Food for thought if Dre is your second best hitter and Loney possibly your third and neither one is under contract for 2013 it is saying we got some holes to fill one way or the other.
The thing is, Ethier isn't whining about a contract. If you read his interviews, in the past year he hasn't complained about ownership because of lack of money handed to Ethier. If that were the case, would he really have settled for the money he did? I know you want to say 10 mil is being overpaid, but anyone who clearly knows the arb process, one in which James Loney can get a significant raise afer being one of the worst 1B, understands that Ethier could have, and possibly should have, gotten a lot more this year. Anyways, he hasn't complained abot ownership for his own sake but his thoughts have more been along the lines of that Ned and Frank and too cheap and stupid to get good players to the Dodgers, or to retain them. His complaints have been about seeing the Angels get Pujols/Wilson, seeing the Phillies go out there and land top pitchers, and not bringing back #55 over like 750 K or wtv (an argument in itself, but still) Now, these arguments have been turned by the media as to him being mad about no long-term deal and a billion dollars and then Ethier being Pedroias friend has been the worst thing ever, I guess only some guys can have friends on other teams Also, yes, ethier can be a dick but its funny, he's a dick cause these assholes aren't his friends, and who cares? Do we really care if Ethier and Dylan Hernandez are friends? I don't. Not once in this offseason has he even complained about money, show me the quote where he says, "Yeah everyone shut up im mad cause of what I get paid" Not once has he said this. All he has said is EXACTLY what you shold want someone who has a lot to prove to say, "Im going to shut upand just play, i'm here to talk about baseball" I bet if the media would have asked him baseball related questions he answers (like he did... when asked about his cage session he responded that he didnt like it) but instead they ask him about money, money, money. If this guy only cared about money, he'd put a deadline for contract extensions, which he hasn't and has in fact said he'd be willing to talk extension mid season (something rare) So come on guys, I'm not saying to love the guy if you don't want, but I'm gonna appreciate our 2nd best hitter for who he is and not run him out and be left with Loney as our 2nd best hitter, a feat that most minor league teams could surpass.
I understand how folks feel about Dre but the interpretation of all of what is happening with him is coming from the press which I have no love for. The best thing he can do is not talk about his contract status or next year because some of the LA press will make it a negative story just for the freaking headline.
The real test for Dre will be how he reacts to hitting behind Kemp in the 4 hole and not the 3 hole before him. When hitting 2nd he will have Kemp behind him.
If Ethier hits 2nd, our lineup is going to be the fucking worst 4-9... Donnie should spread the shittiness around a bit
I was accused of being Kemps mother in the other forum. Hmm come to think of it it was suggested I had some sort of abnormal relationship with Loney a few months ago and now I am being to kind to Dre? Wait a minute I liked Martin and wanted him to stay. What the hell is it with me. The one thing I can say is that I didn't defend Broxton. Did anyone? Yes I like Bills. With Brox I was always worried that his trip to and from the mound after being lifted might result in a delay of game penalty against us. I do hope he does well in KC.
i don't think it was hating. i don't remember people here calling for a trade. it was just the baserunning errors and general lack of focus that tweaked people back then. kemp would be one of the first to say he wasn't living up to his potential. now he is. w andre i think what you see is what you get. nice hitter. thinks he's better than he is. and just vanishes for long stretches blaming it on anything but himself. wanting to trade him is not my preference but when we talk about all the things this team needs a guy like this might be able to fill two or three of those holes. i wasn't saying give him away. just not thinking the omens bode well here. i can easily see some jd drew in him. he gets the big contract and plays well maybe 40 percent of it. the rest is spent in his head on the ir.
I have fallen into the first two categories but for some reason I have been for trading Ethier for two years. His antics bug me. Manny, I dealt with because I saw him as a hired gun who is paid to hit. Ethier seems to be that guy who just needs to have his say. I guess it because I remember when he first came up and was bright-eyed and terrible at interviews and his become a diva. It just rubs me wrong. I also think that Ethier would have grabbed the most in a trade.