look at how good that gyro appears coming right off a spit! compared to the swill we are asked to consume at DS
I guess vendors all around are doing less business now than before the average 1/2 hour shorter games of this season. Gotta affect sales overall, no ?
as previously stated (not repeating myself) they've just raised the prices to outrageous and they also added the tip function starting at 15% so they're on it pretty confident a tall beer was $12 like five years ago and $20 now so i guess it evens out i really don't like vesia anymore
I wish I cared more. This team actually looks good. pitching great, Smith, Freddie, and Outman raking. Outman looks nice and white, I mean good. but then again we have only played the two worst teams in the division.
The organization saving $ on radar gun calibration. Last maintenance was in '19. They'll do it next year, and cite that expense as a reason not to resign Julio.
Yeah, unfortunately. His tailspin is real, akin to Cody's, as a Dodger anyway. No matter how many or who say " he's close". Just don't see it. It seems no mattter how many fabled LAD reclamation projects achieve temporary Nirvana, they eventually can't pull out of their power dive permanently, once it starts.