Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    didn't see a minute of the game but its not hard to see we were just going through the motions
    would seem like there would be plenty of things to be trying out in real game situations to keep their interest
    going to be interesting to watch the great motivator in action
    not really
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Not so much that e lost, but Bobby was getting tag
    I know what you're writing there, and I've read it for years.
    But I don't but that Miller was trying anything out,, other than trying to win his 11 th. Remember the kid's innings to date. Way over now.
    And that the closer's wonkiness is a tinkering experiment. Because it must have started a few games ago. Reclamation bonanzas are great until they're not.
    I can see tinkering with the lineup a bit, but pitching is trying to be as sharp going in as they possibly can.
    I hope it all just is sleepwalking, for whatever reasons, but I just don't think this team is as good as they've looked... against the low bar of the NLW.
    And we've got that NLW championship down pretty well.
    But...all played out after ?...
    All will be revealed...
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    actually wasn't directing it to the pitching at all
    if they ended up giving up 3? earned that's a game we should win after the smoke settles
    i meant in terms of trying to manufacture a run here or there w hit and run, steals, bunting, squeezes and anything else that we rarely see
    but that would require actual daring and thought
    was figuring the team will arrive w its typical malaise thinking they can flip a switch
    i'd be impressed by a bunt every inning as practice
    at least guys would feel like it was something besides passing time
    Finski and Bluezoo like this.
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Oh, I'll agree that a total of 4 is no's just that Bobby was getting tagged hard, but had some luck and some highlight D behind him.
    Can't expect miracles from the kid. He came up and did a great job in his 20 games, but he's in uncharted territory now. Even his youth and size may be sorely tested by all these " extra" innings now.
    And now we expect him to sail into the playoffs and still be phenomenal... not saying he can't, but it's a tall order.
    The lineup just came up against Olsen,who imo, has some of the best stuff I've seen all season...from any team. I'd love to get this kid on LA. Yeah.
    His wiffle ball pitches while he's in there, rank up there with Treinen's, when he's at his best.
    The two or three weeks he hasn't been on the IL, that is.

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