DODGERS Who will be the next MANAGER?

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Oct 23, 2015.


The Next Dodger Manager will be...

  1. Gabe Kapler

  2. Dave Martinez

    0 vote(s)
  3. Tim Wallach

    0 vote(s)
  4. Ron Roenicke

    0 vote(s)
  5. Bud Black

  6. Some other puppet

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    No, I'm not better...low life clam is where I'm comfortable.
    Seriously, if I get that post I responded to, we might as well bring a computer into the dugout and put an LAcap on it and let it "solve the game"as it progresses.
    It's not about sell outs per se, just that a manager who often flys by the seat of his pants has produced a winner, multiple times, and the fans love it...they go all the time, regardless. That for me is the kind of " fan satisfaction" that I want. It's not about asses in seats compared to us, it's about numbers as the fail safe solution.
    I don't like using the goddam Giants as an example, but it is what it is, no matter how much I hate them.
    We're jock sniffers...they are WS Champs 3/5 and play before a packed house, too.


    Nov 2011
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    That September series against the Giants where we didn't sell out any of those games should be an eye opener. How our fans can't rise to the occasion and fill the place against the freaking Giants in a penant race is a joke.
  3. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    That's what I'm trying to tell you...their "packed house" is damn near 5000 less people per game that our average attendance. If we were in that size stadium we'd be turning away nearly 5000 fans per game. I'd rather see some empty seats than not be able to get a ticket to the game.
    BlueCrewFan_1965 and blazer5 like this.
  4. KOUFAX0000

    KOUFAX0000 DSP Legend Damned

    Jul 2013
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    BlueCrewFan_1965 likes this.
  5. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I rather have a smaller stadium and get the sell outs
    when every seat is packed there's just a different atmosphere.
    48k is great but if it's dispersed among 8k empty seats it just doesn't have the same feel

    Reduce the capacity and get DS jumpin every night since it's sold out and everyone's gonna be lit
    Establish a playoff feel in September at the minimum
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    torn on this one
    but agreed, a different feel when the stadium is full
  7. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    To elaborate further

    I'm not too familiar with the Giants in terms of their marketing strategies for selling tickets but clearly a good amount of our high attendance can be attributed to our promotions and giveaways. 53k+ on a bobble head night on a random ass Tuesday because they know otherwise that game would only fetch 42k. Our highest attendances only occur when we're giving away something cool--shirt, jersey, bobble head, blanket etc. otherwise we'd be struggling to ever get 48k without any promotion on a Tuesday. Our average is 48k but I'm sure plenty of games only filled 40-44k seats (too lazy to look it up.)

    This is why I'm in favor of reducing the capacity of ds
    The product in the field should drive attendance not the product being handed to you at the gates upon entering

    I understand not wanting to handicap yourself by limiting yourself to 45k when you can easily get 55k some nights and I understand attendance adds a lot to revenue obviously but the reason ds lacks the true playoff environment is because not too many people care enough. They're only going to get a free jersey

    Now financial reasons aside

    Having 45k capacity and not having as many giveaways would be beneficial to having the "best" fans at the game

    It'd be fucking laughable af if we couldn't fill 45k in September without a giveaway. But still imagine having 45k devoted fans going 100% for the team. And Of course the atmosphere will be great because the fans actually care about the team.

    I rather have that way more than an average of 48k.

    Also disclaimer I'm still pretty lit from yesterday so my bad if half this ahit isn't coherent
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  8. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    I live in the Bay Area and have attended games at Pac Bell.

    There are distinct geographical reasons why Pac Bell sells out. First it's smack in the City, where hundreds of thousand of people live, where public transportation literally stops a couple of blocks away. And I don't just mean trains and busses. I mean CalTrain ends at King street just a few blocks away, which mean people al the way from South San Jose and every stop in between can take the train straight to the park. That is a huge huge advantage over getting to Dodger Stadium, which is a nightmare anyway you slice it. Plus LA is so geographically spread out, and no one hardly lives downtown, it's just in the wrong spot to bring large crowds in day in and day out.

    Still, our attendance is very solid with all those logistical problems.

    Finally, there are empty seats at Pac Bell too, but being a newer stadium, the place has many very nice corporate lodges. There is a lot of corporate seats and money that have been bought and paid for for the year and more. The place is actually more corporate than it seems. Believe me, I've been invited to quite a few events, and the stadium is just another marketing tool. But it has nothing to do with fans.

    Even though Dodger stadium has changed a lot since the 70's, I still feel it is really a people's park, for all the city residents....not a corporate marketing tool. I'd take Dodger stadium any day.

    But if someone decided to relocate the stadium somewhere nice and accessible, and make it up to date, that would be fine with me.

    But this argument, to me, is comparing apples to oranges. Different park, different purpose.
    BlueCrewFan_1965 and MZA like this.
  9. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Honestly, it just doesn't matter. IMO. Not one iota. You are focused on stadium size, seating capacity...that's not the point at all.
    They win, their stadium is filled to capacity whether it's larger or smaller than ours, they are World Champs more than any other team in recent history...etc., etc. They do it spending less money (not that I give a shit if the nerds blow their wad, mind you). The point is they have players they win with for less money than we spend for players we flat out lose with. That's the way it is in my mind, and seating capacity is a million miles from what I mean. They've done everything for their fans....more than any team in BB has...and their fans are happy as pigs in shit, so they go... that's the point.
    Reduce the stadium, enlarge it, put in swimming pools...a bobble head night every game, whatever. It's nothing... zero.
    We don't win... we lose.
    We don't even come near.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  10. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Then what the fuck are you whining about sell outs and packed houses for?

    And @Based God, if you think the Dodgers lead the world in attendance because of giveaways then you are mistaken. Yes it helps, but ticket prices and concessions, as well as the product on the field is what puts asses in the seats.

