Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    well done London
    Bluezoo likes this.
  2. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    There is an underground railroad worldwide of Catholics who are being persecuted.
    China is no longer communist.
    This is old news.
    China is a nationalist nation.

    Bishops get their authority from the Pope. This is the Peter principle. It is the rock on which Roman catholicism was built and what separates them from all other Christians and Catholics.

    In China bishops have been selected by the state of China.
    China pays billions to the Vatican for this right.
    The Chinese wanted it in writing and now they have it.
    So with that written papal bull the government of China has authority to arrest any Catholic priest that was ordained by a non CCP appointed Bishop.

    They are arresting bishops, priests, and shutting down churches who are pastored by these non state appointed leaders.
    Christian Chinese Catholics are underground.
    They are going through an inquisition where the gov wants to mold them into a Chinese nationalist version of Catholicism.
    Religion being the og form of reeducation.

    All the free Catholic churches and their bishops and priests will essentially now be protestant Christians because they won't be officially Catholic as that will be protected intellectual property in China.
    Because of the deal with the devil.
    Shame on the Pope.
    I doubt he's a dope.
    Just a mope on a rope.

    The Pope is like a Biden.
    A manchurian controlled by the state dept who takes it's orders from the great star in the east.
  5. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    ...and a candidate, too.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    No, a star.
    Stars controlled by a bigger star.

    Stars gravitate towards heavier orbits.
    And give up their own station.
    An unforgivable sin.
    It's a matter of time + space.
    Not of moral qualms.
    So don't shoot the messenger.

    Do you know about Yam?
    Yam is an ancient river demon from old Jewish lore.
    Ukraine is the material homeland of the Jews as far back as recorded history goes.
    It is where the Manchurians were defeated in the year 1234 AD.
    Well the Manchurians had a system called the Ortoo.
    Essentially a souped up pony express.
    We would know It more by it's latin name Ortega/Urtica.

    But in the northern tribal lands it's called Yam.
    Because the highway of postal relay stations filled with fresh horses and fuel for the horses and rest for the riders and comfort for the messengers was a long and winding road from the Ainu islanded off Japan to the tatars in Crimea.

    This road of horses and people from above in Europe and Nod would appear as a giant twisting and turning snake.
    A river of people.
    A sea serpent.
    A dragon.
    The great ocean current yam suf.

    All the powerful baleful gods had to go to holy war vs the snake.
    A beautiful garden has been staged.
    And this snake in the grass appears.
    Always with something new from the east.
    A new toy a new trade a new joy a new tale.
    Stealing away the attention of beth.
    While the boys having fun playing all night.
    The snake steals away the night.
    The men must ride the snake.
    The snake must be subdued.
    Or it eats you.

    Oh yeah Kiss are Jews as you know.
    But Beth ain't about a girl.
    It's about Aliyah. Not the martyred black singer.
    Thats another story.
    And we got enough distractions.
    Because Beth means home.
    And while you off getting high or having fun with your friends the attention of your wife and kids and culture is being stolen by the snake in the grass.

    Oh the point about Yam.
    The Korean purple yams are great and flavorful but the Okinawan purple Yams are the absolute best.
    Here they are like 3 dollars a lb in the Asian market. I know on Amazon they are more expensive.
    Point is they are very nutritious, filling, and taste great.
    And they are an unlimited food source.
    You can buy it once and never buy again.
    Let it sprout and just break off the slip and put it in water for a couple days.
    It will grow silky hairs and new nodes.
    Plant them in any loose material like bunched up leaves or wood chips with some dirt in a bag or cardboard box.
    Throw a little of the dust from your depends in there.
    You will only have to water once a week.
    There is a special natural element I your diapers that allows soils to retain water like crazy. Nothing wastes.

    You can keep breaking new slips off the yam to keep growing more new yam clumps.
    Next harvest you will have mana from heaven.
    I put some of that depends powder and 10 gallons of water on an avocado tree that need dead for 7 years and it's giving me nice avocados again.
    Only watered it that one time with two buckets.
    Now I'm applying it to all my dead trees and building water canals everywhere.
    I let my water pump run wild for an hour and i felt like Daniel Plainview but instead of crude oil it was chlorinated water gushing up out of the top of the tank and raining down around me while I pulled a knocked branch around making 4 canals.
    So water won't be an issue to my trees anymore.

