Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    He was quoting the Bible.
    He was ahead of his time in that he kbew that abyss is not what the church says it is but everything that the church knows and says.
    Their deep wealth of knowledge is the abyss.

    Inundated means flooded.
    Baptized does not mean flooded. It means whelmed.
    As in whelmed over.
    You can be inundated by water but not overwhelmed if you can still raise your sail and float your boat.

    Philosophy is Greek thought.
    Aka Democracy
    Post philosophy is Jesus thought.
    Aka... it's good to be the king.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    My.problem is that I have no faith in American people, as they have voted like jerkoffs and done shit over and over before. And I believe the Dems will actually murder and kill to stay.in power, and want it.more than the Repubes.
    The Dem evil psyche makes the other look like a bunch of whining butterflies.
    LAdiablo, Finski and rube like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Reptile brain and the mammalian brain take turns ruling.

    It's on a cycle and the reptiles want it less because their side has been ruling for 70 years.
    It's how their DNA works.
    They have short arms, they reach out but can't reach the finish line anymore.
    Mammalians have their heart in their hand which gives them a +1 in reach powers.

    Cold blooded reptilian brains are not nice, but conserve energy in case it's needed for an emergency. Theirs... but if you around a reptile will help you too. Even if he does it out of duty and not because it warms the cockles of his heart.

    The bleeding heart mammalian brain loves wasting energy being nice to the world.
    But it's hot blooded and volatile if you dont love them back the way they demand. They will cancel you, cut off your arms at the elbows, split your tongue, and tar and feather you until your skin turns to scales.

    The higher brain abides while the other two fight each other for rule.
    Only once they plough into each other for a few turns trying to rule is the playing field ready for the higher brain to simply show up and reign.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    At this point you may have better luck building an altar to jobu.
    Bluezoo and fsudog21 like this.
  5. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    So Newsom is putting up billboards in red states inviting women to come to California for their abortions. Who's paying for these? Me through my tax dollars? Regardless if I'm pro-choice or pro-life, I don't think that's a good use of tax dollars. And this is yet another example of why we're the highest taxed state yet can't afford freeways without potholes.
    Finski, rube and LAdiablo like this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i was a pro abortion guy until the left pushed for full term and post birth abortions
    shit why not just say its cool to off a 2 year old if its not what you expected?
    what a campaign to run on and if people can't look at that slimy pos and see what he's about we're all in trouble
    how does this asshat have CA in his pocket and his reptilian eyes on the presidency?
    punch a prius driver on principle tomorrow
    Finski and lastatman like this.
  7. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    Okay, so I was wrong about the tax dollars. Supposedly the billboards were paid by his campaign, although I also don't trust that he's not somehow funneling state funds there. Still, my point about high taxes and crappy roads is valid. Regarding abortion, my stance is similar to diablo's. There are some cases early in the term that may make sense, but late stage doesn't.
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You wanna know what else pretty boy Newson gonna do???

    And you can't stop him.
    Because you are all California liberals.
    At least where it counts.
    Your vote does nothing.
    It's how the system works.

    The only way you can fight him is outside the system.

    Some of you wannabe conservative.
    Others dont but are being left behind by 'progress'.
    Lots of you are basically coming up conservative by default.

    But you noobs to this.
    Its not like just switching leagues in the NBA where everything is about appearing fair.

    Conservative is old school dodgers baseball.
    Your manager has to actually put in work.
    And theres no special rules for special boys like the Yanks demand.
    Conservative is the national league.
    Not nationalist.
    That's the American League.
    Bunch of socialist fascists.

    That's how its gonna be.
    There's a national league and an American League in everything.
    Even in religion.
    There's a high church and a low church.
    A church that comes in it's pants when celebrities and world leaders call for them.
    And a church that thinks that's fucking gross and wants no part of that hype.

    What type of church do you think will join the side of national socialists, of liberal communists, the powerful elite, whatever you want to call the next big baddies... In order to protect their real estate and tax entitlements.
    The high church or the low church?
    The ones with megachurches like Joel Osteen, massive Anglican/ Catholic/Christian/Orthodox cathedrals.... or the ones that meet in old church halls, town rec centers, or local lairs rented out by the devil himself?

    I was forced to go to church as a child.
    Like most of you.
    Would you enjoy Disneyland now as an adult?
    I went when I was 6.
    As soon as I had a choice of what theme park to go to I picked one that was less TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!

    That's all I'm saying.
    You grown ups.
    Religion is the most grown up thing there is.
    It literally is about growing up.
    At every stage of life.
    All the time.
    All your life.

