But you think god is literally a cracker. I think hes white. Are we really that far off. Or is your cracker whole grain. You color up the cracker with some red red wine to keep up with the keisar up in rome. If you were a brit you would be havaing your cracker with tea. White is not a skin color. That is racist. And some european wakandan fantasy. Pride goes before the fall. Not just gay pride. All pride. Most highest of all prides. Higher than gay pride. Spiritual pride. And white power like black power and womens power and all the other powers are gonna come down hard. You are right that nothing is writing or ideas. You do not know me from adam. Everyone knows i dont have an original bone in my body. Because its all already written. Im just the gopher boy in the mailroom. Sometimes i gopher balls. Sometimes i gopher woods. Like a lite doggie on the prairie. So what im a smoking? Diablos pure octane. Are you gonna besmirch our mans good name? I set it aside all this time. It wasnt time yet. But ragnarok is here. And a few weeks ago i gave up the genie in the bottle. Gave it a good kick and up in shards it went. Im a late bloomer because i bloom early too. But as i turned 45 i learned a new skill. How to roll it, lick it, and spliff it. Dogs dont learn new tricks. Dogs only look up when the moon is out. In the day the sun burns their eyes and makes them bow their head almost as if in shame. But dogs cant put on sunglasses. Humans can adapt. Like adapa. And be able. Like able. To come back from the land of the lost. After he protected his brother cain. From the depths below. Ok so maybe i do need a wife. I get what you saying. But then i cant do this. They have a way of stealing your spunk if you know what i mean. And cricket is cricket ol chap.
If I Didn't Care I Don't Want To Set the World on Fire The lead singer had that big pinky ring he would flash around... It kinda took balls for a black singing group to call themselves The Ink Spots, eh ?
Maybe this will change when I'm older and more sedentary, but these days I never have time to plop down in front of the tube and watch a whole game or even Sportscenter - most of my spare time is spent outdoors working on my acreage or other home projects. (If I follow any Dodger games, it's typically on Sirius in the car or via phone in my pocket, or by streaming the game if available on my computer while working on bills, finances, etc.) This is part of the reason that I haven't proactively turned-on ESPN in years. I've also long before cut the cable, and while ESPN may be available to me via Hulu, I couldn't say for sure that it is since I haven't looked for it. Having read the article that Finski posted, that's pretty much the nail in ESPN's coffin as far as me as a viewer. Not that I wasn't already aware of their (and their parent company's) sharp left tilt, but the article written by Bryant confirms ESPN's agenda. The article is designed to further divide the country, and the network's endorsement speaks volumes. I don't know if there's an alternative to ESPN, but frankly speaking, I really don't care either way.
DSP used to have a lot of those features you mentioned. But it looked clunky because i was a hack. And i did everything on the near free so i was using freed software. My chief and probably only computer skill was sniffing out copy protection or code that checks for licensing and deleting or editing it to make it be able to fool bots or eyeballs from knowing if the stuff is legit. This is not a difficult skill. Not even a skill. Its charlie work. Any kid on the internet that wanted to play video games but couldnt afford it learned this stuff. Half the time theres a set of patches or tricks someone else has done that you can apply to do the hard work for you. But when there wasnt you just had to sit there for hours reading code.
Because the keys to the legend were hidden deep within the code. And the code is mumbo jumbo. Hidden behind a zzzend of jargon. That has been translated into proprietary top layer of encryption by an ysraeli security company. That encryption looks like such a chaotic nonsense that it makes lorem ipsum look like greatest story ever told. Once you get past that its just a matter of patiently reading. Until you see something that pops out of what you perceived was the natural order. A brand is like a fire that doesnt go out. So if you find nonsense characters repeating themselves in a way that no longer really appears nonsensical but almost on purpose you dont chuck it to deja you test it by putting the different strings of 1s and 0s into the word search bar on notepad. This could be a process if you were doing it logically. But if you do it off a whim.. if you just do it because you could swear you saw the same string somewhere 70 pages ago or something. Then it would be a more enjoyable quest. Once you find repeated strings its a matter of elimination until you find the enemy that calls back to the company and reports on you. But thats why it always looked hacky. It only ever looked alright when i had some kids helping out. I replaced them with all these old lovable fucks. They didnt like all the social media or espn like things too much. The guys did like the betting and kasino i think. The little arcade was fun because we would have to beat our scores. But the games were mostly bad. Whay i was asking or meant was is their a good alternative to ESPN. Alternative as in different but in the same vein. Like a format closer to what ESPN once was when it was focused. Or modernizing ESPN but not in the shitty way they did. We could always being back DSPN. Insted of sports +woke propaganda. We could have sports +jesuit depogramming. You can be stephen a smith and ill be the jew.
so Macy Gray and Bette Midler are TERFS! have to come up w something derogatory to call people who won't call trans men women this awful movement these women are a part of actually contends women are special unique human beings not birthing people or whatever else these freaks want to designate them something tells me this "movement" is much larger than the media wants to admit since anyone thinking a man can cut of his shit and be a woman is , well, insane and the rest of us can clearly see and should say it long live the TERFS!
Pop quiz time... Which of the following has Biden blamed for high gas prices? a. Russia b. Trump c. Coronavirus d. Oil production companies e. Republicans f. Gas stations Trick question, as the correct answer is "all of the above." Yet not once has this delusional idiot admitted that his cutting the pipeline played any role in this mess. Like it or not, "highest US gas prices ever" will be a major part of his legacy, and it could have been avoided.
So, Newsom is happy to announce that California is going to send "Inflation Relief" checks to 23 million residents. These are expected to arrive in late October. WAKE UP, SHEEP - can't you see that they're just buying your votes???
he's running for president believe it and pointing things like this out will get you called racist man oh and the state tax just went up 3 cents a gallon not to mention doing away w the state tax would be around .80 cents a gallon cheaper and wait, if they have all this money to give back to us why isn't in our pockets in the first place? almost like their stealing our money at will