    My avocados are like nothing you ever tasted before.
    They skin is black and hard like Irish prefers.
    But the inside is pure Irish butter.
    Grown from the best grass.
    And like the purple Yam it packs a hefty nutritional punch.
    Specially when food is expensive.
    And it's nutritional values have been eroded like soil that isn't rested on the seventh year.

    Good catch on the machurian candidate though. Haven't seen the movie or read the book.
    All I know is that Sinatra was in it because JFK really wanted the movie made and it wasn't getting greenlit by Hollywood.
    Then it was greenlit.
    Then so was he.
    Then we got that big dick slinging guy from Dallas who you could say was the begining of the greater Bush Dynasty.

    I am usually talking about the historical reality in which the mythological or fantastical or science fictional story was originally based on before it was changed to fit the narrative the author whishes to format your thinking with.
    Bluezoo likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Take a knee.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I liked everything about desantis until this immigrant shipping shit.
    It serves me right for starting to believe one of these guys wouldn't get sucked into political fever.

    Lying to immigrants and shipping them off to an undisclosed location for idealogical reasons is what the Nazis did.
    (Pause for jeers...)
    Yeah I know it's not in any way the same.
    But then you are handing the immigrants off to the liberal progressives who don't know how to build even a shitty dog house to keep their wards protected from the sheer elements.
    We all know they don't give a fuck about brown people.
    It's not gonna shock anyone other than those pretending to be asleep.
    The blinded.

    It wasn't for political reasons as that would be unfashionable.
    It was entirely for idealogical and not political reasons.
    And all this is leading us to fast fashion.

    Democrats might end up with a big problem with all these immigrants. And some crazy progressive liberal senator might come up with a great solution for the problem by having the out of the blue genius never before heard of idea of tasking fema into creating a series of micro cities for each foreign group along with special markers of identification of course so they can police themselves into smaller more concentric circles so that they can later more easily turned around like a wheel at the hands of the church leader pastoring the sacred circle into wagons that fly, on rails even.

    Then we will have them just where we want them!
    The evil liberal progressive won't resist becoming Nazis and start shipping the immigrants to fema warehouses all over.
    We will catch em red handed!
    Great plan guys.
    We also happen to secure the goods in the process.
    The cargo.
    The human resource.
    Everybody wins!

    Well almost.
    Winning equals losers have to lose.
    These venezuelans just got their first lesson in north americaning.
    Fascism is everything.
    Once you get to the big show.
    You show off.
    Image being the most respected value by a culture divided by media into a bipolar battery to give energy to any false premise they want to sell to the next group of people full of spunk and cumption.
    You gotta castrate the competition one way or another.
    And if I've learned one lesson finally all my life is that within the rules of the game in between the lines the opponent can beat the living shit outta you and it's 100% above board as long as he can turn around and say oops hey man it's all just part of the game and what happens in the game stays between the lines.

    You have no rights when playing the game because you chose to play.
    You technically were not forced to play.
    And outside the game you have no freedom of speech.
    Like in the military and once you leave.
    There is a code of silence.
    And major penalties for breaking the myth.
    But if they play their cards right they can win big!
    They just gotta find someone to make their victim.
    And now they have.
    Suing the people of Florida for shipping them off like product.
    They spent more than half a million to ship em to Martha's vineyard.
    Are we sure these weren't mules with cocaine up their ass for Obamas and pals upcoming holiday parties?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2022


    Nov 2011
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    Hate it when you guys fight ;(
    rube likes this.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I'm not fighting.
    Go reread my posts.
    (3 hours later...)
    Not my fault the dude can't properly read what I write and can't remember what he writes.
    There was a big dramatic showing of how I'm a horrible person that he needs to ignore.
    As in FYI guys.... Lol.
    Ironically he called me a victim.
    I even took it in stride.
    Shit maybe that does make me a victim because I didn't protest ?
    Nah, I'm sure that doesn't even break the top ten emo reasons why I'm a victim.
    So you see no fighting from this guy.
    When i see a highly educated boar doing what comes naturally I know best to get outta the way.
    The heat will pass and the piggy will pull back his tusks and put his goyish lipstick back on.
    Bacon is best both salty and sweet.
    Because it is what it is.
    Even if it don't know it.
    But that's what happens when you get well marbled.
    The machine runs best when it's got at least one screw a little loose.
    Lucky me I got cases and cases of screw drivers.
    You could call me king Phillips of orange.
    TAFNAC likes this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Peace is a hype word.
    It will bring war.
    The moment you make peace with who wants to kill you... you are already dead.
    You only make peace with someone who doesn't want to kill you.

