DODGERS Corona Virus

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by darth550, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Fear the mother of dwarves.
    All I gotta do is give her a ring.
    And she will call forth the horde

    I only punch up.
    And love older women.
    And their little dwarves.
    Shut up Irish.
    irish likes this.
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    No, patriotic programming.
    It hits the spot eh huh??
    Everyone's got a spot to hit.
    That's why it's better to have excellent bat control than maximum power.
    So you know how to pick your spots.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I'm about to do something incredibly brave.
    Something I haven't done in a long time.
    Like a month.
    Please keep me in your thoughts.
    But immabout to have a cup of coffee.
    With cream and sugar.
    if I die, I die.
    But I usually feel better after a couple plus one days.
    It's Friday though.
    So bottoms up.
    Except Irish.
    His bottoms always up.
    irish and fsudog21 like this.
  4. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Likely have the COVID. Should have the results back in 3-5 business days but who knows if I can fight off this damned, definitely not CCP engineered, virus. I hear it is so bad the whole world is willing to ruin itself. What chance do I have?
    rube, LAdiablo and THINKBLUE like this.


    Nov 2011
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    You're done bruh.

    But for real- I hope your experience is more comfortable then a few of the others who have experienced it and you make a quick recovery! Keep us updated
    Bluezoo, irish, rube and 1 other person like this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    lots of liquid, vitamin c, wellness formula zand echinacea spray w sleep
    not gonna take down BigDaddy
    irish, rube, blazer5 and 1 other person like this.
  7. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Hang in there bro
    Bluezoo and rube like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Lots of rest. Lots of fluids.
    Vitamin D. Vitamin C. Quercetin, Zinc, Melatonin at night.

    Marik COVID-19 Protocol,
    All the medcram YouTube videos.
    irish and rube like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You gonna die bro.
    But after that you can join is in the grateful dead 2!
    We tryn to go on tour.

    Lissen hear,
    A lady of a certain age.
    Lets call her Angel of Purity.
    Stays in her niche wearing her nikes.
    She does not visit nor does she partake.
    By staying in the shade she believes her victory made.

    Then one day three months by her go.
    Her son comes to visit and she takes a pass.
    She wont partake of his folly and sass.
    For he thinks that the covid too will surely pass.
    But the angel wishes to remain pure and makes her son go.

    After another three months her grandchild arrives.
    Back from school which has shuttered and died.
    Grandma I learned a new thing about this affliction of ours!
    Away dear boy you sound infectious and probably have sars.
    That's what I wanted to tell you my mammy so dear.
    This thing is like sars and with this cure we can be near.
    Away said the grandma, leave dear child from here!

    One morning old grandma fell ill with the chill.
    They came wearing masks and plastic overalls
    Fully protected they took her away.
    Everyone following protocol like in one of those films.
    But this aint a movie and soon you will know.
    That dear old mammy on her way had a stroke.
    She died all alone in that cold room with no view.
    Just like the morgue that will take all of you.
    With no one to hold you and no one to care.
    When you fall forever and no one catches you.
    That dream we've all dreamed is prophetic and true.
    We'll all fall forever and die just like you.

    But fuck falling down that's no way to go.
    Its best to stand up and carry that tune.
    Now grandma was always in tune with the news.
    She knew what was up at the top of the pops.
    At least that's what they told her and she felt for it it too!
    She was prepared for the end just like me and you.
    In her cortez shoes dressed and ready to go.

    Nobody touched her so how did she die?
    She survived the stroke actually just fine.
    It was just gas that had gotten dislodged.
    Like a bad fart that went up instead down.
    The thing with your gut its a mind of its own.
    Almost as many brain cells there than those in your skull.
    And that is not something they teach you in school.
    You have to dig deep like a thief in the night.
    If you want to learn skulduggery and be a Dodger for life.
    A billion of billions of soldiers you have.
    All fighting till death daily for your behalf.
    All angels from heaven under cover of night.
    But not purely clean ones like grandma on high.
    Peace be upon her as she smiles to us bye.
    We'll see her face smile one day at the rez.
    When she'll glow like an angel in heaven once more.
    Even though she didn't let me in the door.

    I had told grandma the story of cortez.
    He brought more than soldiers to make up the dead.
    With him came disease and all sorts of bad plague.
    But grandma was old and already knew the score.
    She went to school too child what could you possibly know!
    I was a teacher of course don't you recall!
    I taught forty years and it wasn't for naught.
    I have awards and degrees you entitled twat!
    Grammy never spoke like that but you get the gist.
    In fact I never had a grandma to ask.
    This whole story was bullshit on rye.
    But I wrote it because I'm missing an eye.
    In this land im blind but the new world I see.
    Cuz I eat me spinach like the pupil off pops eye.

    And your one of mine.
    I know your the kind.
    Search deep inside.
    You know that its true.
    There's gold there for me.
    There's gold there for you.
    In your enemies mine.
    And your aim is true.

