fwiw… there is/are no marlins and there is/are no dolphins there is simply marlin and dolphin singular = plural ask an educator amirite @huh?? fucken floridian ckunts
English lesson from the great Curley Howard. When these guys cease to amuse me you might as well stick a fork in me.
also an vs a i.e. an historic event is now okay to be called a historic event had that drilled into my head so many times growing up, and now it’s whatever you want to use also heard octopi and hippopotami are out guessing prolly, shoulda and coulda are still pending ugh
I see "dominate" used as an adjective a lot, like "He's so dominate." Also, when did "could of" and "should of" become acceptable replacements for "could have" and "should have?"
Another pet peeve and I hear it more and more.........when was "t" eliminated from the alphabet for some? Our favorite Dodger on field personality calls Kershaw Clayun. I'm hearing this kind of thing more and more.
When yall' dudes conversate, it's a ginormous clusterfuck... And talk about being LAZY and a totally different take on things, exemplifying generational differences...I recently found out that the smug " better late than never", as a response to, say " dinner was at 6:30. It's now 7:05" . Was originally, as quoted by George Bernard Shaw, " better never than late". Which was the complete opposite.
Most baseball fans are probably happy with any kind of lead in the ninth. Not me. Here's hoping for at least a two-run lead, preferably three. Is that too much to ask for?
fuck Shaw the socialist and as much as i too want this shit off my lawn i fear it isn't happening anytime soon in this bozo nightmare people actually think things are going great no country for us old men indeed remember when we were radical in our thinking? saw a meme noting that the distance from 2022 to 1970 is the same as 1970 to 1918...let that sink in
You should spend some time in East London...they haven't pronounced an 'H' ever. Harry, hang your hat in the hall becomes: 'Arry, 'ang yur 'at in nee 'all.