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Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Nov 15, 2011.

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  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    No shit there is a plastic rape prevention device that women can insert that looks a lot like this fish... I wondered where the idea came from...
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    You are so totally correct in your sentiment.

    However Topps is a independent business and can do as it pleases. It pleases them to align their marketing efforts with one of the oldest sources of baseball data and that is the baseball writers hall of fame. they are probably under some PR pressure to do so. Topps may not want any profits derived from Pete Rose but I'm not familiar with their P&L model.

    You're right that in light of the seemingly endless list of PED cheats what the hell was the problem with Pete gambling on a game or two? So don't let him in the HoF until he's dead already but that takes nothing away from the fact that he was charley hustle and the all time hits leader by far.

    But that is a slippery slope. One that the DSP crown embraces but that old baseball newspaper writers apparently don't.
  3. bestlakersfan

    bestlakersfan DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    harkeyed and Irish like this.
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Good work Kobe is right. Douchebag Stern...
    harkeyed likes this.
  5. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  6. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Along with the "best and most successful team in BB, the SF Giants" shit I've been reading, seemingly everywhere, I now see a photo in a local paper of Pedro DELINO Marinez down in ST talking with and giving tips to Rubby DeLA Rosa, newly acquired, very talented pitcher".
    Sure.... don't wanna get down before the season starts...but damn...when TF does it stop?
    Oh and Bruce Bochy is voted the No.2 mgr. in BB. No. one? Mike Scioscia.
    Stop , please.
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    so Bluezoo would you take Scioscia back if something were to happen to Mattingly and he was given GG kind of money?

    That would steam the Angels but Scioscia's beef was with prior Dodger management than GG.

    Scioscia is a hell of a manager and the Angels are lucky to have him.

    Dodgers fucked up big time letting him get away.

    I had to look it up and it was under the short lived Fox regime... fools...
  8. harkeyed

    harkeyed DSP Legend

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    Fuck Stern. He fucks the Lakers out of this deal and the small market teams are happy. The Lakers are largest reason that the NBA is so successful today and Stern bites the hand that feeds him?? Check the ratings in June when San Antonio plays Indiana...

    Stern let his EGO get in the way of a sound business decision... Dumb-Ass!!!
    bestlakersfan likes this.
  9. bestlakersfan

    bestlakersfan DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    The biggest "objection" was that the Hornets weren't getting enough talent back. Well, tell me how their return for CP3 looks like right now and that what we had offered would not be significantly better or, at worst, equal.

    Fat fuck. I hope he dies choking on Barkley's chode.
    harkeyed likes this.
  10. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    Honestly, I kinda wish we didn't get Nash, so we can go out and get CP3 next year. It's still possible, but Nash would have to come off the bench or Kobe has to play forward for it to be CP3-(Point or shooting)/Nash-(Point or Shooting)/Kobe-Small/MWP-Power/C.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    CP3 and Nash don't exist together on the floor.

    Nash would have to be put out to pasture in Blake's current role... hmmm no one is filling those shoes currently...

