by the perfect enemy.
    Creating tons of little ruts to divide us even more and to have us attack those that are in the bigger rut thinking they are the enemy.
    They are the victims of the enemy and since the enemy turns his victims into zombies that is why we think they are the enemy.

    Everytime they are offended by something like this it makes their condition worse and in their eyes and the eyes of their peers it validates their beliefs and pushes them towards their flawed logic of being better than others because they do the 'right thing'.
    this belief is soul destroying and it makes them want to go and proselytize their perverted version of things to trap more people
    the trapped people in church are right next to the free people in church.
    it is a huge battle that has raged since the beginning.
    and the only ones who can help the trapped people are the free people

    Now none of that is your problem
    until you remember that you are your brothers keeper
    that there is a right way to go about changing the situation
    but it is a 'hard' because it does not seem to directly benefit us to go through the pain in the ass that is dealing with these old ladies who have become stuck in a rut spiritually. (old ladies can also mean old men)
    they are the sheep caught in the trap and from their traps they want to guide the rest of the sheep... all they will do is lead them to the same trap they are in.
    so its your job as the man who is the representative of The Man to help get them out of their rut and show them how if they fall into that rut again they may break their legs and never be able to be rescued and instead just be left by the side of the road in the rut left to die.
    with those there is not much you can do
    and this lady is probably one of those that has already broken both legs and cant help herself help you pull her out of the rut she is in.
    and when you try she will try and bite your hand which is why its difficult to muster the will to try
    but you gotta try
    that is like why you were put on this earth.
    to go for the try
    which is the touchdown
    but thats not over
    the try is called a try because you are trying to get the important part of the touchdown
    its not the 6 points, its never the 6, its always about the 7th.
    And you want to have a chance to try and kick a field goal for that 7th point.
    When you get that then you know that you made a conversion.
    And converting people is what it is all about.
    I bet you can turn those old ladies at church around Diablo, you could get them loving you if you really wanted to.
    You know what another word for turning around is?
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    ^ its only 1 pm after a WS loss, still too early
    that looks epic even up against your rants
    and i'm not kneeling for a guy in the sky
    CapnTreee and rube like this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    There is no mention of the guy in the sky.
    And my point about kneeling is not about showing respect to him or anything like that.
    You may be happily surprised then.

    There is nothing better than a little heartbreak and strife to wind my spirit up to unleash a 100mph fastball rant.
    I know normally my rants are screwballs buts thats because I tried to learn the curveball from watching Fernandomania as a kid.
    Wrecked my arm, too young for that kind of action you know what I mean?
    I had to learn to pitch left handed for a year and a half.
    Ends up that I have a ton more power in my left arm.
    So when I go to my alternative wing my rants come out like a fastball. Way more direct.
    But for the most part I stick to the offspeed stuff since I can still throw my offspeed in the high 80's to mid 90's.
    The screwball really misses a lot of bats. It is hard to pin down. Even for the catcher who is who Im trying to pitch to in the first place.
    The batter is just there for the exercise of it all. He is in a way the heckler in the audience.
    My real audience is the catcher because i want him to become the best pitch framer around.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
    CapnTreee and LAdiablo like this.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think i may have been hanging out too long when i totally understand you at times
    good stuff
    CapnTreee and rube like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    rereading it I realized I did stick a little bit of the guy in the sky when I talked about how you are the man representing The Man.
    You are the straw the stirs the drink... but who is holding the straw?
    You know what the drink is? Spirit.
    You know I like to stir it up.

    Who are you?
    Oh who the fuck are you?
    Aint nobody told you?
    Who made who?
    CapnTreee likes this.

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