DODGERS Corona Virus

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by darth550, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. DodgerLove

    DodgerLove DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Should we get a pool going for the next natural disaster or disease/virus to hit us in 2020?

    Asteroid impact, major earthquake, sun exploding, massive volcanic eruption...what else am I missing?
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Murder hornets.
    BlueMouse and DodgerLove like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Everyone forgot that Ebola outbreak going on right before Covid hit.
    BTW that outbreak never stopped.
    It just stopped being news.
    Its huge now but Melinda is out there saying that she sees dead people all over african streets.
    Wishful thinking.Spellcasting. What is that devil shit they practice out there, it was on Oprah once.
    The secret i think its called.
    Laws of something or other, attraction.
    Its the same bullshit that pickup artists use to get women.
    Its just projecting ill on others so you manipulate their insecurities and then benefit from being their savior.
    That is what they are doing in Africa and the Africans are seeing it.
    I watch a lot of council meetings live in towns in different african nations and they all say the same things.
    China and the tech giants are trying to recolonize and divide Africa for themselves.
    And they are depopulating the continent because too many africans is what causes most of the worlds problems in their statistical analysis.
    Useless eaters that won't even make good customers no matter how much you tech em up for free.
    And who pays for their useless lives?
    Taxpayers. Bill Gates taxes.
    I mean the taxes he never paid and are now in his wives 'charity'.
    That charity is still HIS money.
    And more africans means more cows to feed which means more farts that raise the temperature to the levels that are healthy for everyone but people who can't live without air conditioning.
    In the past you needed slaves to provide the air conditioning.
    Fans to fan you at all times.
    Usually little boys and girls.

    These people are sick.
    They come to you with help in one hand.
    While the other hand... you don't want to know what they do with their other hand.
    You do not imagine.

    The leaders of egypt were not black.
    The leaders of babylon were not black.
    The leaders of europe were not black..
    The three continents of the old world were ruled by vikings who defeated and conquered the indigenous inhabitants.
    Something no other group of people has been able to do but the Vikings.
    Subjugate the known world.
    Make the world fear them as of they were gods.
    The Goths that split off into southern europe are the conquistadors that arrived in LatinAmerica.
    Vikings of different names.
    All descendants from the same "thing".
    All part of the same brotherhood.
    Hell all part of the same royal family.

    And why they keep shoving awesome viking propaganda daily.
    I love the viking shows.
    But look at their lifestyle.
    Not everyday people but their communal lifestyle.
    We have always known but do we really think about it?
    What raiding and pillaging means when you extrapolate it logically from its inception up to its ultimate progression.
    Vikings were always the SS in any empire throughout the history of the world.
    They protect the surrounding nations leaders and the nations gold.
    The special secret service.
    What was in the envelopes?
    George Bus is 'dead'.
    But his children remain.
    And he has a legio of children.
    He's been the king of that family since LBJ swung his big dick presiding in the oval office.
    I know I've probably long ago worn out my credibility on DSP.
    Or with mylatest rants.
    No use holding back now.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Magnetic pole reversal.
    Finski and DodgerLove like this.
  5. DodgerLove

    DodgerLove DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Been such a long year already, I totally forgot about the appearance of the murder hornets.

    That's a good one too. That will definitely wreak a ton of havoc.

    I'm thinking alien invasion would fit nicely in to 2020 as well.
    TAFNAC likes this.
  6. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

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    Finski, LAdiablo and rube like this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Pole already shifted.
    The head moves first a tiny bit and the body moves slowly to match.
    Or else the body breaks.

    Boron radon and other chemicals similar to those used in the advent of photo and cinema have been pumped into the sky for years as added detergents in fuels, specially for planes.
    The sky can be used as a giant screen on to which images of light can be projected.
    For effects not unlike what was prophesied by Alan Moore in the end of watchmen the book not the other media with a different ending.
    The wool over our eyes is a mesh screen like an matrix used to filter light from one end and cast the filtered light to the other side.
    And what we can do with filters today goes beyond just puppy ears.

    Murder hornets are flying scorpions that guard a secret from all that get near except those the hornets know by instinct not to attack.
  8. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    Actually this would be a good year for the aliens to have a scheduled invasion. They probably showed up already and turned around. They are heading home to regroup and will be back in about 6500 years.
    Finski and DodgerLove like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Nah, that already happened.
    6420 years ago.
    BlueMouse likes this.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Good, let the little green bastards come...I'll be waiting for them.
    irish and rube like this.
  11. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Thank you, Charlton Heston.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    You're welcome from my cold, dead penis...
    BlueMouse, fsudog21, irish and 2 others like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Mars is red as in wrath.
    Mars is the god of war.
    Aries the god of the air and sky.
    And all that those things represent.

    Red cancels green.
    It's it's opposite.
    The results tend to be black when we use inks and dyes.
    If you bleach green it oxidises the color by mutating it into a different color in the spectrum of light. A color we usually cannot see with the naked eye.
    But it's a shade of red like all of us colored people.

    That color is called paisley or pale.
    Like Apollo. Its a light natural green when exposed.
    The golden green complexion of the people of the palace with pallid faces who need to throw up but cant because their dark green bile is overloading the bloody red cells giving them blue blood.
    And royal blue when bleached is replaced by a color we can easily see in the wash.
    Light pink.

    Green on the other hand is nature.
    Nature is thirsty as fuck.
    Very needy and envious.
    And prone to fits of uncontrollable rage if not properly satisfied.
    And whoa have people tried to satisfy it over the years...

