23-11!!! .500 ball the rest of the year still gets us to 87-75 which could easily win the division Hoping we're 90+ though!
Pretty good, hopefully crowds start showing up. Under 40 is ugly Especially with the way the team is playing
I think it might because our division is pretty weak this season. With a start like this though, anything under 92 wins would be a disapointment for us.
You're right... ... 83-79 Hahaha kidding,... But I don't see any other team in our division going above 87.
thank you Angels for keeping Wells over Abreu. dude can still hit. and lol at Ethier. what was he saying? "Do it to my face" thug life A.J. Ellis <3
I'm scared to tinker with shit thats working, but.. How would you guys feel about moving AJ Ellis up in the lineup?
Mark Ellis' 180 this year from last year is incredible...He's tripling last year's walk rate right now.
Meh, the ones with the stars and stripes were cool. This one just looks like we're trying to be the Padres or something.