A harbinger...a portend of things to come. The Padres will gain ground as the season progresses, bolstered by their spectacular trade deadline acquisitions and the return of the prodigal son, Tatis, Jr. Who will be hailed as the new Yahwey. Old testament stuff. And they will overtake us in the last week of the season, when we go 1 out of 7 from the Rockies. As is the cosmic script written. Nah, just kidding. Not.
Now 0-5 in home games vs the Pirates and Nationals....imagine the serious coin we all could've made betting against the Dodgers in those games
Question: Does Davey know he only has this job to fill a quota, or does he really think he adds any value to this team?
How dare you infer that gobbledygook...why, sitting Bellinger today after he got another HR just yesterday, is proof that he knows precisely what he's doing. A master...the Boris Spastic of the baseball chess game... The Lia Thomas of women's swimming competition... The Max Muncy of high batting average...
why do you think you got such a great deal on those seats? and rube is the stoned Mexican but the drunk ones at the stadium are pretty chill ime
This is the kind of baseball commentary that might even enthuse me into worshipping ra ra ra. What am I saying. Fuck the sun, long live the shade. Because as bright as apollo shines where do you think he resides during our age of apocalypse? Not in the skies above scythia. But in the depths of everything dissed to the land of the sid ruled by dis. He's now holding grandpas scythe. Coming hard from the bottomless pit. As soon as the restrainer let's him loose. But since we playing prophet I wanna play. One day you will see masked men on the streets. No not Batman and Robin but people with emblems on their chest nonetheless. And the emblem will say AIDS. These will be a type of civil dependant/servant. They will assist people that have some money so they can have access to the basic staples of life and whatever medication/drug they use. They will be clearly marked and identifiable. And kept free of fleas and ticks. AIDS will have literal HIV but it will he undetectable due to new laws promote the propagation of HIV, Crown19, Monkeypox, Batpox, Ratpox and other full spectrum viruses across the population. These viruses sometimes leave inflammation that causes damage over time to affected tissue. The vaccines actually make this after effects worst and semi permanent leaving the person with a variety of symptoms. All of these post covid people have undetectable AIDS like symptoms. They are being groomed in order to create a new underclass of servants that the coming generations can feel superior to and not feel any moral pangs having them as helots they can purge once a year to thin the third of the most loser of the losers. These new helots will have to compete with the newest of immigrants and the immigrants will ne more powerful and bully the AIDS class for being weak devils. Since they fled their country when they were about to classify them with the devils too. Essential workers get to look down and do as their told. Never look at the customer in the eye and always wear your mask even if the customers don't. For now. That kind of dhimmitude gets old. And when it does most folks gonna wish they lived in the garden of the tarded instead of in the land of the nodding who say yas dear to anything that lets them ride the gravy train of the get along gang. There will come a time soon when those people will say nope. And then we gonna get to see new Bible chapters written live.
Tried to tell ya.... Whenever I go to a day game, I find the seats in as far back of the loge as I can find. View is still killer, no sun to bother.
you did we brought our own food but i hadn’t had a dodger dog in years so i decided to try one it was absolute shit at least the farmer john’s used to be edible and it wasn’t grilled as advertised and how do you fuck up fries? but whatev at least we got to see that first inning after that it was pretty dull and uncomfortable btw, dino ebel is a pimp