    Unless you want to go to a plastic feel good when you wish upon a star Disneyfied version of church.
    The kind celebrity Christians go to to feel better about themselves.
    Kindergarten church.
    All of the high churches.
    That gas you up with narc juice.
    Then your tongue goes numb.
    You been stung by the high church.
    And you wear the dumb mark.
    Might as well be blind too.
    And devolve all the way down to grinning monkey and sees nothing bears nothing says nothing.

    When you had magic mountain waiting for you the whole time.
    With shorter lines and better rides.
    With free refills and cheaper thrills.
    And green grass that's short because it's old enough to get trimmed.
    Fuck even Knott's berry farm is the real deal and it's right there.
    In the summer there's nowhere better than Raging Waters here in the real most excellent town if San Dimas.

    But hey, go do the hail marys and the speaking in tongues and assume the missionary position.
    Because when you get mixed up with that lot there will be hell to pay.
    Ans that's an inside job too.

    If you gonna go retard which is what conservative means.
    To retard progress and ensure the best things in life from the past are remembered and honored... then go full retard.
    That is the only way when it comes to retard. Only way that works and helps anyone and any actual reform happen.
    All retards that don't full retard are so retarded they help your enemy way more than they help you.
    That is any western religion that isn't reform protestantism.
    It's the double cross.
    Protest and reform.
    The underground railroad.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    A varsity athlete I see.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ok brother.
    Watcha gonna do OOO ooo!!!
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    his and all campaigns are still subsidized by the government as well as private campaign funding
    the roads are another of the perpetual needs that will never leave the ballot and they once again play that game out in the open now
    main roads are intentionally left w potholes and messed up while seriously every single side street gets redone multiple times
    all it takes is a drive to notice it if your eyes are open
    and like clockwork a new roads funding bill hits the election
    be nice if anyone did actual reporting on things like that
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    if its possible to love and hate something at the same time this is it for me
    love that governors have the balls to give it back
    hate that human beings are being used as political pawns and our absurd border plan
    THINKBLUE, TAFNAC, irish and 3 others like this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Northerners are racist.
    They pretend to be nice and blame the southerners who
    It's not.
    It's evil.
    But lots of things are evil and we like to watch the trainwreck.
    I don't think you love it though.
    It just feels good.
    But you know it's not.
    You know better.
    When I saw the news I got a kick out of it too.

    But rich white liberals don't like being shown up.
    They will take their revenge on the brown people, children, poor, minorities.
    No worries though.
    It won't appear in the news.
    So it's a win win for all.
    Libs and cons.
    And all the other lovers of red meat.
    TAFNAC likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    Nov 2011
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  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Northerners are racists.
    Everywhere in the world.
    There is only one race.
    To the top.
    And northerners believe the top is the north.
    They accuse the south of what they are.
    They are the high states.
    They hate the low states.
    It's a high stakes game.
    Everyone is in it to win it.
    Everyone that is a racist.
    But to play the game you gotta be on the team.
    It doesn't matter what your color is.
    That's a red herring.
    It's always a sex type thing.
    Tops vs bottoms.
    Dicks vs asses.
    Stallions vs donkeys
    Workers vs laborers.
    Housecarl vs freeman.
    Giants and dodgers.
    Cats vs dogs.

    It's not about who is more powerful. It's about attitude.
    An attitude of entitlement.
    Winners are supposed to win the race.
    Not losers.
    Competition is everything.
    That is their competitive edge.
    Win at all costs.

    While the south would rather lose it all than become like the north.
    The true south.
    The Gaulish south.
    Not the big plantation missionary system south.
    That's the north.
    How the north sinks it's fangs in a society.
    Like Vikings sacking Rome and instead of leaving with the booty they decide to stay and become the new fathers of Christianity and spread their barbaric rape and pillage version of catholicism everywhere they can to divide the people between north and south.
    In your nation down to your town and your clubs and your family.
    The only way vampires reproduce is by causing terror and suffering then offering holy succor to the wounded and safe heaven to predators who just can't find a good hunting ground of ready made victims.
    Better racket you can't make.

    True blood was an interesting show but reality is even crazier.
    Because people dont want to know.
    And that is bankable.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That's what happens when you traffick black dudes into working inside a florescent office building in Joe Bidens home state.
    Take a black guy out the south and he gets sickle cell anemia.
    It's no coincidence.
    Operation thin the bucks.
    And the north knows the south can't do all the work without the blacks because the south gives whites cancer if they work outside too much.
    No coincidence.
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  19. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah feel the same.
    Don't like seeing less fortunate people weaponized as political footballs.

