DODGERS Corona Virus

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by darth550, Mar 19, 2020.



    Nov 2011
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    I was abnormally busy in March and the first 1.5 weeks of April.
    Business finally, and seemingly abruptly, dried up.
    Basically nothing this week.
    As if being a male prostitute wasn't tough enough.
    LAdiablo and DodgerLove like this.
  2. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Why refuse though? Wear a fucking mask bro! If you don’t think it’s saving you, it might just save someone else!

    you can walk around asymptotic and pass many virus around including CV-19.

    I read DSP every day and sometimes contribute here because I have been here for many years and consider you fools my family. I really don’t know the walks of life you all have traveled. I don't know who you really are but, what you have shared here.

    What I do know is that I read your shit every day. Don’t always agree with everything everyone says here but stay because we talk shit and can...(thats a huge reason)!
    plus we love the Dodgers, and because of those two things I chill here.

    what I just can’t understand is this:

    why the fuck do some need to be so cool that they can’t heed warnings
    They can’t stay home because “ fuck you for telling me to stay home”
    “I won’t wear a mask because you told me too.”
    Fuck the government for telling me to stay 6 feet away from people... yada fucking yada

    I mean fuck guys!!!

    why is it so hard to just understand that if we hang out with each other, breath or cough on each other could make us seriously sick or die in this world wide pandemic!?

    you don’t know the person next to you has immunodeficiency and could be effected by you! There are many people who carry, go about their daily and affect others who are not so fortunate with the immune system in which you may or may not have!

    I implore you to stop being a political asshole.

    A message board badass

    and just do what’s right for everyone around you.!?!?

    don’t be a dick

    stay home when you can

    Wear a mask and help us all get passed this BS!

    the guys that are complaining about following directions are the same who are suffering because of closures.

    my breath smells too bad to wear a mask!!!...brush your fucking teeth bkitch...

    suck it the fuck up!

    These people are also NOT in the front lines dealing with exposure everyday. So with that I will say with the utmost sincerity “fuck you”.... again respectfully.

    sack the fuck up, look weird, be uncomfortable, and just flat out look out for your neighbor! ... AND FAMILY!

    just be cool man!

    the powers at be are just trying to keep you and everyone else form getting sick and dead.. Listen!

    even if you dint agree with their politics, how can you sit back and say fuck statistics. Fuck putting a mask on that might help me and other. Fuck social distancing to help me, mine and others...

    just foolish.

    seems to me, we have a guys who care about this issue

    and guys who do but won’t show that they do because of bullshit like politics and or keyboard cool guys .!

    I have people, employees, fellow colleagues who are CV-19 positive and all because they are helping to be a part of the front lines of this bullshit!

    if not respecting anyone, respect them for fuck sake!
    these are PEOPLE who would be treating you or your loved ones if you are unfortunate enough to be affected.

    again- Don’t be a dick

    -someone who cares bkitches
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
    LAFord, BlueMouse, lastatman and 5 others like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    do you even mexican bro?
    LAFord and blazer5 like this.
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    can only speak for myself but the same people wanting to pass laws out of fear are the ones who have us buying 100% of our meds from China
    the WHO and everyone else has an agenda and if you don't see that i can't explain it
    its about control and it always is
    i stay home if i don't have anything to do but i'm not a fan of stopping the world
    i said from the beginning i felt those who were compromised or had underlying conditions were the ones society should protect
    shuttering the entire economy was never the answer
    and add to this the FACT that the first thing liberals want to do is start talking about voting from home
    not to mention the fact they refuse to address all the disease on the streets of our cities and state that continues to proliferate

    i respect the passion of your post bud
    this disease was in my house in December and my daughter missed a lot of time at work so probably the stronger strain
    mine last month didn't last more than a few days the same as Darth
    not saying its not important but flippant laws by hypocrites w agendas are never going to be a good thing


    Nov 2011
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    Kinda funny.
    Folks used to hate the WHO because they classify trans as mentally ill.
    Now that you-know-who has cut funding, they're the WHO's biggest supporters.
    LAFord, LAdiablo, rube and 1 other person like this.
  6. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Yeah man, I’m not advocating ether WHO or our dependency on China.

    Did your daughter get antibody tested? I’d be interested to learn more about that and agree this thing has been around for longer than we all think. Probably back to October with some of the pneumonia cases in those months.

    Did you and Darth actually confirm a positive test?

    anyway, I’m done. I’m not trying to be a dick but it’s aggravating.

