Thought you all might think it was cool that I had a chance to meet up with VRP and his girlfriend for lunch yesterday in West Hollywood. We've stayed in touch a bit on Instagram over the years and this was the first time we met up. He's doing great - he and his GF are expecting a baby boy in December! They are leaning towards the name Nico but a bunch of his family and friends are already telling him to name the kid Mookie lol He isn't really on DSP anymore - family, life, baby on the way, etc all kind of taking the front seat for him now, but he obviously still loves the Dodgers as much as ever. He wanted me to tell everyone he said hi with a few special shoutouts to BZ, TB, Diablo and Irish.
that’s awesome you guys got together i always liked vrp and wondered what happened to him very happy to hear he and his gf are expecting… just as long as they don’t name the baby doc (or kenley) please give him and his gf my best when you speak with him again
sounds like life is good and that's what i hope for everyone congrats to VRP and his new family btw he needs to put a ring on it already! Huzzah!
thread prefix updated and thread stickied although inactive for nearly a year, VRP has earned his legendary status
Victor Papa Romeo...carpe diem, young brother! May your first child be a masculine child. Or a feminine child... Either is great ! Best to you and yours.
Awesome you guys got together. Best to VRP and GF and best wishes for an easy and uneventful delivery! Cheers!