fuck photobucket haven't used them in months go back and post 15 images and now i've already exceed the limit fkucken ckunts <photobucket image :tampon: <non-photobucket image
Umm so what happened to the :SMH: smiley?? I comment on Mousey needing to relocate the :dislike: smiley and now my favorite Shake My Head smiley disappears? Wassup with the strongarm Mod tactics? or was Rube being mischievous again?
Except that it's not. It WAS next to on the top line Now is next to Caps on or caps off matter not... meat.
I took some smilies off the list last night because they weren't loading and it looked bad. was one of them. The shortcuts will still work, but they are on a photobucket acct that has hit its limit. Irish, if this keeps happening I can put images on my server, at least ones that are used all the time so your PB accts don't max out. Pretty safe bet if something happened to the smilies, it's because of bluemouse.
Because irish and I don't have your FTP info? The smiley admin panel doesn't have a feature to upload images, it just asks for URLs. Rube, @craig is there a place we can upload the smileys to the local server?
Because they'll run us out of bandwidth just like they do with PB! We can get you the FTP login info, but gotta figure out what directory they need to go in.
If you are really worried about bandwidth we can keep hosting them the way we have been, or I can throw a bunch on my server. But if you don't have a problem with them on the DSP serve server, any directory would do, I don't think they need anything special.
I think we're limited to a few GB/Month but the traffic is so light here, we'll probably be fine. I think here is the right place to host them, just need to configure XF to look in the right place for the smileys once they are uploaded. I can take a look when I get home.