    But it's also top tier trolling.
    rube, fsudog21 and THINKBLUE like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah but ultimately what are trolls?

    Anyway, desantis people lied to the immigrants.
    Sold them a bill of goods.
    You think the immigrants were told the truth that they were being used for a political stunt?

    Desantis just raised the stakes in the political arms race.
    Republicans love guns because they are responsible gun owners. But when they making new guns they don't stop and think that irresponsible Democrats that are too mentally lazy to make new gun tech are gonna want to use Republican guns to kill a bunch of people.
    You can't factor that into consideration when you making and promoting guns because it's a business.
    Do I need to repeat the same words for politics?
    It's a business.
    And the Democrats are gonna take the shiny new republican technology and amplify it some way for greater evil.
    It's what they do.

    It's also caused lots of liberals in Mass react the way people in SoCal used to react to us wetbacks in the 80s.
    I remember the pastor letting me dad drink water out of the garden hose in the middle of a hot summer as he was fixing his car. My dad asked for some water but the fire breathing pastor was a cuck at home.
    His wife didn't want the wetbacks in the house or drinking from her glasses.
    So we drank the hot garden house water.
    Because the husband was a cuck.
    Who thought he was good people.
    Anyone who thinks themselves as good people will inevitably become someone who sees others not good as less than.
    It's the insidiousness of religion.
    Of in/out groups.
    Which are religion.
    They are all designed to cuck men into becoming evil people who treat humans as less than.
    They come up with things like social distancing as an excuse to show who they really are.
    It's all afraid of crossing the wife.
    The goddess, the diva.
    The pastor that baptized my dad and I wouldn't let us in his house.
    We thought they were Latinos like us.
    Nope, at home turns out they were Portuguese. Had lived sometime in Brazil and worked as a pastor in Spanish speaking churches because he knew good enough Spanish.
    So they were Hispanic speakers but looked down on us rapists thieves and murderers from the south side of the tracks.
    Well their diva wives do.
    And their husbands project what's making the pussy nervous.

    I see so many cucks man.
    I hate that I need to use the word now. But now I'm older and I get what it means culturally.
    Besides calling men a bitch keeps getting me in situations where they want to hit me and challenge me to fight but they can't because they afraid of their wife getting mad at them for fistacuffs so they swallow their pride and go cry to their wife that the bad drug addict was being a bully to them and apologize for losing their cool.

    It's hilarious if it wasn't painful.
    I see what diablo meant by love/hate.
    I don't like how the word was used when it became politically fashionable but now you see the real aftermath of that time period.
    Now everyone's got everyone pegged.
    Everyone afraid of their wife.
    Be it for legal reasons.
    Or because they can't risk losing pussy privileges for a few days.
    Female empowerment results in male castration.
    Look at matriarchal societies from Babylon eunuch makers down to Jews cutting off just the tip for old times sake to remember Babylonian bondage.
    Amazons we're babylonian also btw.
    As were the Persians and the Nordic societies.
    Babylonian, matriarchal, feminist.
    Where kings and priests and noblemen were subservient to women in power.
    The battle between this eastern matriarchal heathenism and western patriarchal paganism was the Turkish war against the Hellenes for Helen.

    Everyone afraid of their wife.
    And also afraid of losing her.
    But that's because they don't live in their own home.
    They are socialists that live according to the social rules mandated from above.

    I get it.
    Two become one.
    And the more women a man has around him the weaker he becomes.
    If he's living in a society.

    If he's not living in socialism that equation is different.
    You can only have one yoke at a time.
    You can't be yoked to your partner and to society.
    The yoke will break.
    The yokes on you.

    Now go break an egg on your leg in front of meg to get your peg.
    Cuz a dog is a dog only when he's been well trained.
    Otherwise he still just a big puppy.
    Or a fatted coyote.

    What was I talking bout.
    Oh yeah Mexicans.
    Mexicans hate salvies and other central and south americans.
    Because they from the north and all northerners are racists to southerners.
    All Americans talk the most shit about people Florida and California.
    Specially southern Floridan and socal.
    Nobody wants Californians and Floridians to move to their town.
    It's a universal thing.
    Northern people everywhere are natural gatekeepers.
    And they steal from the south.
    Abuse the south, try to kill the south.
    Then don't understand why the southland is at their gates.
    Because the north puts the pussy on a pedestal.
    Forgetting the pedestals base is the south.
    Or like the say in miami.
    Face down ass up.
    Send the missionaries back on up to the east side.
    This is the west.

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