    I would most likely bet that Mars is not what we think.
    And little green men are from earth.
    The green planet that become to royal for them.
    And maybe they decided to bale hay until we became a lighter shade of pink.

    Because if martians are from the warrior planet and they wear green I would have to think them to be elves in uniform.
    Coming back to help the dwarves they left behind when they went across the endless sea of black.
    I wonder how they will hulk out when they come back.

    Bowie says there's life on Mars.
    Scientists say there's water underneath.
    I hope that water isn't bleach.
    Because that would be caustic.
    And when you burn something long enough it becomes black.
    Even if you burn it with bleach.
    But then after a time you become pinky.
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    OK, Rube...just as long as you know that green lives matter...
    fsudog21, rube, irish and 1 other person like this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    What do you want to know.
  16. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Just cuz his name is greeny doesnt mean he one of the martians that worship and attract Marduk the god of the children of Mars the Lord of the Air and Sky and father of the Arians and their Skythians slaves who were the first graduates through the degrees of the grat frat that is the babl tour.
    He wasn't all about the green like the leppercain with the Goldman locks trolling at the end of his rainbow rope bridge.
    So I really couldn't tell you much.
    Who do you take me for John Carter?

    Ok I'll leave you with one hint.
    Martians were originally black and enslaved their own poor through criminalizing aka demonizing older customs and thoughts the young martians were no longer cool with.
    The harsh conditions of these slaves made them over time white as ghosts.
    They lost all their melanin.

    You see the martians worshipped the black hole sun.
    It warms your come.
    Makes you bigger badder stronger faster.
    They had the secret of the universe and exploited it to the fullest.
    Just like Oprah.
    The laws of physics cannot be broken but by wizards, warlocks, and priests.
    Aka scientists of different ilks.
    And they used this to gain incredible free clean energy to fuel all that they needed for a comfortable life.
    But attracting the source of great power and light began the catastrophe.
    Because worship is romancing the stone.
    It is attracting to you the object of your worship.
    And when you worship that kind of power it burns you up.
    It burns your planet up.
    Galactus is nothing in comparison.
    Neither is Unicron.
    But we getting closer.

    Closer to the pit.
    The white slaves now masters started to decline as well.
    Now the original black martians were the slaves.
    A GMO race of yellow martians was created with Zerg like characteristics.
    And they were given the scepter of sky power over the land of Mars so this new race could flourish and have a mandate over the rest.

    The yellow martian empire continued the weird science with reckless abandon.
    They had been created to be slaves by former slaves and while programmed for it found away to take over the martian world and wanted desperately to take other planets in the system.

    They created the green martians we know and love.
    You see when the catastrophies hit Mars they had earthquakes and floods and dams busting and mountains collapsing.
    The chaos causing all manner of bugs to infest the land and droughts and deadly plagues filled the land.

    The green men were not ready to go yet.
    They were still too green and not yet groening well enough.
    But Mars was dying.
    The yellow martians went from being gods of gold to vapid vacuous buckets of piss and vinegar.
    They had attracted their source so strongly that the star planet was now directly affecting it's electro magnetic field. They had pulled it near to Mars in a deathly magnetic embrace.
    Like thanos and fate.

    Only the watchers could warn them of the coming tohu va vohu caused when world's collide.
    And they probably we're not paid heed.
    The yellow martians being reduced to a sniveling bunch of yellow bellied terrible chickens without plumes.
    Martians living in the land of fire did not have any plumes on their bodies.
    Was not originally so.
    But the attraction of the dark star singed their pores and it would never grow the same again.

    The watchers grabbed the experimental new green children and put them in special state of the art escape pods and shipped them off to space like super babies from Krypton.
    If the dark star was being pulled into their orbit and all this dark light energy they enriched themselves with was going to end up being the source of their destruction... Why not try to seed this dark star with the newest most bad ass form of martian yet?
    One with all the benefits of the 3 previous martian races with none of the drawbacks... Hopefully.
    The idea would be to program their ships to teach them the martian culture. Although of course there were many martian cultures but there's always racists who only believe in the most well established cult because it feels the safest.
    Protection in numbers and martians are very adept at numbers.

    These little green martians were the cream of the crop.
    The seeds of the universe.
    With the idea that these spores if you will could parasitically grow more fun guys exponentially anywhere as long as they have a host to manage around like a valet for a wrestler and live off of like a batfly on a horses ass eating away feces stuck to it's tail.

    So that's the story of the martians.
    They had their own version of all electric sun powered flying machines.
    When you wish upon a star...
    Be careful what you wish for.
    Too many end up like pinocho.

    I guess you know the morals of these dogmas already so I'll leave you be.
    Suffice it to say in a relative way the sun is not your uncle.
    He's not your Tio and you aren't his Nephew.
    And thank God for that, that he is good.
    Because the star of their god is coming back again.
    The pit of fire is being called upon again.
    Like above in heavenly Mars.
    So below in earthly Mars 2.0.
    Or vice versa.
    We gonna find out soon enough.
    If you keep those panels up.

    But don't fear.
    The greenies are here.
    And just like in Greenland there's some fibbing involved.
    Never lies, just poetic justice.
    Because the greens you are looking for are really the browns.

    And you been dancing with Mr Brown.
    I've never work the competitors federal mark.
    Haste is hate and while in picked and I packed I never rushed a job or marked a package express.
    Its just charging the customer more for nothing.
    So tell me Mambasitos...
    What can brown do for you?
  18. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    China Virus.
  19. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    blazer5 and rube like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I know you are fucking ready.
    I read your news.
    Y'all over the CCP coming in to the golden southern land to 'help'.

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