    I already saw the reply from keyboard try hard and it’s typical. I’m surprised there wasn’t a “ there you go Irish, do what you want with that “


    anyway I’ll probably just bounce for a while. No need to get aggravated over this bs in here anyway. There are bigger things to worry about.

    stay safe man
    Bluezoo, TAFNAC and rube like this.
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i didn't think you were being a dick because you truly feel concerned and fearful and who am i to judge that?
    no one i know was tested but exhibited the exact symptoms and in the case of my daughter it was Dec. before anyone was saying anything
    down to the shortness of breath i am quite confident we both had cases and mild in my case
    only read what Darth wrote here but he described almost exactly what i went through for a short period
    on another note i ended up working today w my teachers and we had an open conversation and she said in her opinion people needed to "suck it up" lol
    amazing how these little quips get passed around so quickly isn't it?
    had to make a run for paint and on the way back the old Duran Duran song save a prayer came on as i cruised down Alameda
    as i passed the hospital all the people working were out on the street and i was a lone truck honking and waving and they were all screaming and jumping up and down
    not gonna lie it was really emotional and my thoughts are with all those heroes doing what they do
    i'm not trying to diminish anything about what this is and what it means to those at risk
    i just think we need to protect those most vulnerable and the rest of us need to go on living life
    when i talk to my mom i tell her i've been out everyday and understand if she doesn't want me in the house
    she's said she knows im washing and prefers my company over being alone w a caregiver
    doesn't everyone have the right to make those types of decisions for themselves?
  8. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Fuck China and W.H.O.

    That's all I got for now. Hi guys!
    TAFNAC, LAdiablo, harkeyed and 4 others like this.
  9. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    You forgot the Giants, Gaspar Gomez and the Diaz Brothers.
    Finski likes this.
  10. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    So am I allowed to talk about the Stanford antibody study in the news today.

    It suggests that actual infections are 50-85x higher than reported cases. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to determine the repercussions of that in terms of CFR...
    Finski likes this.
  11. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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  12. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Those $5 dollar masks that are available on every street corner are now all over my neighborhood
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    where did they come from?
    farcetti tipped it several days prior to his new law
    and then suddenly they're everywhere for exactly $5
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    just got back from a run to a few stores and man are gestapo tactics in full swing
    there are cops out EVERYWHERE in SFV and they are after those hardcore criminals...people like me
    taking back the girls modem to spectrum and were stopped w HALT! RIGHT THERE! STOP! WE WILL CALL YOU IN! super aggressive
    girl said they wouldn't touch to box and made her open it
    went by costco and no fucking way i'm waiting in that line for anything but there was a guy spraying lysol liberally over every purchase he had made
    decided total wine since my nieces bf works there and sure enough they are enforcing masks now
    the entire store is plastered w social distancing statements and he said the inspectors/police had been in the store 4 times in the last two days
    also said he had the signs in white and they made him take them down and print them on orange paper since they clearly have a hard on for him now
    posted a picture of my local sushi guy on social media last night encouraging people not to forget about him and those like him
    the picture had a shot of him without a mask and people commented "where's his mask?" so i deleted the picture and hopefully didn't inadvertently cause him problems
    but i think i probably did unfortunately
    just walking around without a mask might actually get you stopped and harassed while a tweeker sits across the street shooting up
    i find myself losing my temper and just losing it in general usually by laughing in the faces of all these little fascists implementing the "law" of farcetti and co.
    yeah i know suck it up
    and we need mail in balloting
    so fucking obvious
    harkeyed, Finski, rube and 1 other person like this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Get in on team tweaker before they close ranks.
    One thing about tweakers with something to live for... they work hard and fast.
    Think of tweakers as the reserves.
    When the world flips on its axis you don't want to be caught in the middle.
    When the front lines collapse the middle is useless and its when the reserves come up big as the new front line heroes.
    Because if you see barbarians outside your house its only a matter of time before you see their homes as common trash and they see your house as common property.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  16. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    No offense, but are the mask and social distancing rules that hard to follow?
    Nirvanaskurdt, Bluezoo and blazer5 like this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    no offense taken
    if they said to board a train would that be that hard to follow either?
    seriously i know you think its a minor inconvenience
    but how many times has the story changed?
    i'm convinced that no one knows wtf they are talking about
    everyday w wash your hands wash your hands and now they want immunity cards
    how hard will that be to follow?
    when does it become a straight infringement of your rights?
    i can see very clear where this is going and its not about protecting your health
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
    harkeyed and BigDaddyKaine like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    and wear this special item of clothing to mark you as 'safe' when historically it means 'target'.
    then they ask you to get on a bus thats gonna take you to the new field hospital near the docks where they have the corona antiviral treatments
    treatments that have you enter a gas chamber that pumps out a vapor that kills the virus inside your lungs
    then they put you on one of those big fema ships so they can take you to the north pole where you will be immune to all diseases and live in peace with all the purified people in heaven thanks to the G666 radiation coming in from the ozone layer tear.
    LAdiablo and BigDaddyKaine like this.
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    The friend I posted about a couple of weeks ago who had covid died last night.
    I went to high school with him, worked 25 years with him, and maintained a friendship with him since. I' ve known his wife since she was 16, when she started worked part time after school at the newspaper, where he met her.
    So long, Bob.
  20. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Sorry to hear that, BZ. The best friends are old friends.
    irish likes this.

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