    Prepare for the Sharknado.
    Sharks see things like this as blood in the water.
    Chum chum.

    There's gotta be a reason why you sue for peace.
    You see what's happening in Ukraine. The north of Israel.
    The homeland of the ash kenaz.
    You see the writing on the wall.
    Irans missiles are too close.
    Russia is moving around in the north. China is flooding the area governments with free infrastructure and stealing the wills of their leaders.
    America their protector is corrupt and seen as weakening.
    Israel is afraid.
    I find their lack of faith disturbing.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i'd say prudent
    Finski likes this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That's exactly what it is.
    And what happens after prudent appeasement?
    Does your enemy say thank you for being such nice guys?
    No, he goes for even more.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah just like how equal rights turned into men in womens bathrooms, teaching sex subjects to 5 year olds and pedos out in the open wanting to be called maps
    not to mention call me by my preferred pronoun and men can have babies...say it or lose your job
    like it or not the insane are currently running the world and Israel has always got a plan unlike us
    irish likes this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    It's Israel they already have all that gay stuff. Israel is big on all that stuff.
    What I'm talking about is demand for land back.
    For the borders of the British mandate to be enforced.
    That will be next.
    Then they will be challenged on their right to be there at all.
    Why not Jews go to Liberia as was offered or to Germany since they were the perpetrators of the Holocaust.
    The only thing that gives them their legitimacy is their twisting of the Torah in the Talmud.
    So if they say the land is theirs because of a promise from god they will fall on their face.
    The promise from god stipulates that they cant partition the land away.
    They must fight the battles and god will win the war.
    Unless they lack faith or vision.
    The land is theirs as long as they always fight for it.

    They lost it originally because their ancestors were prudent and wanted peace with their neighbors so they welcomed foreign priests and diplomats to set up shop.
    Solomon created the idea of a united nations by trying to be the prince of peace.
    He was the wisest man.
    And before he died he realized he had been terribly wrong in his wisdom.
    It wasn't wisdom.
    It was an abyss.
    A bottomless pit.
    And that all the diplomats and priests were false teachers and double agents.
    It was too late.
    The ball had started rolling.
    And there are always hidden hands trying to rebuild Solomon's temple.
    Aka his style of rule.
    Chinese Democracy.
    Liberal Christianity.
    Capitalist Communism.
    Aka chaos of men promising to be on their best behaviour all the time while in secret poisoning your wells and minds sapping your resources and destroying your culture from within.

    You can rely on gods will or you can rely on mens will.
    And just like NATO and the EU this is the road to hell.
    Playing nice.
    Making defense pacts with countries we want to exploit.
    Forces us to be the arbiters of war. Their wars.
    The more countries gang up the more evil happens.
    And then your gang vs my gang over some bullshit neither of us want but we gotta fight because some idiot with a flare gun set fire to the river somewhere in the east and now it's war.

    The Arabs tricked them again.
    They Jews get the Arabs too.
    But this time the Arabs got the Jews to give up their pact with God to make a pact with others.
    The Muslims will use that against them.
    And it will hurt the resolve of the Jewish people.

    Of course the Jews have no other way out of this mess but to sue for peace if they want to survive.
    But it also means the begining of the end of biblical claims.
    Now folks must make legal claims.
    And that will open them up to UN sanctions.
    They can't be the supposed chosen people if they say no mas we wanna cut a deal.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Do your homework.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    out of nowhere comes Meloni viva Italia!
    TAFNAC likes this.
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Brava! Brava!
  20. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I'll be the adult and ask the real question: does she have nice tits?

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