    If you want mini-stadium sell outs and false packed houses that's fine. I don't. The truth about why there is no 'playoff atmosphere' or "different feel" is because it's fucking LA and everyone and everything in it is laid back. If you think a smaller stadium is going to 'breed' better fans...well, I just don't know what to tell you.
    LAFord and blazer5 like this.
  11. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Average ticket price in SF: $34
    Average ticket price in LA: $28

    LA Median salary: 55,000
    SF/San Mateo/Santa Clara Median salary: 69,500

    LA population: 10M
    SF/San Mateo/Santa Clara population: 3.45M

    concessions? I mean I think SF has good garlic fries...But youre really gonna tell me a dodger dog vs a giant dog is gonna have a significant impact on attendance?

    Product on field: LAD have been objectively better for at least the better part of the last decade or more (in terms of regular season success)

    I do see how @Gebbeth's post about accessibility can have a large impact but more on this later...

    With these numbers in mind, I will say that promotions due in fact have a big draw on fans

    Game 2, Tuesday Night, Greinke pitching, promotion: None, attendance: 40k
    Game 3: Wednesday night, McCarthy pitching, promotion: Adult Replica batting practice pullover jacket, attendance: 52k

    Game 8: Tuesday night. promotion: none, attendance: 43k
    Game 9: Wednesday night, promotion: Jackie replica jersey, attendance: 51k

    Tuesdays just appear to be slow always right? and Wednesdays poppin...But...

    Game 32: Tuesday night. promotion: CK bobblehead, attendance: 50k

    Game 45: Tuesday night. promotion: none, attendance: 41k
    Game 46: Wednesday night. promotion: coasters, attendance: 38k

    Go look up the rest of the games for the entire season if you want. The correlation is real lol. Promotions have a HUGE impact on attendance for LA

    I'd wager our average attendance from M-Th without any promotions would be 43k
    Fri-Sun maybe 48k

    Going through the Giants promotional schedule...they do offer lots of similar giveaways but they do so less frequently...Regardless you know 42k are gonna show up whether or not theres a giveaway. For us, if theres no giveaway youll get as few as 37k

    This is why I argue that accessibility isnt really the main issue...People will commute for a fucking free sweater but not for Kershaw pitching on a Tuesday? That shit is so fucking maddening.

    I rather average 45k by selling out DS everynight than average 45k by having half the games filled with 50k and the other half of the games filled with 40

    We have 10 fucking million people in LA county alone
    OC/Ventura arent even that far and can add even more

    Shit is appalling.
    LAFord and THINKBLUE like this.
  12. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Now im lit
    Cause im so fucking jealous of SFs fanbase
    All we got is fuckin people who only care about free shit

    Imagine if DS was filled with 45k Based Gods, Irishs, BDKs, Doyers, VRPs, ChrisDodgers', BMs, TBs, BLFs etc (wasnt bout to list errybody but i didnt forget you if not listed) lmao. That shit would be lit and thats what we need,,

    Instead we got about 10k niggas goin for free shit

    Thats why DS gets empty after the 6th inning. Those 10k got their free shit, so theyre out to beat traffic
    Another 5k dip because of time

    And then DS be lookin dumb af in the 8th inning with 35k left

    So sad that legit 25% of our attendance is direcctly influenced by a promotion
    TheKnockdown and irish like this.
  13. TheKnockdown

    TheKnockdown DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Witnessed this first hand. Especially around the cheap seats.
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I wasn't whining...that's just your take, and you were wrong about it, although I don't expect any acceptance of that as being possible. It was a statement of fact, IMO, that there are teams that are successful doing almost exactly the opposite of what Based God posted, that's all. Simply that. A formula, based on what he posted, is not "fan satisfaction" to all fans is my point. Some fans are fed the fuck up.
    I could give a fuck less about packed houses and sellouts...just an observation of a totally different way to do things that can breed "happy fans" also.
    Not everyone who disgrees with what you think is "whining". You probably have a point about laid back fans though...not what I grew up with.
    Sorry if I didn't state it the way you think I should have, but I don't care if anybody goes to any games anymore. I don't care if they're the richest team or the poorest team. I don't get off on the fact that the Dodgers can blow another team away for an FA or Cuban "phenom".
    They were/are the richest, or spend the most anyway, and the result is the same as when they weren't. Always. Doesn't matter.
    I don't believe in the Dodgers anymore, so it's all moot to me.


    Nov 2011
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    A lot of people grab the bobbleheads and leave before the game starts
  16. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    they should give that shit away on the way out
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  17. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Congrats, you just let the air out of your 'accessibility got nothing to do with it" argument.

  18. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Right and wrong in the same sentence. It was my take, I wasn't wrong about it. You give several posts complaining that SF sells out nearly every game and they play to a packed house, etc. and the Dodgers have empty seats. Then you turn around and say you don't give a damn about sell outs and packed houses. In my book, ...that's whining.

    This ends my discussion on this matter. We disagree. On to the next matter.
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Thank God .
    Never once did I ever mention empty seats in DS...because I couldn't give a fuck less... never once. It's not something I give a fuck about, or ever will.
    You are like a toothache just won't give up, even if someone tells you that you misinterperted what they wrote and tried to explain it to you several times, you keep coming back referring constantly to with something I didn't mean. No matter what I explain or try to clear up for you, it's your whining and complaining insistance that's ridiculous.
    It's not a conversation with you, it's a "whatever I say it is" back and forth. Unbelievable.
    I can't even call it a disagreement...there's nothing to disagree about.
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    don't worry BZ
    he's just mad because there are kids on his lawn again
    BlueCrewFan_1965 likes this.

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