If you guys really believe I’m that Koufax tool than your dummer than I imaged. You think I’m bad, that clown is the biggest troll I’ve ever scene. You should have scene him and that Carolina jerks on the ESPN forum. There bullys and always rip anyone who doesn’t agree with what they think. You can hate me, ban me, talk shit about me, but please don’t assosiate me with those asswholes. If you think I’m lieing just check my IP addresses. And whichever one of you peices of shits (Irish, Bluemouse, Craig) keeps banning me, you should ban those two jerks insted. Those are the kinds of posters that make this site suck so bad. So in closing, fuck all of you. You suck, DSP sucks, and you will cntinue to suck for eternety. It is your destiny. Smell ya later fuckheds.
don't know for sure who you are, nor does it matter and i've been checking your ip adresses since the first time you were banned you use one of those ip diverting programs, so nice try if you don't like koufax or codge (or anyone else here) take it up with them no need to drag everyone else into your mindless rhetoric and fwiw, i only banned you (this time) because of your closing statement well, that and your horrendous grammar
Koufax00 is definitely a clown, been a while since I've read a jerry post, but he was on the money there at least. Haha
I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but that was some funny shit...Some definite tellin' it like it is, too. man, ESPN must have been something...
I don't believe Jerry is Koufax, but I've been wrong before. I will say this, and I think KidwithGame and Knockdown (and other regulars from ESPN) will agree, about the only time Koufax and I agreed on ESPN was when we were trashing trolls. The rest of the time he and I were locked in mortal combat, and only began to truly tolerate each other towards the end. So any suggestion that we were somehow a 'tag-team' on that board are greatly exaggerated. Shit, after having said that, ...maybe he is...
You have no idea. It was an absolute zoo at times. There were the regs that kept the place somewhat sane... Codginator aka Carolina Blue, Koufax, Garvey4HOF, Chief, and Boo Radley with his virtual bar that he'd open and start slinging drinks around after wins, among many others. The Knockdown and Colorado Kid ALWAYS had quality posts, usually educating us on the farm and drafts. I was a lot more active back then. Then there were the notorious ones who loved to ruffle feathers. Public enemy #1 over the long-run was probably Feebs with his pictures of steaks and his world's-authority-on-everything attitude. Eventually he went away, but would resurface occasionally when you'd least expected it. There was DieGnatsDie aka dgd, hands-down the most negative Dodger fan I ever knew. Some people hated him for that, but eventually it became evident to many that it was simply his coping mechanism for the team's continued futility. Kendricks was a Gnat's fan during Lincicum's hey-day who would check in daily to profess his love for Timmay. Occasionally, Koufax would drift into this darker territory, and during those times would clash with some, often Carolina as previously mentioned. But none of those guys really bothered me. There was only one whom I ever allowed to get under my skin. Dfan (and his plethora of reincarnations as he was constantly getting banned) would take it personally with a volatile reaction if anyone disagreed with him on anything - perfect recipe for disaster on a message board. One day he was railing on Saito as the Dodgers closer. I replied with some stats showing how effectively he was pitching... and that's all it took. From then on we were at each others' throats almost daily. But the worst was the regular flow of random trolls. You would learn to ignore the regular trolls, but the random ones could often get a few posts in before you caught-on to their true agenda. Sometimes they would take over the board, spamming their crap machine-gun style. I remember one time back in '04 some idiot was basically creating a new post every couple seconds and had taken over a few pages. There were no mods in sight so a bunch of us decided to borrow the Expos' board. It was as empty as their stadium, so nobody objected to us moving in and talking Dodgers for the day. Yup, mods weren't around when we needed them, but came out of every nook and cranny when we didn't. Profanity wasn't allowed, and you'd get banned for the slightest offense. There were no merging of threads, so everything was scattered and disorganized -- often just a big cluster-fuck. Every now and then they'd reset everyone's post count for some lame reason. And the trolls thrived, because despite the wiser regs' advice to ignore them, there were too many who just couldn't. I hated that board, but I was an addict needing my daily fix and couldn't muster the willpower to leave. ESPN did me a favor by shutting it down. In comparison, this forum rocks! I like that duplicate threads are merged, so that I can read all relevant posts in the same place. I like that I can speak my mind using the words I choose. And I like that all posters get their due leeway, but if it becomes evident that someone has another agenda, there's a system in place to prevent that from deteriorating the board. Side note: Codge is right that Koufax is one of the good guys. Seems like he's drifted a bit recently as he's been prone to do when the team's lack of success gets to him. Hopefully he gets it out of his system soon and sticks around - it would be strange not having him here.
Come to thing of it, I remember even dfan felt you and he had come to an understanding at the end. That one, I didn't get.
lastats, you need to be more visible bro. You bring the heat when you post, good perspective on your player takes too.
We did come to somewhat of an uneasy truce. I think he was having problems coping life in general and began to tone it down a notch. Life is a bitch, kicks us all in the nuts from time to time. Dfan was a piece of work, that's a fact.
i used the be on the espn boards back in the early 90's and would occasionally stop by after that i remember most of the the guys you mentioned, and a couple others (b burnam, reserve level, slewfoot) i didn't like it that much because it seemed kinda cliquey seemed like there was this established bunch of regs that held everyone else in contempt but yeah, feebs... that idiot and his pics of beef and his wife