RIP Donald Sutherland... dude was always good in everything. If you've never seen him in a film called "" Eye of the Needle", seek it out. Wicked good film. He's a Nazi spy in this, definitely not a goofy, halarious dude like in " Kelly's Heroes". Damn, we lose a real pro with tremendous range with his passing.
Looking at two extreme "upcoming debate" closeups of these two jerkoffs, I come away with that Joe's last plastic surgery better be his last because his eyes are so small now, another round of it would render him blind. And the guy has deep (really deep) camel neck.
23-year-old new mom attempts to become 1st woman to win gender-neutral title in pro cornhole event going to place a couple of bets on those Castro district boys
Probably what she/ he/ it did while she was raking in 300 large $ for being a no- show ghost administrator of Chicago General hospital was it ? (Sorry, I still can't seem to imbed pics)
Ricky Cobb, the mastermind behind X's twitterfeed Super70sSports, is getting an Outkick show now ... Guy is hilarious & creative, the sweet bastard.