    But at this point CP3 has ZERO motivation to come to the Lakers. Fuck that. He's in the same building in the same city WINNING it all HIS way. With a team that hustles. And works like a team.
    Irish likes this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    BE ADVISED (for those so inclined): AUTHOR Mike Piazza is on the Jimmy Kimmel Show TONIGHT. TUESDAY.
    I have to admit, I will watch....too much "Dodger" stuff to ignore.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    saw him on john stewart a week ago. acts like a pussy and looks like he's taking estrogen in hopes of becoming michelle.
    Irish likes this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    fake laugh fake person real douche
  15. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I must admit, the guy came off not as douchey as I thought he would. He didn't seem like an orgre at all. And I think the Vinny thing either was blown out of proportion, or was purposely avoided (which I don't understand, considering the fact that Kimmel gave the team the middle digit when they let this happen, and openly admitted it last night).
    KImmel also was previously pissed at them letting Garvey go...but trading genuine heroes away is nothing new from the Dodgers....let's face it. Or other teams doing the same.
    But a few things I did find very interesting and eye opening.
    One, is how much hair Piazza has lost. Maybe that is a punishment from the BB gods.
    Two, the fact that he wasn't a catcher at all, and it was all a Tommy ploy so they would sign him.
    Whether you hate the guy or not, saying you're a catcher and going right into it on the ML level is quite a feat and does answer why he had some defensive problems...considering this, he was pretty damn good. I never knew this.
    And Piazza put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Fox people when he told Kimmel that they "never owned a BB before, and didn't have an idea at all how to negotiate a ballplayer's contract". Nothing about fan perception being manipulated by others.
    Maybe it was a purposeful dial-back, I don't know.
    I expected to really hate the guy after the appearance, and instead, have actually more respect
    for him considering what he took on to get signed.
    Whatever he did/didn't say about Vinny, he did make himself the best hitting catcher in BB history. That's pretty good.
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Well hold on a piece there partner... there is a fellow by the name of Johnny Bench that might have a bit to say about that sentence...
  17. VRP

    VRP DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Bench - .267/.342/.476, .362 wOBA, 126 wRC+
    Piazza - .308/.377/.545, .390 wOBA 142 wRC+

    Not even close
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    offensively i agree; no comparison
    and while i don't have stats to make my case
    bench was the greatest defensive catcher I ever saw
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Thanks VRP, And don't get me wrong Piazza was a hell of a hitter... but offers all sorts of stray stats but I'll agree with the ones you've shared better supporting Piazza.

    Both hit 40 homers twice; but Bench led the league both times; Piazza never did
    Piazza had higher BA and HR count though in a far different, steroid dominated playing age

    Here's a few stats that support my statements...

    League MVP - Bench = 2; Piazza = 0

    League All Star - Bench 14 total 13 consecutive; Piazza 12 total, 10 consecutive

    Led league in RBI's - Bench = 3 times ; Piazza = 0

    Career RBI - Bench = 1376 ; Piazza = 1335

    Career Doubles - Bench = 381 ; Piazza = 344

    League Golden Glove - Bench = 10; Piazza = 0

    Hall of Fame = Bench rests comfortably; Piazza, well he hopes to keep dodging 'roid rage smoke and still sneak in to Hall of Fame... someday

    Let's not overlook Piazza got paid over $120M in his career while Bench was paid just over $2M

    And my two all time favorite stats

    World Championship Rings - Bench = 2 ; Piazza = 0

    Teams played for - Bench = 1 ; Piazza = 5
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Sorry Cap'n....but some of your stats don't mean a thing. Teams played for? You're kidding right? In this day and age? WS rings? Means he played for a better team no doubt...but that's all it means. And playing for only one team means something now? It makes you better than another guy? I don't think so.
    MVP? Then better put Campanella in there then, too.
    And I'm just not buying the "steroid era"'s all relative and you have no proof that Piazza took them; hating the guy because he tweaked Vinny is not reason enough. No one really knows who or what...just your opinion...not proof.
    Ryan Braun incredibly had the highest count ever in the history of BB piss tests...and Bud Selig and his boys adjudged him CLEAN and MVP. Where does it start and stop? What's next as a criteria? The dead ball era?
    The GG stat was really addressed beforehand....Piazza wasn't even a catcher. He just "became" one overnight. I think it's fucking amazing he was as good as he was, actually.
    Of course Johnny Bench was better was Scioscia and Yeager and Charles Johnson and lots of other guys...lots.
    Your entitled to your opinion...but nothing you've written or bolded takes what I wrote away. What I wrote was "he made himself the best hitting catcher in BB history".
    Still stands.
    Mind you, I don't give a shit about the finook. But I'm not going to minimize what the guy did on the field because he might have gone at Vinny. Please.
    Pete Rose disgusted me when he said he "never read a book and he was a millionaire anyway"...but he was the best hitter there was.
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