Logan White to join Padres

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by Chiefdodgerslkrs24, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. SC_Ed

    SC_Ed DSP Legend Damned

    Nov 2011
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    Meh, what's he famous for really? drafting Kershaw who everyone considered a top if not THE top HS arm that year? Yeah real talent there, he took a risk that has had a mixed bag of results with Puig? all he was out on that one was money. I never understood all the Logan White love, look at our farm system aside from Seager and Joc who else have we drafted, not international signing, is in the upper echelon of prospects? White had a couple good drafts a few years ago and has ridden that ever since.

    I also don't hold out great hope for Friedman to make a huge splash in the drafts either, those Tampa teams were built when they were drafting very high. Price was the top overall pick I believe, Longoria 3rd? I could be wrong there but basically unless you're total buffoons like the Astros you'll improve continually drafting high in the draft. Hell look at Baltimore, took Machado 3rd overall like 3 years ago now look where they are.

    He drafted some good players but far from the genius he's made out to be. You guys do notice the Dodgers have allowed him to interview for any job he wanted over the years and really didn't fight to keep him here did they? Why is that?
    TuborgP, jpldodgers and Bluezoo like this.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Along with years of adulation, as with sticking with Ned, the taint-licked White was due to leave sooner or later. The Dodgers keep mediocrity, let quality go, and are a discombobulation from top to bottom it seems. Lots of FO spots now to fill I guess....and it took so-o-o-o long to happen. It's true, there must be a reason why all those interviews for GM turned up empty for Logan. Curious.Who gets the White spot now? Whose our Moses Now?
    Of course it will all be great, because Friedman will sort it all out. In time. How much time....who knows? Salaries will be in check, and everyone write about how much money we will save and what player we got for a Beane -like bargain price...those things will all happen , eventually I'm sure.
    But will we be watching the boys in late October, I wonder.
    There are plenty of people who are satisfied though, curiously, in the saving money concept (as if it's theirs, LOL) and that, is the victory in itself.
    Sad how just being right (whether they are or not) is the most important thing. Winning it all seems secondary, oddly. "Clever" moves that amount to basically zero in the WS sweepstakes are tantamount.
    Not me, I don't give a fuck if they spend 10 billion.
    But that's just me.
    irish likes this.
  3. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Good post. the truth shall set ye free.
  4. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    well said bz
    and funny how we forget the initial guggenheim press conference...
    magic saying they were looking to win a world series every year, including right then and now
    and foolish us, we believed it
    but when there's a chance to improve the team for the stretch run, what do they do
    a gamer like peavy, no
    here's hernandez and corriea
    one question... if winning it all was truly the the priority, why the fuck would you acquire scrubs that weren't even good enough to put on the postseason roster?
    with the lakers reeling there was a real opportunity to reclaim some of the la fanbase
    SC_Ed likes this.
  5. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Nice try Logan but no cigar. Next.

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