    Remove the band aids that cover your eyes.
    Then maybe you'll see me if you use your sweet tooth.
    My name is sweet pea boy and how do you do.
    You know how I do im just like my pappy.
    His name means epic and that means some strife.
    Like eris its the name of the earth.
    You better be ready when the bad boys come for you.
    Or you can fear the corona.
    If you can't carry the crown.

    Ill leave you with one last verse for your mind to traverse.
    That mind is a mine that has hunger and thirst.
    If you feed it with junk that's all you will find.
    But if you feed it with gold man what gems won't you mine.
    Ore in its brute is the form that you want.
    So you can mold it and shape it exact as you are.
    But it also needs love like a girl on the block.
    Sure she's got germs but remember your gut?
    It needs all that lovin even from that slut.
    Because shes got what you need.
    When your germs say please please.
    We missing some friends to party and feast.
    We've been here all lonely for almost six months.
    I wonder will happen when they meet some sluts.
    I'm sure we'll be fine all cloroxed and pure.
    With only my germs and those of my home.
    I should be rock solid the day I go out.
    No no mijito says grannys loud shout.
    You hearing voices that are in your head.
    Because you aren't crazy just halfway to dead.
    My rhymes getting stale and i'm missing my shot.
    But if your an angel remember this cue.
    The purer you are the dirtier the fall.
    If your becoming an angel be ready to turn.
    Because the fall from your high horse will feel like a burn.
    An angel has wings but a heavenly gut.
    One that is light but has nowhere to rut.
    The body needs antibodies so don't be afraid.
    Hang out with your buddies like if they were raid.
    Their breath will feed you the life that plants crave.
    And your gut will thank you for filling the cave.
    For billions of soldiers that may die for you someday.
    So you will be ready for the bulls on parade.
  10. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    You forgot fuck the Giants.
    Finski likes this.
  11. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Keeping good thoughts for you BDK.
  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    ^ this post could make anyone question whether they even want to live
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i cant believe you read the whole thing
    i cant believe i wrote it
    i think its the last one for me
    im feeling much better
    I can almost write sentences without thinking in meter.
    Even though I don't have a clue whats a meter.
    Althought i'd like to meter.
    Just not demeter.
    Fuck here I go again.
  14. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Finski and rube like this.
  15. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Well at this time I am 50, Quite smoking almost 6 years ago and have never had any issues with lungs/breathing/asthma or any other breathing issues. I have mild diabetes under control without isoline, good cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.

    I was a bit overweight but still very active working physically daily. Swimming and/or walking 1 hour per day, I lost 25 lbs but have gained 5 back last week upon returning to eating again. I didn't(couldn't) eat for 2 weeks straight.
    Finski, rube, LAdiablo and 1 other person like this.
  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    wow i didn't know not eating was part of it, that's devastating and has to be part of what breaks people down and does them in
    was it because your throat was so swollen?
    sorry if i'm asking too many questions
    good to hear you are taking care of yourself
    been fighting for the last two months to regain my girlish figure after all this lockdown
    sailed into the abyss for a minute there and found myself looking at a fat drunk in the mirror
    man's not meant to lay about doing nothing
    been staying out of the women's bathroom these days?
    rube and LAFord like this.
  17. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    173 remamber that!

    Well you lose the senses of smell and really lose them. Anything I I ate I wanted to gag and even throw up. I could barely eat anyhing before involuntary gag reflex kicks in. Weird shit for me as I love to eat, so I knew I was fucked up.

    Don't be sorry for asking questions, that's why I came back to tell you all about this stuff. I was kind of in denial camp and know that we have been lied to about this by many officials and governments. Lies or not, the truth is this thing will kill some of us and not just fat old people with asthma. Likely most of the poepl will survive obviously but some won't. I was far closer to death than I ever thought this thing would put me. Anything I can share with you guys I'm glad too. I want to help you guys understand from someone who fought this and kknowing many others that did also as well as a few of my co workers that are still hospitalized at this time.

    I went to talking with my friends about how None Of Us knew ANYONE that had this virus to 25 -30 in about a 2 week span!

    fsudog21, rube and LAdiablo like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Keep checking with your doc.
    Reports of the corona response in the body triggering fibrous mutations that cause bony growths within the body.
    Not saying you may grow antlers or horns but it's possible.
    Keep an eye on the hardening or calcifying of glands.
    HPV infection or other viruses in the body may be triggered and mutated from the strain.
    If you all of a sudden gain the ability to talk to animals to turn into Groot please let us know.
    LAFord likes this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    Fordie already has horns
    add a few beers and he's got a poor sense of direction as well
    irish, blazer5 and rube like this.
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Forget about Covid-19 ...BUBONIC PLAGUE IS BACK!!!!!
    Ring around the rosey....
    TAFNAC and rube like this.

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