He's the only guy whose stream of consciousness is faster than Robin Williams was, imo. Tremendous talent.
since he sobered up he's spittin a lot of truth as important as Rogan, Carlson and Gutfeld imo almost forgot Musk shame they can't all get together and smash the charade
Former President Donald Trump has opened up a clear lead (+7) over President Joe Biden in the 2024 race for the White House, a Washington Post and ABC News poll shows. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/...p-clear-7-point-lead-over-biden-in-2024-race/ Maricopa County, Detroit, Atlanta, Philadephia, and Milwalkee ballot counters are laughing at this
Just as an interesting tidbit, I was watching a supposedly new documentary on Adolf and the boys, and the term and the actual use of fake news, was a technique used by Josef Goebbels and German newspapers and propaganda They actually had a term for " fake news"back then, "_______presse". Forgot the first part of the terminology. Makes you think though.
I'm not a Right coast vs. the Left coast guy, never have been...and God knows, NJ has more than enough problems to go round. But , I just heard that CA went from a surplus $97B to a negative $32B ?? Wow. You guys need a new book cooker, I think.
long live Elon Woke Mind Virus An illiberal and dogmatic form of left wing identity politics that analyses social issues primarily through the lens of supposed power differentials between morally ranked identity groups. Given to shutting down dissent from its orthodoxy by equating it with harm.
yeah that's pretty lame i missed that misspell but it does feel like that agenda is being stuffed down our throat oddly found myself watching a Dodger game w my daughters wife and she was complaining that pride night was only one game and they took everything down of course i had to ask her about pride itself and if it was ok as a white male if i was proud too we are cordial to each other for the most part but never going to be a great relationship introduced herself to my friends as a husband at mom's service wtf whatever
when i first met her she was really nervous, still is actually, but i could see she was doing her best to act and look like a guy she's really small and actually really talented as well, they are both artists thing is i don't ever think i've seen my step kid happier than she is right now so its hard to do anything more than shrug my shoulders at this point not even sure my kid is gay tbh but this girl adores her and they get along really well from everything i see apparently they are planning to have a baby soon its odd for sure but who am i to judge another person's happiness? just hoping there isn't a sex change in the future