I guess I'm a little naive, or just didn't consider that a pick had somehow crossed the pigs feet divide. I've never really understood why the watermelon and fried chicken is such a big deal. I know racist people make fun of that... But fried chicken and watermelon are good. Why isn't Mexican food racist?
The best thing about Mexican food is that both its restaurant high cuisine and its street fast food are what Mexican moms make at home everyday. Back to the topic of what is the token for whites? Crackers. It's not a race game. It's class warfare. Crackers are poor people. Poor in education. By education they mean political correctness, manners, know your place, etc... Crackers were not allowed in town and were considered much like gypsies and travellers and other undesirables. They were th majority of americans and after the war they just became known as redneck hillbilly trailer trash But before that they had their own cockney like slang and the meanest of them went to work as slave coppers who in the copper age did the same shit they did during the viking age and the age of sail and today's age as police copping unmoored moors. This is part of the corny truth. It's all full of shiny gold kernels. The black legends all shine in the wash.
never got that myself but at this point i expect eating watermelon in public might be shouted down as appropriation the pick thing was from the 70s and guys and girls wore them in their hair but it was always sort of a low class thing none of the successful people i know would be caught dead w one including the people still actually sporting afros which are cool af imo and Mexican food is absolutely racist when someone calls a Latino a beaner right? i think every ethnicity gets defined by their food to some extent but ffs its all good ime so i have no idea
It's about class. High class people write the accepted history. Woe to the scribes... who want to be liked by the people with money so they cater their writing. Most common people in England eat beans everyday. In Mexico suburban middle class types Ali like to dismiss low class Mexicans as beaners. The only thing that truly separates people is class. You either point your nose straight because you don't mind the funk or you hold it high if you can't. If you hold it high your nostrils get long and narrow to condition the atmosphere. If you hold it straight or low they get wide and absorb the funk. People who want to be high class can be the worst people because their desire will betray them and they will betray others.
One thing I don't get about Biden...it's the feeling of a doddering uncle.or a harmless grandparent who you just let babble on out of respect or something. And you hear it from both sides, oddly. I think he's a nasty, arrogant motherfucker who is a practiced and avowed elitist. Those tiny little remaining plastic surgery eyes of his are demonic and lying.
lost in all of this is the spectacular hypocrisy that the same people screaming "my body my choice" would force that vaccine on your baby
Those blind spots are in every culture. Even your jesuit educated one. Btw liberal elites are not liberal. Millionaire blacks are not black. White trash are not white. And jesuits are not Christians. I would tell you about mine but that wouldn't be kosher.
The sccotus decision on abortion and the gun ruling may just turn the " red wave" tsunami into a mantra of status quo, and will be taken full advantage of by lib spin doctors. Red wave into an ebb tide. Don't be surprised. This may br the perfect storm the Dems need to hold on to everything. It was just given to them now it has actually happend, not just a leaked memo anymore...
nah the wave is mostly brown Catholics surging across our border w zero connections to abortion this is the massive underestimate of the left killing babies is not a winning ticket
Here some nazis. https://twitter.com/PplsCityCouncil/status/1540521576080089088?t=QaZclhB_mKHtrPbMYEkv_g&s=19